
Tout Wars was formed in 1998. Configurations have changed from year to year, and the emphasis has changed from the player’s company to the player him or her self. These final standings are the bare record. If you have a more complete record (draft list, prices, final standings with category stats, etc) or corrections please send them to the webmaster.

Historical Final Standings for AL, NL, Mixed Draft and Auction Leagues, Draft and Hold, Mixed Draft SOLDS, and H2H (see tabs) Click Here

Record Performances for all leagues. (Standings and Record Performances updated for 2024)

2023 Draft Results: AL, NL, Mixed Auction, Mixed Draft 15, Draft and Hold, H2H, Mixed Draft 15 (SOLDS), one file, separate tabs

2022 Draft Results: AL, NL, Mixed Auction, Mixed Draft 15, Draft and Hold, H2H, Mixed Draft 12 (SOLDS), one file, separate tabs

2021 Draft results: AL, NL, Mixed Auction, Mixed Draft 15, Draft and Hold, H2H, Mixed Draft 12, one file, separate tabs.

2020 Draft results: AL, NL, Mixed Auction, Mixed Draft, H2H, Draft and Hold, one file, separate tabs.

2019 Draft results: AL, NL, Mixed Auction, Mixed Draft, H2h, one file, separate tabs.

2018 Draft results, AL, NL, Mixed Auction, Mixed Draft, H2h, one file, separate tabs.

2017 Draft results, AL, NL, Mixed Auction, Mixed Draft, H2h, one file, separate tabs.

2016 Draft results, AL, NL, Mixed Auction, Mixed Draft, H2H, one file, separate tabs.

2015 Draft results, AL, NL, Mixed Auction, Mixed Draft, one file, separate tabs.

2014 Draft results. AL, NL, Mixed Auction, Mixed Draft, one file, separate tabs.

2013 Draft results. AL, NL, Mixed, Mixed Draft, one file separate tabs

2012 Draft Results AL, NL, MIXED, one file separate tabs

2011: Draft Results AL | NL | MIXED

Tout Wars Leaderboard Up until 2019. Ranked by Career Winnings. Each entry is charged an imaginary $100. Each of the Top Third finishing teams split the pot (8,4,2,1 ratio for 12 team league, 16,8,4,2,1 for 15 team). The blue bars represent partnerships. There are individual lines for members of partnerships. Yellow highlights are for organizations. Please let us know if you know the individual who represented that organization. We’d like to give them credit. Updated with 2019 results. We hope to revive it and update it sometime soon.

5 thoughts on “History”

  1. Then why do I remember the league in 1996 and 1997? I’m not crazy. The first year of records is 1998, but Ron started the league before that. Most of us were recruited from the USA Today Baseball Weekly LABR league run by John Hunt.

  2. Tout Wars started before 1998. I was a founding member at least as far back as 1996.
    – Stu Baron

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