Though Tout Wars leagues are not money leagues, one way to measure a tout’s success is to pay the winners as if there were money involved.
Each year we charge each entry an imaginary $100, then divide the purse to the top 33 percent of the winners, with first place earning 50 percent and each place behind that half as much. In 15 team leagues the payouts are $674, $287, $93, -$3, -$51. In 12 team leagues the payouts are $540, $220, $60, $-20.
With his rookie win in Tout H2H, Jeff Zimmerman has the highest average win per season, slightly ahead of Adam Ronis, who has two firsts and fourth in his three season.
Ronis is tied with Fred Zinkie, on average. Zinkie has three firsts, two seconds and a fourth in his six seasons. Zinkie’s winning total is second overall, a little behind Tout Wars’ six time champion Larry Schechter.
Head over to the chart to see how the Touts are doing.