Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of May 22

Welcome to Matt McLain week. The new Reds shortstop was the hot commodity this week.

If you want to check out all the moves, not to mention the standings and rosters of any Tout Wars league, just click on the header above each set of pick-ups.

American League

Player Team Bid
JUrquidy, Hou Larry Schechter 88
WCastro, Min Jeff Erickson 73
GAllen, NYY Jason Collette 43
TVavra, Bal Patrick Davitt 13
JKelly, CWS Doug Dennis 12
ROHearn, Bal Jeff Erickson 11
GActon, Oak Rob Leibowitz 8
CHernandez, KC Joe Sheehan 8
RGonzalez, CWS Mike Podhorzer 8
DLynch, KC Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 5
JBarlow, Tex Jason Collette 5
JMalloy, Det Patrick Davitt 5
BRortvedt, NYY Joe Sheehan 2
KHigashioka, NYY Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 1

National League

Player Team Bid
MMcLain, Cin Grey Albright 377
BMiller, LAD Phil Hertz 132
KPillar, Atl Peter Kreutzer 113
OMercado, StL Wilderman/Prior 109
BWilliamson, Cin Rick Graham 91
HCastro, Col Wilderman/Prior 75
BLively, Cin Ian Kahn 62
GSanchez, NYM Brian Walton 53
MRojas, LAD Derek Carty 52
LMaile, Cin Todd Zola 47
PBurdick, Mia Steve Gardner 36
PBailey, SF Brian Walton 29
JHoffman, Phi Ian Kahn 22
MTauchman, ChC Ian Kahn 18
TMarcano, Pit Rick Graham 17
JPayamps, Mil Brian Walton 15
MToglia, Col Rick Graham 13
RWeathers, SD Peter Kreutzer 7
BSuter, Col Steve Gardner 4
JIrvin, Was Rick Graham 3
MBrosseau, Mil Peter Kreutzer 3
RAdams, Was Phil Hertz 3
AAbbott, Cin Rick Graham 1
JBrigham, NYM Phil Hertz 1

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
MMcLain, Cin Justin Mason 127
BSabol, SF Zach Steinhorn 47
RWeathers, SD Nick Pollack 38
OMercado, StL CJ Kaltenbach 37
PBailey, SF CJ Kaltenbach 37
MCastro, Ari Garion Thorne 35
BDoyle, Col Scott Engel 31
MVientos, NYM Kev Mahserejian 30
JShuster, Atl Brent Hershey 21
AFaedo, Det Kev Mahserejian 18
BBielak, Hou Jeff Zimmerman 11
DHall, Bal Kev Mahserejian 8
BWilliamson, Cin Scott Engel 7
GWilliams, Cle Brent Hershey 6
HCastro, Col Scott Chu 6
MGarcia, KC Jeff Zimmerman 5
GSanchez, NYM Kev Mahserejian 4
MDubon, Hou Scott Chu 4
JCaballero, Sea Scott Engel 4
KGraveman, CWS Scott Swanay 4
GSheets, CWS Justin Mason 3
RCastro, Pit Scott Chu 3

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid
BMiller, LAD Shelly Verougstraete 76
JShuster, Atl Dr, Roto 45
MOzuna, Atl Tim McLeod 43
MVientos, NYM Anthony Perri 43
BSinger, KC Rudy Gamble 37
BDoyle, Col Dr, Roto 35
MLorenzen, Det Anthony Perri 34
EDeLaCruz, Cin Rudy Gamble 33
PDeJong, StL Ray Murphy 29
EJulien, Min Scott White 28
AFaedo, Det Anthony Perri 23
LMaile, Cin Ryan Bloomfield 16
OMercado, StL Dr, Roto 16
CVazquez, Min Anthony Aniano 12
OMiller, Mil Anthony Perri 12
JOviedo, Pit AJ Mass 10
WCastro, Min AJ Mass 10
OArcia, Atl Scott White 8
JSegura, Mia Adam Ronis 6
KWaldichuk, Oak Mike Gianella 3
PBurdick, Mia Rudy Gamble 3
RWeathers, SD Adam Ronis 1
JPeterson, Oak Scott White 0

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
MLiberatore, StL Geoff Pontes 178
BMiller, LAD Greg Jewett 54
MGonzales, Sea Ariel Cohen 34
BSinger, KC Paul Sporer 33
MMcLain, Cin Michael Govier 32
BDeLaCruz, Mia Greg Jewett 27
MStrahm, Phi Paul Sporer 24
JShuster, Atl Ryan Hallam 23
JBurger, CWS Michael Govier 22
PDeJong, StL Greg Jewett 18
CKimbrel, Phi Ariel Cohen 14
MVientos, NYM Sky Dombroske 14
LOrtiz, Pit Michael Govier 9
AWood, SF Sky Dombroske 9
MConforto, SF Geoff Pontes 8
BWilliamson, Cin Lauren Auerbach 7
HGaddis, Cle Michael Govier 7
DFloro, Mia Sky Dombroske 2
MMoniak, LAA Joe Gallina 1
JCandelario, Was Clay Link 0

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
MMcLain, Cin Sara Sanchez 142
LGurriel, Ari Chris Towers 68
YGomes, ChC Jennifer Piacenti 56
GStone, LAD Sara Sanchez 48
JPaxton, Bos Sara Sanchez 46
JBurger, CWS Brian Entrekin 17
BGraterol, LAD Chris Towers 7
BBielak, Hou Brian Entrekin 7
BDoyle, Col Brian Entrekin 6
HNeris, Hou Andy Behrens 4
MStrahm, Phi Jeff Boggis 3
BSinger, KC Matt Trussell 2
ACall, Was John Laghezza 2

Tout Table: FAB Tips

The Touts continue to knock it out of the park. Here is this week’s discussion:

Please share one step of your weekly free agent research which you find crucial to the process.

Dan Strafford (MoonshotsMLB, @DanStrafford): I read Vlad Sedler’s article.

Mike Podhorzer (Fangraphs, @MikePodhorzer): The first thing I always do is review my team and take note of all the injured guys, as there always are several! Make a list of the positions I need to pick up a replacement for and then cross my fingers my options aren’t vomit-inducing.

Jason Collette (Rotowire, @jasoncollette): For most of my leagues, it is the Rotowire league management tool which allows me to look at who is available and how they stack up against who I have. The service doesn’t work with Onroto, but it’s a huge help with the NFBC and CBS-based FAAB leagues I am in.

Scott Swanay (FantasyBaseballSherpa, @fantasy_sherpa): If there’s a guy I’m particularly interested in, I’ll go over my league mates’ rosters to see who might need to replace a player at the same position who recently went on the IL. Combining that information with recent winning bids for players of similar quality gives me at least a rough idea of how much I’ll need to bid to add that player to my roster.

