Mike Gianella Wins Tout Wars NL for the Second Time in Three Years!

That could be the headline if the final Tout NL standings at the end of the season are the same as the projected standings heading into the season. The projected standings are based on the players taken in the Tout NL auction using baseballHQ.com‘s projections.

onRoto.com, the Tout Wars stat service, offers projected standings based on rest of the year stats from two sources. In the other standings, based on Clay Davenport’s projections, onRoto owner Scott Wilderman is projected to finish first, with Gianella in second, but we should disregard those. Wilderman uses the Davenport projections to make up his bidding list.

Sign Up For Doubt Wars Is Now Closed!

This is the place. The rules are the same as last year. Put together a $260 team paying what the Touts paid, plus $1. Compete against other Doubt Wars players, and at the end of the year we’ll add in the real Touts, too.

Winners win some small but nice prizes, like the Fantasy Baseball Guide, a copy of the Baseball Forecaster from BaseballHQ and a platinum subscription to Mastersball.com. But the real goal is to beat the Touts.

The AL and NL leagues are full, and there are just a few remaining spots available in the Mixed league.

FIll in the form and we’ll start adding names to leagues tonight. When you log in to onRoto.com you should see your entry listed. Draft your team and you’re on your way.

NOTICE: Make sure you’re drafting 23 players, 14 hitters and 9 pitchers, for $260 or less, just as they do it in Tout Wars. Note: The software doesn’t enforce roster limits, and if you have too many players or spend too much money your rosters will be arbitrarily cut on Monday, when we go live. So please get it right!

Your team must be completely entered by Monday morning, April 3rd.


The Touts Talk About Their Drafts!

The (spreadsheet) with auction results is here. Use the tabs for each league.

Steve Gardner wrote a general piece about Tout Weekend. Jake Ceily with lessons learned from the Tout auctions. Howard Bender on strategy, and Sporer and Zinkie at Tout.

Tout Mixed Draft:  Gonos | Gamble | Ronis | White | Murphy (baseballHQ subscribers only)

Tout Head 2 Head: Bender | Ciely | Link | Bell (by Mason) | Kreutzer

Tout AL: Leibowitz | Erickson | Liss | Davitt | Michaels

Tout Mixed Auction: Zimmerman (previews Replacement Level | Player evaluations | Final Standings | League Tendencies) | Flowers | Zinkie and Steinhorn | Shandler | Melchior | VanRiper | Heaney/VanRiper Podcast | Sayre | Pianowski | Swanay

Tout NL: Gianella | Albright | Behrens | Cockcroft | Gardner | Walton

Tout Mixed Draft Winners! Preseason Style.

Our stat provider, onRoto.com, has a feature that allows us to apply two sets of projections to the current rosters, and see the year’s “final” standings before the season even starts.

Gary Davenport’s projections like Greg Ambrosius and Anthony Perri:

While the BaseballHQ projections tip to Anthony Perri and Greg Ambrosius, with a helping of Ray Murphy:

It’s probably a comfort to two-time defending champ Adam Ronis (and everyone other than Ambrosius, Perri and Murphy, that last year’s projected standings had him finishing 10th and ninth respectively. That’s why we let them play.

See you on Opening Day!

How To Follow Tout Wars Mixed Draft Tonight, March 7!

The live spreadsheet is here.

Colton and the Wolfman are covering the draft from 8pm to Midnight tonight on SiriusXM.

Rotoman will be talking about the draft live on the Tout Wars Facebook page.

Tim McLeod will be chatting from inside the draft room on his Facebook page.

Come join us!

Coming Up! Tout Wars Mixed Draft. Tuesday, March 7 at 8pm!

Yes, the gladiators are donning their cheat sheets, warming up their CPUs, making last minute checks on playing time. The Tout Wars Mixed Draft is this Tuesday night at 8pm.

You can follow along with Colton and the Wolfman, on SiriusXM at 8pm.

There will be a live spreadsheet link right here, to follow along, and join us on the Tout Wars Facebook page, for tracking and conversation.

You’ll find a list of this year’s players right here.

We look forward to seeing you!

Come Watch the Touts Auction, At Rock ‘N’ Reilly’s in New York City.

The Dates:

March 24 at 7pm: Tout Wars Head 2 Head

March 25 at 9am: Tout Wars AL
March 25 at 3pm: Tout Wars Mixed Auction

March 26 at 10am: Tout Wars NL

Who’s playing? Click here.

The Place:

Rock ‘N’ Reilly’s Irish Rock Pub in the Renaissance Hotel.
Home of the FNTSY Sports Network.
218 West 35th Street, NYC (on the rooftop on the fifth floor)

See you there!

Instead of candles and glasses, imagine draft sheets and laptops and the hungriest fantasy baseball experts in the world. All weekend long! You’re invited.

Your 2017 Tout Wars Contenders, Revealed!

The 20th Annual Tout Wars Baseball Experts Leagues are getting ready to rumble.

The Mixed Draft League will take place March 7th, at 8pm, and be covered live by Colton and the Wolfman on SiriusXM radio as well as here at ToutWars.com.

Tout Weekend is March 24-26, in New York City. The schedule:

March 24, evening: Tout Head 2 Head Auction.

March 25, morning: Tout AL Auction

March 25: afternoon: Tout Mixed Auction Auction

March 25, night: Party at Foley’s New York, West 33rd Street

March 26, morning: Tout NL Auction.

League changes this year, see…

Nando DiFino moving into Tout AL
Ron Shandler moving into Tout Mixed Auction
Brent Hershey moving into Tout Mixed Auction
Jeff Zimmerman moving into Tout Mixed Auction
David Gonos moving into Tout Mixed Draft

and the arrival of four new Touts in H2H:

Clay Link: Rotowire.com
Dr. Roto: Scout Fantasy, Host, Sirius XM Fantasy Sports Radio
Kyle Elfrink
Vlad Sedler: Rotowire.com, BaseballHQ, FantasyGuru Elite

You can see the full league rosters here.

Welcome aboard!