wow. what a game #163. throughout it, mike and i were texting one another with possibilities, thoughts, highs, and lows. not to mention rick wolfe sent me a note noting that though i was in first, that there were a number of variables that could rattle the statistical house of cards and send my team tumbling below mike’s.
but, rick porcello pitched well enough, and jason kubel belted a homer to secure third in that category for me, and in the end, amazingly, my team prevailed.
but, not without a serious fight. mike forced me to keep pressing hard all season, something essential to win any league.
and, well, mike plays as well as the two best players i know: jason grey and tony blengino (though tony retired from fantasy when he started working for the brewers a few years back).
not to mention ron, who came out of nowhere to threaten my peace.
i am still shaking my head with some kind of disbelief that i won, but, there are the standings, proving i did.
what a year, capped by that amazing twins tigers game.
in closing, thanks for following us here. thx to mike and ron for forcing me to play my hardest. and, of course, thx to monsieur peter kreutzer who was our SWAT and who organized and managed the web site here.
see you all next year (and don’t forget to log into, the little site that grabbed two tout and two nfbc titles this year!)