D.J. Short (NBC Sports, @djshort): Step one for me is usually taking note of the players who were dropped in a league during the latest run of FAB. In some cases, they are logical and not relevant. But in others, it might have been a tough decision for some, which allows you to speculate on an underperforming and/or fringy player. If they were rostered in the first place, there’s likely some modicum of upside. In other words, the research begins before the week even begins.

Larry Schechter (Winning Fantasy Baseball, @LarrySchechter): This may sound simplistic but making sure every week I look at the report of players released, so I know who is now available. Once in a great while I forget to do this and didn’t know somebody, I would have wanted was available.

Ryan Bloomfield (BaseballHQ, @RyanBHQ): Look at schedules/matchups for the following week. It’s a good way to get ahead of any soft two-start SP or favorable hitter schedules at a fraction of the FAAB price.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis): I look to see if there are any 2 start pitchers that won’t kill my ERA or WHIP that I can stream in weekly FAAB leagues. In daily drop/add leagues, I like to look at how a player is trending, along with weighing their last 14 days, 30 days, and season to date.

Scott White (CBS Fantasy Sports, @CBSScottWhite): Every week, I evaluate which five prospects are most deserving of stashing in redraft leagues, which changes more often than you might think. I do this as part of my editorial responsibilities for CBS, but it gives me such an advantage when entering my bids for the week. If you can anticipate which player is about to get the call rather than reacting to the one who just did, it’s pennies on the dollar as far as FAAB goes.

Matt Williams (The Game Day, @MattWi77iams): I research possible two-start pitchers for the following week in order to secure each player at a discount, if I have available bench space. The same goes for available hitters with a favorable schedule the following week (perhaps on the road in Colorado). This is an vital step to save valuable FAB.

Grey Albright (RazzBall, @razzball): Check the Hittertron or Streamonator on Razzball dot com, thank you for your patronage

Michael A. Stein (Fantasy Judgment, @FantasyJudgment): I check the +/- trends of seeing who has been added in case there is anyone I haven’t been paying close enough attention to. If someone appears to be an upgrade over a player on my roster, I do a deeper dive into my player to make sure it is the right call to cut bait with them. It has happened to everyone, but it is never a good feeling when you drop someone who gets hot right after or is scooped up by someone else and catches fire.

Tristan H. Cockcroft (ESPN, @SultanofStat): Deciding on your corresponding cuts can be as critical as evaluating your pickups. Never waste a bench spot, and knowing exactly how many spaces with which you have to play can help guide your pickups and, more importantly, your contingencies. There’s always someone out there worth speculating on, even for that $0 bid, but how much room to you have to do that?

Steve Gardner (USA TODAY Sports, @SteveAGardner): I have a weekly calendar reminder set a few hours before the first bids are due that I use as a notepad to add names I come across throughout the week. That way, when I see something that might have an impact on my FAAB bids, I have someplace I can keep it until I need to put that knowledge into action.

Patrick Davitt (BaseballHQ, @patrickdavitt): Review my team and try to make a reasonable realistic assessment of what (not whom) I need, what kind of player, position, category contribution, etc. Then I use the needs list to look through the FA list for matches.

Doug Anderson (Fantrax, @rotodaddy): One thing I do to find some temporary help in my deep NL- and AL-Only leagues is comb through the latest injury news and IL placements. Then I look at the players most likely to gain playing time because of those injuries. I’m not likely to hit it big on any long-term fantasy value (though it has happened) but it is a way to squeak out a bit of production when the alternatives on the mono league waiver wire are pretty bleak.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola): I learned this from Friend of Tout Wars Rob Silver. At the start of the season, decide how much you need to spend each week for maintenance. That is, how much is needed to replace injured players and streaming each week. By means of example, in an NFBC league, that may be $20. If you spend $20 a week on general team management, that leaves around $480 for luxury items/upgrades. Each week, I adjust the ledger, based on how much I spend on needs and upgrades. For me, what this does is keep reckless bids in check. Anyone spending more than $500 this early on one player may not leave themselves with enough to make needed moves down the stretch.

Dr. Roto (, @DrRoto): I go through the list of available free agents on Saturday and write down a few names of interest. I then go back Sunday to make sure I didn’t miss any key names on the first pass.

Doug Dennis (BaseballHQ, @dougdennis41): I keep a chart of who bid, on which players, and how much in every league. I keep track of which teams lost active players during the week and which teams are getting back players off the IL. I choose my targets (that is its own process–typically aimed at playing time) and compare to the chart/other teams’ needs.

Mike Gianella (Baseball Prospectus, @MikeGianella): This year I started diligently tracking who is dropped in all my leagues. When I used to only be in 1-2 leagues, this wasn’t necessary, but now that I’m in multiple (way too many) leagues it is easy to lose track of who got dropped, particularly if is a “surprising” drop who should be rostered in all formats. This step is particularly important in NFBC-style leagues with no IL and/or limited reserves. It is easy to lose track of a key IL drop who might be back in 6-8 weeks who “should” be picked up in 4-6 weeks. This step has allowed me to up my game this year and improved my process.

Michael Govier (FTN Fantasy, @mjgovier): I have to agree that Vlad’s article at FTN is the cornerstone for top notch free agency analysis. However, before I go there I review my roster for my team to see which injured players need a replacement. Then I look at my categories of need. If it’s roto, I want to add players that can improve the category where I need help. If it’s H2H, I am looking at the upcoming schedule for next week to see which teams have the friendliest schedules for streaming pitchers and hitters. For H2H I then look at which pitchers will have 2-start weeks because they give me a leg up in volume for a weekly matchup depending on the roster size and number of moves available within your league. Next I go to the free agent pool in each league to see which players are available based on rostership percentage. I start from the highest and peruse the lowest. That coincides with my needs and the upcoming schedule to form my list of free agent additions. I also rely heavily on my own Pallazzo Discord for prospect rumblings in anticipation of new arrivals who could help my team. Then, after I have formed my own opinions, I head over to FTN to read Vlad’s article to see where we agree and disagree. I make adjustments accordingly from there.

Sara Sanchez (, @BCB_Sara): I have a notebook that is with me at almost all times (this is a trick I learned from Jenny Butler at FPAZ) and jot down the names I’m interested in as I listen to pods or come across them on Twitter. I also add names of drops each week. On Friday as I’m resetting my NFBC lineups I make note of what I need stats wise AND position wise, then I put in early bids at some point on Saturday to reflect those needs. I usually return to my lists to tweak a few times on Sunday (bumping amounts for guys who may have had great performances, triple checking I didn’t miss any injury news from late Saturday/Sunday). Then I sit anxiously on Twitter and wait for bids to run so I can kvetch with all of you about what worked and what didn’t, often while listening to Jeff & Scott on the Rotowire podcast on Sunday night.

