TOUT WARS NL: Get your 2012 Lineup Here

This year’s Tout Wars NL slate, in order of first round of reserve picks. The number after their names is the amount of FAAB money they start with this year. # indicates a TW AL rookie.

Steve Gardner (100)

Brian Walton (100)

Tristan Cockcroft (100)

Peter Kreutzer (100)

Scott Wilderman (100)

Lenny Melnick/Paul Greco (100)

Todd Zola (100)

Chris Liss (98)

Mike Gianella (97)

Phil Hertz (97)

Dean Peterson (94) #

Scott Pianowski (86)

Nate Ravitz (85)

The Tout Wars NL auction will be held March 25 at 10am. For more details check and #toutwars.

TOUT WARS AL 2012: Your Lineup

This year’s Tout Wars AL slate, in order of the first round of reserve picks. The number after their names is the amount of FAAB money they start with this year. # indicates a TW AL rookie. [UPDATE: Reserve Order Fixed!]

Larry Schechter (100)

Jeff Erickson (100)

Joe Sheehan (100)

Rob Leibowitz (100)

Matthew Berry (100)

Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton (100)

Jason Collette (100)

Andy Behrens (100) #

Ron Shandler (99)

Steve Moyer (96)

Mike Siano (87)

Lawr Michaels (85)

The Tout Wars AL Draft will be held on March 24 at 9am. Follow details here at and #toutwars.


Ron Shandler Inducted Into the FSWA Hall of Fame!

Ron invented Tout Wars (with a band of Merry Men who will remain nameless on this occasion). Congratulations, Ron!