Tout Wars Recaps: Spanning the Globe

Rob Steingall | Peter Kreutzer | Will Carroll | Joe Sheehan | Eric Mack | raygu | Mike Siano | Jeff Erickson | Lenny Melnick | Cory Schwartz | Brian Walton | JP Kastner | Scott Pianowski | Lawr Michaels | Jason Mastrodonato | Jason Collette | Michael Salfino | Matthew Berry | Tristan Cockcroft | Brendan Roberts

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My Bad Hairston Day

Alex Patton
A Bad Hairston Day
Tout Wars Mixed

The first thing you think – or ought to think – when you’re asked to join a 17-team mixed league is, man, that’s a tall mountain to climb. If you play it straight, you maybe have a one in-ten-chance of getting to the top, because at least that many of your opponents know as much as you do about major league baseball players and what they are capable of doing. The only way to increase your chances is to cheat. Continue reading “My Bad Hairston Day”