Vlad Sedler (FTN Fantasy, @rotogut): Time management is of the essence. Especially if you have FAAB for multiple teams. One key part of my process is to make sure I have bids set at least one hour before the deadline, then STEP AWAY to a reset/brain refresh, then return to adjust dollar amounts.

Scott Chu (Pitcher List, @ifthechufits): I don’t have data for this, but I’m pretty sure April is the month with the craziest FAAB. The most important part of my early season process is to remember it’s early in the season. While it’s true that early season adds theoretically could provide the biggest lift, they can also be the biggest duds. 100 or 1000 is less than it feels early on.

Erik Halterman (Rotowire, @erik_halterman): Step one is always to set my lineup for the following week. That keeps me focused on the needs of this specific roster (important if you’re in a few too many leagues) and also helps determine whether this will be a FAAB period where I’m focused on filling immediate needs or one where I’m thinking more long-term. In many situations, you won’t have enough players you’re willing to drop to do both.

Dave Adler (BaseballHQ, @daveadler01): Keep regular track of AAA players to see who’s performing well – in particular K/BB and making sure that their BABIP is reasonable. That way, when a hitter goes down late in the week, you have a sense of who might come up to take his place. Targets who have had a cup of coffee in the majors are another plus. Pitchers, well, harder to judge, but track their progress and peripherals, too.

Anthony Aniano (Rotoballer, @AAnianoFantasy): For pitchers on the waiver wire I like to look at a few components. First is upcoming matchups. If you are pitching against Oakland, I am interested. Second is K rate and third is XFIP. Also, it is important with pitchers to look for an outlier. One bad outing can skew numbers so be sure to get a true picture of the player.

Sky Dombroske (Fantistics Insider Baseball, @SkyDombroske): I think making sure that you’re not treating FA pickups as “rest-of-season” adds is a critical step, which I think all of those mentioning checking upcoming schedules are alluding to. Whatever issues your team may have don’t all have to be solved for the year with every pickup.

Eric Samulski (Rotoballer, @SamskiNYC): I write a weekly FAAB-centric Substack called Samulski Sunday Tribune where I give the previous weeks stat leaders and provide context for their stats to determine if we should add them. So for that I’m always looking at SwStr%, hard hit data, plate appearances, minor league numbers etc. It’s probably too much work but it gives me a good sense of the pool. Check it out to see if it helps you. Otherwise, I look recent stats but then make sure to check plate appearances and also the rolling breakdowns on Statcast for batted ball trends

Chris Clegg (Pitcher List, @RotoClegg): I first go and set my lineups for the upcoming week to see where I may have holes or injured players. That is the start of my research. Then I hit the available player pool and start with positions of need or injury replacements. I look at speculation of prospects who could get the call and could contribute right away, even if I have to stash them for a week. I then check Vlad’s FAAB article to see recommended values as I know every player is reading that. If I really want a player I know I’ll have to spend 5-10% more than suggested.

Carlos Marcano (Triple Play Fantasy, @camarcano): I mostly works on a “per needs” basis, going through my priority leagues and down. It’s usually two things: underperforming players or injured players replacements (or temp subs). Then the process goes through checking advanced metrics and all the way to the cats needed for every particular metrics. A lot of discussion with my partner in crime, Mark. And then, more checking. Honestly, it’s a process that never ends, and it’s draining but extremely important for success.

Zach Steinhorn (Steinhorn’s Universe on Substack, @zachsteinhorn): During my daily perusal of the box scores, if I notice that a certain player who is available in my league had a great game, I write down their name on my notepad. By the weekend, I’d hopefully have a decent-sized list of players to take a closer look at when making final bidding decisions. I add more players to this list on Sunday when I sort by the various roto categories, usually focusing on the last two weeks, but I think it’s important to begin compiling a list of possible FAAB targets early in the week to lighten the weekend load.

Brian Entrekin (Fantasy Pros, BaseballHQ, @bdentrek): There are many steps to locking in your free agent bids for the week. One of my first things I do is look at the upcoming schedule for possible streamers. Then it’s about recent playing time trends and overall performances.

Peter Kreutzer (, @kroyte): We usually know who the big names to bid on are each week. How hard to go after them depends on a balance between their opportunity and your team’s needs. Many weeks, however, there are also under the radar names that don’t trigger that burst of excitement that real prospects do. Most of these aren’t going to be worth much, but it’s worth digging into their recent minor league record for clues about those who might help your team. A speedster or a guy who is making a lot of Triple-A contact (or even better a speedster who is making a lot of Triple-A contact) can be a cheap add if you have even a temporary hole. Don’t overvalue 28-year-olds having minor league success, but in many cases your opponents will be undervaluing them.

Tim McLeod (PattonandCo, @RunTMc59006473): I spend a lot of time scouting the Minors, looking for both breakout players, the “hot hand”, and top prospects likely to get called up. I’ll especially focus on teams where the incumbent is struggling and a callup becomes even more likely. I play an aggressive game, but over the years have found the rewards exceed the costs. The early bird can get more than just the worms!

Greg Jewett (The Athletic, @gjewett9): Tracking relievers so closely, noting their roles within their high-leverage ladder, seeing who warms up for a save chance, but does not receive it when the team pads its lead, and daily performances changing roles as the season ensues. This prevents overreacting when an injury presents itself or when roles change on the fly. Most make the mistake of adding a reliever for saves which happened when they were on the waiver wire, not ones in the future, creating a vicious cycle on one’s FAAB resources.

CJ Kaltenbach (Fantasy Guru, @TheSeigeDFS): Weekend playing time on teams with recently promoted prospects or 2nd chance guys; can get to a Nick Pratto type a week early by just checking PT before submitting bids

Glenn Colton (SiriusXM, @GlennColton1): Taking advantage of having a truly talented fantasy player as a partner (yes you Rick Wolf). They key to our free agent research is building a set of bids, and then each of us analyzing the players, prices, and team needs to continue to hone to the best possible result. If you find a good partner, use that person to make each of you better and most importantly in this context, your fantasy team better!

Phil Hertz (Baseball HQ, @prhz50): A lot depends on the depth of the league that you’re looking at. In Tout, for example, the pickings are slim, so you have to be careful about cutting someone who’s been in a deep slump because any replacement might turn out worse. This is especially so given the Tour requirement that any pick-up has to be active for a week. In more typical 15-team leagues with a significant reserve list, I tend to look for guys who have some upside. In keeper leagues, what I do depends on lot on whether I’m looking for the future or the time is now.

