Mastersball’s FAAB Report June 9, 2014: Scott Swanay Props Edition

The Mastervision FAAB report continues to develop, including more opinion and analysis of moves. It has gone from being an invaluable record of bids and winners to a lively commentary on the goings on in Tout Wars.

This week Todd Zola points out the Scott Swanay, bedeviled on auction day in the Mixed auction league with too much money, has managed his team into a competitive position in the first division (barely as of today). This despite losing Jose Fernandez, everybody’s ace, for the season. Keep clawing, Scott!

Brian Walton speaks of my own bedeviled situation in Tout NL. In dollar days I took a flyer on Kris Bryant, the Cubs future slugger, but when he started slowly in Double-A and it became clear that he wasn’t going to be a June callup to the majors, I offered him around the league. Crickets, so I released him in order to hold onto someone I valued more. In May, Bryant got hot, and Mike Gianella picked him up for $1 FAAB a couple of weeks ago.

Apparently, Mike also came to the conclusion that Bryant’s next stop would be Iowa City, not Chitown, but when he offered him up yesterday Gene McCaffrey leaped with $50 of FAAB. What a difference a day (well, more like 45 of them) makes.


Tout Wars Weekly FAAB Report, from Mastersball

The boys at Mastersball look at this week’s excited bids for Rubby De La Rosa, Daisuke Matsuzaka, and Tommy La Stella. Read their comments here.

Mastersball FAAB Report, plus Todd’s Take, for May 26, 2014

As they do each and every week, Mastersball’s writers survey the week’s Tout Wars FAAB action. Recently, the Lord Todd Zola has been adding his two cents, as well. Good stuff from Mastersball.

This Week’s BidMeister Report for Tout Wars! May 19, 2014 provides personal and in depth coverage of all the FAAB moves made in the four Tout Wars leagues, this week and every week! Who bid what, and sometimes why.

(Bidmeister is the software that administers each week’s FAAB auctions at

Do you BP?

Tout NL owner Mike Gianella has a new article reviewing first quarter fantasy standings and performance in Tout Wars, LABR and the CBSsports experts leagues.

If you are a Baseball Prospectus subscriber you will find it of interest. If not, don’t bother clicking the link, it’s behind the pay wall.

This Week’s (May 12) Transactions from!

Big bidders:

NL: Kreutzer: $8, reduced to $5 for Eric Campbell, $8, reduced to $1 for Chase Anderson. Kreutzer wrote about his moves here.

AL: Shandler: $36, reduced to $38 for Roughned Odor.

Mix Auc: Heaney: $17, tied with DiFino for Drew Pomeranz.
Davitt: $19, reduced to $15 for Tyler Lyons.

Mix Draft: Sarris: $11, reduced to $10 for Bryan Shaw.
Ambrosius: $10, essentially tied with Charlie Wiegert’s $9 bid (who also bid $9 on Bryan Shaw), for Juan Francisco. has compiled all the action, with commentaries. Read it here!

April Earnings Report, AL and NL Leagues

Rotoman published his April earnings report for 5×5 only leagues using Batting Average, then realized that there really should be one for Tout Wars followers that includes OBP earnings.

Here it is. The pitching sheets are identical. The hitting sheet includes an OBP column and a column calculating the difference.

Clearly OBP types like Votto and Santana and Choo, who are off to weak starts this year, retain a bigger percentage of their value because of their ability to take walks. Will that mean that other owners will covet them despite their issues?