Tout Daily: Wheelering and Dealering

It’s the third week of the second period of Tout Daily with a close battle for the next three Golden Tickets. Here are some of the picks in tonight’s DFS lineups.

Howard Bender (Fantasy Alarm, @RotoBuzzGuy)

Pitcher: Clayton Kershaw – Dude’s mom passed away on Saturday and he chose to stay with the team to make this start. He’s pitching for her against a team that has the second-lowest wOBA vs LHP this season

Hitter: Lourdes Gurriel Jr. – Batting .441 with five home runs, 10 RBI and 12 runs scored during this 13-game hitting streak, owns a .378 wOBA vs LHP and stands in the box against a tomato can like Kyle Muller? As Mona Lisa Saperstein says, “Money, please!”

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Pitcher: Kevin Gausman – It’s feast or famine with Kevin Gausman, but mostly feast. He’s had 2 outings this season where he had 1.1 and -7.1 FPPG. On the other hand, he’s had great performances of 20+ FPPG in 7 outings this season. He’s topped 30+ FPPG 3 times and the last time he faces the Yankees, he had 40.0 FP. I like him at home tonight against the Yankees at a salary of $10,700.

Hitter: Jarred Kelenic – Jarred Kelenic is averaging 8.7 FPPG and his salary of $4,700 makes him a decent option tonight at the Boston Red Sox. He’s batting cleanup tonight and facing left-handed pitcher Nick Pivetta, who is sporting a 6.23 ERA going into tonight’s contest.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Pitcher: Zack Wheeler – THE FUNGO has Wheeler right behind Kershaw, If I can only find a cheap shortstop to use them both.

Hitter: Matt McLain – Only a donkey would use a guy in his second MLB game, even if he’s 2K, batting second in Coors Field. Call me Eeyore.

Sara Sanchez (, @BCB_Sara)

Pitcher: Jordan Montgomery – Looking for one cost effective starter and the Brewers are abysmal against lefties. Team wRC+ of 70 v. southpaws this season.

Hitter: Lars Nootbaar – The Cardinals offense seems to have fixed whatever was broken earlier in the season and Noot has been at the center of it. He’s leading off, cost effective and slashing .380/.475/.520 over the last two weeks. Oh and he gets to face Wade Miley tonight.

Jeff Erickson (Rotowire, @Jeff_Erickson)

Pitcher: Zack Wheeler – Wheeler should get well against the team with the second-highest K% in baseball, in a good pitcher’s park.

Hitter: Josh Naylor – Riding a little hot hand here, against a pitcher with the second-most homers allowed this season, most of them against lefties.

Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of May 15

Last week it was Bryce Miller; this week it’s Eury Perez. See what the Touts are willing to pay for another top pitching prospect, with a bit of Christopher Morel sprinkled in.

If you want to see the standings, rosters and all the other moves, click on the league header.

American League

Player Team Bid
JDiaz, Oak Jeff Erickson 55
NAllen, Oak Andy Andres 53
TLarnach, Min Jason Collette 42
MMoniak, LAA Larry Schechter 35
YChirinos, TB Jason Collette 22
CCowser, Bal Andy Andres 4
NEaton, KC Andy Andres 4
PReyes, Bos Eric Samulski 3
CEPerez, Oak Eric Samulski 2
JBarria, LAA Joe Sheehan 0
XCurry, Cle Doug Dennis 0
TFreeman, Cle Joe Sheehan 0

National League

Player Team Bid
PBurdick, Mia Peter Kreutzer 33
BWisely, SF Phil Hertz 31
ROdor, SD Steve Gardner 27
AKnizner, StL Brian Walton 26
AHouser, Mil Tristan H. Cockcroft 18
CStratton, StL Brian Walton 6
CBrogdon, Phi Phil Hertz 6
TBarnhart, ChC Phil Hertz 4
DMoreta, Pit Phil Hertz 4
JShuster, Atl Rick Graham 1

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
CMorel, ChC Alex Chamberlain 180
DFletcher, Ari Scott Engel 54
CSchmitt, SF Scott Engel 48
LOrtiz, Pit Scott Swanay 48
MMoniak, LAA Scott Pianowski 44
BMiller, LAD Nick Pollack 32
MLorenzen, Det Kev Mahserejian 22
MWacha, SD Brent Hershey 22
DPeterson, NYM Brent Hershey 21
CSilseth, LAA Alex Chamberlain 20
GSoto, Phi Brent Hershey 17
TanScott, Mia Justin Mason 17
HBrazoban, Mia Kev Mahserejian 15
AIbanez, Det Scott Chu 14
SDominguez, Phi Scott Swanay 13
WPeralta, NYY Scott Engel 11
PSmith, Ari Kev Mahserejian 11
FFermin, KC CJ Kaltenbach 9
RGrossman, Tex CJ Kaltenbach 7
JOviedo, Pit Justin Mason 7
PDeJong, StL Justin Mason 5
JDiaz, Oak Jeff Zimmerman 1
CStratton, StL Scott Pianowski 1
KKiermaier, Tor Jeff Zimmerman 0

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid
EPerez, Mia Shelly Verougstraete 310
CMorel, ChC Seth Trachtman 188
CKimbrel, Phi Ryan Bloomfield 105
DFloro, Mia Adam Ronis 69
DFletcher, Ari Shelly Verougstraete 47
NPratto, KC Anthony Aniano 45
TTaylor, Mil Dr, Roto 36
LTaveras, Tex Anthony Aniano 35
LOrtiz, Pit Rudy Gamble 27
GCanning, LAA Dr, Roto 26
HHarvey, Was D.J. Short 25
MWacha, SD Ryan Bloomfield 25
BBelt, Tor D.J. Short 25
JPCrawford, Sea Rudy Gamble 24
MCastro, Ari Ray Murphy 22
CSchmitt, SF Dr, Roto 22
RGrossman, Tex Ray Murphy 18
DPeterson, NYM Ray Murphy 18
CSilseth, LAA Seth Trachtman 12
MMcLain, Cin Tim McLeod 8
PBattenfield, Cle Mike Gianella 4
KFarmer, Min Shelly Verougstraete 1
MThaiss, LAA Shelly Verougstraete 0
GSoto, Phi Scott White 0
JBauers, NYY Adam Ronis 0
ERosario, Atl Adam Ronis 0

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
EPerez, Mia Paul Sporer 344
CMorel, ChC Frank Ammirante 126
FAlvarez, NYM Michael Govier 52
DDunning, Tex Lauren Auerbach 51
MClevinger, CWS Ryan Hallam 39
AKirilloff, Min Joe Gallina 31
BKeller, KC Joe Gallina 31
CSchmitt, SF Joe Gallina 29
BGarrett, Mia Lauren Auerbach 26
YChirinos, TB Ariel Cohen 24
WMerrifield, Tor Michael Govier 24
WSmith, Tex Frank Stampfl 22
MGarcia, KC Greg Jewett 18
LThomas, Was Lauren Auerbach 17
PWisdom, ChC Michael Govier 14
DFletcher, Ari Sky Dombroske 14
NPivetta, Bos Frank Ammirante 13
NPratto, KC Michael Govier 11
KMuller, Oak Michael Govier 5
BBielak, Hou Greg Jewett 3
CSilseth, LAA Frank Ammirante 2
ZGreinke, KC Clay Link 0

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
CMorel, ChC Matt Trussell 327
EPerez, Mia John Laghezza 261
DDunning, Tex Carlos Marcano 124
JFrance, Hou Sara Sanchez 36
TWalls, TB Matt Trussell 27
MLorenzen, Det Carlos Marcano 24
CSchmitt, SF Sara Sanchez 23
MStraw, Cle Jennifer Piacenti 21
JBleday, Oak Jennifer Piacenti 16
JRogers, Det Jennifer Piacenti 13
DFloro, Mia Dylan White 11
CEstevez, LAA Chris Clegg 8
CKimbrel, Phi Dylan White 6
LOrtiz, Pit Chris Clegg 5
PCorbin, Was Jeff Boggis 2
MMoore, LAA Chris Clegg 1
WMyers, Cin Chris Clegg 1

Tout Daily: Eeny Heaney miny moe

It’s the second week of the second period of Tout Daily. Here are some of the picks the Touts will trust in tonight’s contest.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Pitcher: Shohei Ohtani – There are 3 things certain in life: Death, Taxes, and Shohei Ohtani when he’s pitching. He’s 4-0 on the season with a 2.54 ERA, a 0.87 WHIP, and 59 Ks. At a salary of $11,600, he’s the highest starting pitcher by far in our contest, but I am willing to pay up this week for his high ceiling at home against Houston. It should be a great pitcher’s duel tonight against Framber Valdez.

Hitter: LaMonte Wade Jr. – He is facing Patrick Corbin tonight who is boasting a 6.30 ERA and 1.70 WHIP. More Gatorwade tonight please.

Steve Gardner (USA TODAY Sports, @SteveAGardner)

Pitcher: Clarke Schmidt – Ohtani is the class of tonight’s starting pitchers, so I’ll go against the grain and save money with a $6K Schmidt against the Swingin’ (and Missin’) A’s.

Hitter: Gleyber Torres – Dare to go with Aaron Judge in his first game off the IL? It’s at home vs. Oakland. I’m guessing his presence makes a difference, but Torres provides the pop.

Howard Bender (Fantasy Alarm, @RotoBuzzGuy)

Pitcher: Andrew Heaney – Seattle ranks dead-last in wOBA (.272) and wRC+ (74) against southpaws and they are fanning at a 27.7-percent clip. Securing the win could be tough, but we should get enough strikeouts to help make up for it.

Hitter: Anthony Rizzo – Solid price for Rizzo. His .358 wOBA should give him the upper hand against a tomato can like Drew Rucinski and once the Yankees chase him from the game, Rizzo gets that weak Oakland bullpen.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Pitcher: Andew Heaney – I found ample bats to support Ohtani, so it was Logan Webb vs. Heaney. My gut says Webb, but THE FUNGO says Heaney. What’s THE FUNGO, you ask? It’s my version of Derek Carty’s THE BAT, but it’s not as robust and snaps easily under pressure.

Hitter: Austin Slater – Hitting leadoff against Patrick Corbin for $2700? Yes, please.

Erik Halterman (Rotowire, @erik_halterman)

Pitcher: Brandon Pfaadt – Sure, maybe he isn’t an instant impact starter, and yes, his MLB debut didn’t go as planned. But a pitcher with his talent level coming in as the cheapest arm on the slate against the Marlins? I can’t turn that down.

Hitter: Aaron Judge – The savings from going with the cheapest starter on the board have to go somewhere. Tons of respect for Drew Rucinski fighting his way back to the majors at age 34 after four strong seasons in Korea, but the Yankees are tougher opponents than the Hanwha Eagles, so I want as many as I can fit in tonight.

Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of May 8

It’s Miller Time! Seattle’s Bryce Miller may go down as the single most heavily contested free agent this season. See what the Touts paid for Miller and everybody else in this week’s report. if you want to see the standings, rosters and all the other moves, click on the league header.

American League

Player Team Bid
BMiller, Sea Patrick Davitt 482
JBleday, Oak Doug Dennis 113
FFermin, KC Andy Andres 53
JFrance, Hou Andy Andres 42
KMiddleton, CWS Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 39
BBielak, Hou Jason Collette 24
NPearson, Tor Joe Sheehan 15
CPoche, TB Larry Schechter 14
CAnderson, TB Andy Andres 12
AHicks, NYY Rob Leibowitz 7
JHernandez, Tex Joe Sheehan 5
BDalbec, Bos Jason Collette 5
DHensley, Hou Rob Leibowitz 4
AFaedo, Det Eric Samulski 3
CFrazier, CWS Mike Podhorzer 2
HAlberto, CWS Andy Andres 2
CWallach, LAA Joe Sheehan 2
JStaumont, KC Eric Samulski 0
JCordero, NYY Doug Dennis 0

National League

Player Team Bid
SMatz, StL Derek Carty 152
DFletcher, Ari Phil Hertz 47
BShewmake, Atl Peter Kreutzer 23
KPillar, Atl Brian Walton 22
OMiller, Mil Ian Kahn 15
JMantiply, Ari Peter Kreutzer 13
VGonzalez, LAD Peter Kreutzer 13
PCorbin, Was Erik Halterman 12
JYepez, StL Wilderman/Prior 10
MTonkin, Atl Grey Albright 8
AKnizner, StL Wilderman/Prior 8
BSullivan, SD Grey Albright 3
JAlu, Was Rick Graham 1

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
BMiller, Sea Jeff Zimmerman 408
MKing, NYY Justin Mason 87
TTaylor, Mil Brent Hershey 78
MLeiter, ChC Kev Mahserejian 48
MGarcia, KC Justin Mason 37
NPratto, KC Alex Chamberlain 34
FAlvarez, NYM Zach Steinhorn 33
MMargot, TB Scott Chu 32
YChirinos, TB Brent Hershey 32
RUrias, Bal Scott Engel 28
JFrance, Hou Justin Mason 27
MLiberatore, StL Kev Mahserejian 20
AFrazier, Bal Scott Engel 18
ZJackson, Oak Scott Engel 18
ZMcKinstry, Det Nick Pollack 16
EValdez, Bos Jeff Zimmerman 16
CTaylor, LAD Scott Swanay 15
CSeabold, Col Scott Chu 12
MGonzales, Sea Nick Pollack 12
RHill, Pit Nick Pollack 10
ERivera, Ari Kev Mahserejian 9
MBrash, Sea Garion Thorne 8
JRogers, Det Kev Mahserejian 3

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid ASantander, Bal Mike Gianella 315 BMiller, Sea Tim McLeod 293 ETovar, Col Adam Ronis 88 MKing, NYY Adam Ronis 88 JFrance, Hou Ray Murphy 66 JBleday, Oak Dr, Roto 36 EValdez, Bos Dr, Roto 36 MLeiter, ChC Rudy Gamble 27 DDunning, Tex Dr, Roto 26 MVierling, Det Anthony Perri 23 LGarcia, Was D.J. Short 20 LWeaver, Cin Ryan Bloomfield 18 IHamilton, NYY Ray Murphy 16 MGarcia, KC Ray Murphy 16 CBethancourt, TB Adam Ronis 12 GSheets, CWS Ryan Bloomfield 12 HBrazoban, Mia Anthony Aniano 8 CWong, Bos Shelly Verougstraete 7 RHill, Pit Rudy Gamble 3 ZJackson, Oak Scott White 3 CCowser, Bal Scott White 1 BBaker, Bal Shelly Verougstraete 0

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
BMiller, Sea Joe Gallina 302
MMervis, ChC Frank Stampfl 83
ETovar, Col Frank Ammirante 74
HBader, NYY Ryan Hallam 57
JFrance, Hou Ryan Hallam 53
CSchmidt, NYY Frank Ammirante 43
MOzuna, Atl Michael Govier 32
CWong, Bos Joe Gallina 27
MKing, NYY Greg Jewett 27
AFrazier, Bal Geoff Pontes 23
MBoyd, Det Frank Stampfl 16
EHaase, Det Sky Dombroske 12
LOrtiz, Pit Michael Govier 11
GPerdomo, Ari Michael Govier 11
LGarcia, Was Sky Dombroske 8
YCano, Bal Paul Sporer 8
ARendon, LAA Ryan Hallam 7
CEncStrand, Cin Joe Gallina 7
EValdez, Bos Sky Dombroske 7
LTaveras, Tex Paul Sporer 5
PCorbin, Was Sky Dombroske 4
ZNeto, LAA Lauren Auerbach 3
MKepler, Min Ariel Cohen 3
JPaxton, Bos Lauren Auerbach 1
PBattenfield, Cle Clay Link 0
MLorenzen, Det Clay Link 0
RHill, Pit Clay Link 0

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
BMiller, Sea John Laghezza 262
BOber, Min Matt Trussell 57
SLugo, SD Carlos Marcano 41
KMarte, Ari Dylan White 41
ElDiaz, Col Carlos Marcano 35
IParedes, TB Carlos Marcano 31
MBoyd, Det Carlos Marcano 25
NPratto, KC John Laghezza 8
KFreeland, Col Jeff Boggis 2
EDuran, Tex Matt Trussell 1

Tout Table: That was a mistake

It’s time to roll out of the hot-button topics. Here is this week’s question.

What do you perceive as the primary mistake made during trade negotiations?

Matt Williams (The Game Day, @MattWi77iams): Failing to construct a trade with the needs of your trade partner in mind is the biggest mistake made in negotiations. Just because you have a spare player does not mean that they will benefit the other team. People make trades to benefit their own team, so it is always important to build a trade backwards. Be sure to identify how you can benefit the other team first, then there is no reason to “convince” them. Meaning, offer a trade that will benefit the other team, do not “tell” them why it works. If your trade strategy seems shady or unbalanced/unfair no one will want to trade with you.

Jason Collette (Rotowire, @jasoncollette): That the other side cares about my opinion about what their team needs. I should explain why I am looking to acquire a player but I should explain what I’m offering based off why I am moving that player and not why I believe the other party needs that player. Let the other party connect the dots or recognize the value of the player. In the business world, we call that selling futures, not features.

Doug Dennis (BaseballHQ, @dougdennis41): Do your best to make it a win-win and I will do the same. That’s it. That’s all. Not every negotiation will end in a deal, but it is tough to make a trade with someone knowledgeable and just get what you want without giving up “something” you’d rather keep.

Anthony Perri (Fantistics, @Anthony_Perri): Trying to fleece the other owner. The old “2 mediocre players for the star player” is the traditional “I’m going to take advantage of you offer”. Don’t do it. Not only will a seasoned competitor be insulted, if you end up finding an inexperienced manager that takes it, but the others in your league will also be very weary of you going forward.

Chris Clegg (Pitcher List, @RotoClegg): There are several mistakes I see people make when trading. The first is when people send blind offers trying to acquire your best player for two fringe-average players. That makes me not want to trade with you in the future when someone does that often. The other flaw I see is when someone tried to convince the trade partner why you should trade a player. Telling your opponent their player isn’t good, but you want them makes zero sense. And people don’t need to be told how to play the game.

Scott Swanay (FantasyBaseballSherpa, @fantasy_sherpa): (1) Getting too hung up on “winning” the trade and (2) failing to see things from the other owner’s point of view. It’s cliche to say that both parties should be striving for a win-win outcome, but if either side feels buyer’s remorse immediately after the deal, that will make it much more difficult to work with that owner again on future trades.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola): Not showing one is willing to do their share of the work. “Looking for a shortstop. Make me an offer.” “Looking to move hitting for pitching. Make me on offer.” NO! I WILL NOT make you an offer. Tell me you’re willing to talk and I’ll get in touch.

Tristan H. Cockcroft (ESPN, @SultanofStat): Two things most often kill a trade before it even starts in my local leagues: 1) Failing to even look at the trade counterpart’s roster, to see whether the trade even makes sense for that team. A trade is supposed to improve both teams! 2) Immediately dismissing consolidation (3-for-1, 2-for-1) trades, from the perspective of the team taking on the extra bodies. I get it, so many of us assume the consolidating team is either ignoring the effects of those replacements on our rosters, or is trying to “steal” the best player in the deal, and our instinct is a “no“ snap judgment (and sometimes that’s the right reaction!). But sometimes these offers give trade talks a start — pick one of the names and see where you can take talks — and, sometimes, taking on extra bodies does make sense. And the latter of these two missteps has certainly been on the rise lately, at least from what I’ve seen.

Ryan Hallam (Fighting Chance Fantasy, @FightingChance): First and foremost to me is not taking into account what the other team might need. Sure, you might have strength at a certain position but maybe the team you are trying to trade with is already good at that position too. The second part that always bothers me I call the “used car salesman pitch” as someone tells you why the players they trading away are great and why the players they are trying to get from you suck. Why are you so interested in them then? Always turns me off in trade negotiations in the present and the future with that person.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola): Oh, I have more. Beginning negotiations by telling me certain players are off limits, then asking for my best player. Yeah, right.

Anthony Aniano (Rotoballer, @AAnianoFantasy): Trying to “win” the trade. You should be making a trade to try and improve your team, not have everyone on social media say that you “won” the trade. The only winning that matters is winning the league.

Mike Podhorzer (Fangraphs, @MikePodhorzer): Entering negotiations from your own team’s perspective, as opposed to how your offer improves your competitor’s team. Rather than “I need more power, so I’m interested in Pete Alonso”, offer your player(s) that plug a position hole or improve a weak category. It now becomes “Looks like you could use more steals as you can gain an easy 4 points in the category. I could offer you Esteury Ruiz…”

Brian Entrekin (Fantasy Pros, BaseballHQ, @bdentrek): The idea that you have to win the trade and more so really win the trade. A trade should benefit both sides depending on team needs. When negotiations begin, you can tell if this will be a fair trade or not, and when it is not, it makes future trades that much harder.

Sara Sanchez (, @BCB_Sara): Trades have to be mutually beneficial and as a lot of people have said above the biggest mistake is trying to “win” the trade rather than offer a mutually beneficial deal that will lead to other mutually beneficial deals. I think another big problem is trading from a point of desperation rather than strength. There is only so much that one or two guys can do for you, trading for a closer when you are dead last in saves and can only get 1-4 points for an elite closer isn’t as useful as trading to potentially go from 10th to 3rd in a category you may already have more strength in.

Scott Engel (The Game Day, @ScottETheKing): Focusing too heavily or exclusively on your own needs. Consider what would move the needle to get the deal done if you were on the other side of it.

Frank Ammirante (The GameDayHQ, @FAmmiranteTFJ): Targeting players who have gotten off to slow starts but have long track records, such as Nolan Arenado. Your leaguemate is unlikely to trade the player to you at a discount, so it’s almost a waste of time to even make an attempt.

Joe Sheehan (Joe Sheehan Baseball Newsletter, @joe_sheehan): Trading with Fred Zinkie.

Joe Sheehan (Joe Sheehan Baseball Newsletter, @joe_sheehan): Kidding! Seriously, for me, it’s not wanting to end up on the wrong side of the trade that leads every podcast for two weeks. We play these leagues in a fishbowl, and sometimes a Fish Bowl, and it’s hard to not be risk-averse.

Fred Zinkie (Yahoo/Rotowire, @FredZinkieMLB): My ears were burning!!! I think that the biggest mistake during trade negotiations is being easily offended. Sure, sometimes the other owner is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Just laugh if off. But often the offensive offers come from an extreme difference of opinions. When you find an offer insulting, try to figure out which player(s) are causing the insult, and remove them from the trade talks. You might still find a deal.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola): And another thing… In traditional keeper leagues, those with a rapid turnover of the player pool as opposed to traditional dynasty leagues with limited player pool turnover, either go for it, or gear up for next season. Playing both sides of the fence means you did neither very well. You’re probably not going to win this season, and other teams have a superior keeper foundation for next year.

Bret Sayre (Baseball Prospectus, @BretSayreBP): Lots of good stuff in here already, but I think the biggest mistake people in trade negotiations is not reaching out personally either via email or text to start the conversation. If you try to start the conversation with an initial offer, it’s going to end the conversation more often than not. Share what you’re thinking and see what they’re thinking.

Shelly Verougstraete (NBC Sports EDGE Baseball, @ShellyV_643): I’ll echo what everyone has said so far. Don’t try to “win” every trade. Take a look at the opposing managers roster and standings before sending an offer. Sometimes there isn’t a fit.

Matt Trussell (Razzball, @MattTruss): Sending a very lopsided trade “just to get the conversation started” is a quick way to get the negotiation stopped before it even starts. I try to always make my initial offer something both sides need. Also, look over the other person’s roster and even the standings to see what they need before sending a trade. If I’m leading the league in Saves…I probably don’t need another closer.

Howard Bender (Fantasy Alarm, @RotoBuzzGuy): Nothing drives me crazier than when someone offers you a deal that doesn’t help you in the least bit. Everyone is so hellbent on “winning” the trade that they don’t take the time to look at your roster and study what you need. If you aren’t offering the opposition something of value where you are both happy with the trade, then what are you doing? I know some people believe an offer is just the first step of a negotiation and some people just make a ton of offers hoping someone will make a mistake and accept, but that never gets a deal done, especially with me. If you aren’t offering something of legitimate value AND need to your opponent, then you’re probably the reason a deal won’t get done.

Jeff Zimmerman (Fangraphs, @jeffwzimmerman): While everyone else is right, the absolute worst outcome for a trade is that once a trade agreed upon by both sides, one party reaches out to everyone else in the league that they are wanting to trade player X and can anyone beat the deal. Some of my fellow Touts do this all the time and just refuse to waste my time working out trades with them for this very reason. Show a little respect to your fellow league mates. If you want everyone to know player X is available, state it before wasting someone else’s time.

Vlad Sedler (FTN Fantasy, @rotogut): Making an offer only from the perspective of your team and your needs. Enticing offers playing to trade partners’ weaknesses improve chances the trade goes through and your wasting less of everyone’s time.

James Anderson (Rotowire, @RealJRAnderson): Viewing a trade as an opportunity to try to rip someone off, rather than an opportunity for both sides to get what they want. In every home league, there is at least one manager whose standard operating procedure is open negotiations with a lopsided offer, and I don’t respond to those proposals out of principle.

Erik Halterman (Rotowire, @erik_halterman): I think the hardest part can be figuring out how much of a salesman to be, especially when dealing with trade partners you’re unfamiliar with. Your trade partner will rightly be suspicious of any attempt to sell the deal that’s too forceful. (If you really like this guy so much, why are you dealing him?) But at the same time, as the person proposing the trade, you’re by definition more into the idea initially than your potential partner is, so you’re going to have to do at least a bit of convincing in most cases.

Kev Mahserejian (Fox Sports, @RotoSurgeon): I am all for low-balling but there is such thing as *too* low. Atrocious offers lead to atrocious counters where both parties end up seeing the other as unserious. Also, you’re not going to pull a fast one on a trade partner in 2023 when every injury and demotion is a Google/Twitter search away.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola): I promise, this is the last one from me, but since it just happened, this doubles as being therapeutic. A lot of trade discussions are facilitated via trust and respect between the team managers. One of the fastest ways to get on my grumpy side is offer me a player in a deal, and after I respectfully decline, you drop him for a free agent nowhere near the quality of the player you proposed in the deal. Please don’t misinterpret; trying to deal someone you will drop is smart but be fair in your return request.

Scott Chu (Pitcher List, @ifthechufits): Trying to trade players at positions that are very deep in your league. For example, with many standard leagues moving to 3 starting OF, that position suddenly becomes really hard to trade from. The replacement level is very high, and most teams probably feel really good about their outfield. It will be extremely difficult to get what you might feel is fair value simply because most managers can easily talk themselves out of acquiring an OF. On the same sort of line, in deeper formats it’s often really pricey to acquire starting pitching because no one ever “safe” with respect to their rotation. No one will want to give up a starter, and if they do entertain it, you need to be ready to pay full freight. In these situations, you may need to accept that the market values and actual/projected values aren’t the same.

Greg Jewett (The Athletic, @gjewett9): I am sure this gets discussed, but our site’s discord constantly features who wins this trade, without team context, where a team can move up in the standings, and solely focused on the vacuum of the deal on winning it. This does not win many leagues. With so many games left this season, address a need if one exists, make offers which help your roster, but do not include a note on why it helps the other team. Or simply reach out and see if your potential trade partner would be willing to negotiate and make a trade which benefits both sides. Flags fly forever in fantasy leagues, but no one cares if you “win” a trade in May.

Mike Sheets (ESPN, @MikeASheets): I often get the sense that the person who offers me a trade doesn’t even look at my roster aside from the player they want to acquire. They know who they want, and they know which player or two they want to trade, and it stops there. If they want to trade a first baseman, yet my corner and UT spots are already filled with first basemen, they still make offer because it helps them – not me. Before sending offers out, analyze the other person’s roster and determine something that actually makes sense for both teams.

Adam Ronis (Fantasy Alarm, @AdamRonis): One of the biggest mistakes is many don’t look at what the other team needs. When that happens, it’s insulting and immediately is a turn off. It takes work to put forth a successful trade. If I have an excess of steals and want to make a trade, I immediately look at the teams low in steals and see if there’s a fit for what I need.

Michael A. Stein (Fantasy Judgment, @FantasyJudgment): One common mistake people make when negotiating trades is over-valuing your own players. Of course, people have their own agendas in mind and elevate the hype surrounding whomever they are looking to trade away. IN order to be a good trading partner, you need to be more objective about what you are offering and look at it from the other person’s perspective. There is nothing wrong with trying to be a good salesman and inflate the value of what you are offering. But you have to assume your trading partner may disagree with you and then you will need to demonstrate some flexibility and self-awareness.

Dylan White (Baseball America, @the__arrival): I’m sure it’s been said – but the owner proposing the trade not considering the needs of the owner receiving the trade. The ideal trade is a win-win…which typically means that both teams either fill a need and/or deal from surplus.

Joe Gallina (Fantasy Alarm, @joegallina): Trade offers featuring quantity over quality. There have been many mentions about trades being offered that are one-sided and don’t take the other team’s needs into account but what can be really infuriating is getting an obviously bad trade offer, consisting of multiple players that won’t help my team.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis): Leading with need of the trading partner. I look at what my team needs and try to match where I have a surplus in players or stat categories and then look at matching these criteria with potential trading partners. If I receive a trade offer from an opposing manager, in the event that I decline the trade offer, I always add comments in the trade rejection area. I always first thank the person for the trade offer and then I explain why I declined the trade. I think this is important to do so that the other league manager can use this in potential future trades. Plus, they may use this information to send a counteroffer. This reduces the time wasted in trade offers that I would never have approved in the first place.

Tout Daily: Clean Slate

Congratulations to Brian Entrekin, Steve Gardner and Derek Carty for finishing as Top-3 in Period 1. We’re all tied for first heading into Period 2, Week 1. Here are some of the Touts hope get them off to a strong start, with Tanner Bibee a popular choice.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Pitcher: Yusei Kikuchi – In his last 5 starts, Kikuchi is 4-0, sporting an ERA at 3.00 and and WHIP of 1.11. He struck out 8 in his last outing. He’s a decent price with a salary of $8,300. He’s avarage closed to 20 fantasy points per outing.

Hitter: Fernando Tatis Jr. – Fernando Tatis Jr. is getting back in the major league groove with 3 hits last night. He’s upped his batting average to .304.

Joe Gallina (Fantasy Alarm, @joegallina)

Pitcher: Tanner Bibee – Bibee seems like a nice value play against a Yankees lineup that’s missing Aaron Judge and has scored 3 runs or less in 15 of their last 21 games.

Hitter: Hunter Renfroe – Renfroe has a .360/.393/.600 triple-slash against lefty pitchers like Steven Matz this season.

Charlie Wiegert (CDM Sports, @GFFantasySports)

Pitcher: Tanner Bibee – Here’s another vote for Bibee today, going cheap on pitchers today against weak foes

Hitter: Alvarez/ Tucker – Double dipping on Astro sluggers at home vs Giants DeScalfani

Erik Halterman (Rotowire, @erik_halterman)

Pitcher: Tanner Bibee – This isn’t the Aaron Judge/Giancarlo Stanton Yankees; it’s a Yankees squad that’s batting Willie Calhoun in the middle third of the order. Heavy attention on Bibee may make Mason Miller, Hayden Wesneski or Bryce Miller the better option for those looking for a cheap young arm, but the best plan may be to use two of the three and load up on bats.

Hitter: Anthony Santander – Santander owns a solid 117 wRC+ in his last 13 games after slumping to a 37 wRC+ in his first 12. More importantly, I’ll take every Orioles righty and switch-hitter I can get my hands on against Ryan Yarbrough, proud owner of a single-digit strikeout rate and an ERA that begins with a 6.

Ray Murphy (BaseballHQ, @RayHQ)

Pitcher: Bryce Miller – I’ll take the debut of Miller for 4K and pair him with Gerrit Cole.

Hitter: Jorge Polanco – Good wind in Chicago tonight, Kopech has been shaky.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Pitcher: Gerrit Cole – Revertng to when I used to be good at this. Nail the piching, figure out the bats.

Hitter: Alex Call – A $2700 leadoff hitter at home helps with the salary crunch after dropping $21.5K on pitching

Steve Gardner (USA TODAY Sports, @SteveAGardner)

Pitcher: Zac Gallen – He and Gerrit Cole have been the best pitchers this season — and he’s cheaper than Cole tonight.

Hitter: Christian Yelich – Leading off for the Brewers in Colorado. Stack starts here.