Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of August 1

The calm before the storm? There was a little activity for AL only leagues and it was a busy week for the 15-team Mixed Auction and Draft leagues. Hopefully things will pick up before the 6 PM ET trade deadline on Tuesday.

If you want to check out the standings, rosters and all the moves for any of the Tout leagues, just click on the header.

American League

Player Team Bid
LCastillo, Sea Mike Podhorzer 940
DPeralta, TB Rob Leibowitz 687
LRaley, TB Patrick Davitt 49
JKaprielian, Oak Larry Schechter 23
YKikuchi, Tor Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 19
MagSierra, LAA Howard Bender 12
RPinto, TB Larry Schechter 7
JJunk, LAA Jeff Erickson 7
AVoth, Bal Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 6
MGarcia, KC Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 6

National League

Player Team Bid
LGarcia, SD Ian Kahn 88
JMcCarthy, Ari Phil Hertz 66
NNeidert, Mia Todd Zola 23
CLeblanc, Mia Grey Albright 13
SAlcantara, Ari Michael Simione 9
LDiaz, Mia Peter Kreutzer 6
MVientos, NYM Grey Albright 3
MVargas, LAD Steve Gardner 3
ChMartin, LAD Peter Kreutzer 2
JOutman, LAD Tristan H. Cockcroft 1
HHarvey, Was Brian Walton 0
JStephens, Atl Brian Walton 0
ABarnes, LAD Steve Gardner 0

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
YDeLosSantos, Pit Tim Heaney 46
DMay, LAD Scott Swanay 30
JCandelario, Det Scott Swanay 29
JMcCarthy, Ari Jeff Zimmerman 26
DRuf, SF Zach Steinhorn 26
JJunk, LAA CJ Kaltenbach 23
SWatkins, Bal CJ Kaltenbach 12
CAbrams, SD Brent Hershey 11
AVoth, Bal Derek VanRiper 11
ADiaz, Hou Scott Engel 7
PDeJong, StL CJ Kaltenbach 6
CMitchell, Pit Scott Engel 6
LGarcia, SD Scott Engel 6
JKelenic, Sea Justin Mason 5
BStott, Phi Tim Heaney 4
LNootbaar, StL Scott Engel 3
SHoward, Tex Brent Hershey 3
KIsbel, KC Derek VanRiper 3
BFalter, Phi Jeff Zimmerman 1
MMoore, Tex Scott Pianowski 0

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid
FPeralta, Mil Adam Ronis 222
JKelenic, Sea Tim McCullough 221
PFairbanks, TB Seth Trachtman 110
APuk, Oak AJ Mass 100
LGarcia, SD Tim McLeod 83
JOutman, LAD Perry Van Hook 69
LDiaz, Mia Seth Trachtman 45
JSteele, ChC D.J. Short 30
ADiaz, Hou Tim McLeod 28
JHernandez, Tex Mike Gianella 20
JMcCarthy, Ari Rudy Gamble 18
BStott, Phi Ray Murphy 14
BDalbec, Bos Rudy Gamble 14
NVelazquez, ChC Shelly Verougstraete 12
KIsbel, KC Shelly Verougstraete 12
DSmyly, ChC Seth Trachtman 11
JMantiply, Ari Tim McLeod 9
PDeJong, StL Adam Ronis 8
MMoore, Tex Charlie Wiegert 5
TTaylor, Mil Adam Ronis 3
RYarbrough, TB Charlie Wiegert 2

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
KCrawford, Bos Ryan Hallam 53
APallante, StL Ryan Hallam 47
BFalter, Phi Dan Strafford 45
MGonzales, Sea Ariel Cohen 36
TanScott, Mia Ariel Cohen 36
JCandelario, Det Geoff Pontes 29
JOutman, LAD Ryan Hallam 21
MStassi, LAA Andrea LaMont 12
RGrichuk, Col Andrea LaMont 12
SDominguez, Phi Ryan Hallam 11
JMateo, Bal Frank Stampfl 7
ADiaz, Hou Greg Jewett 1
YGurriel, Hou Clay Link 0

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
JGKirby, Sea Sara Sanchez 64
DVogelbach, NYM Sara Sanchez 18
CSantana, Sea Chris Towers 14
FBautista, Bal Brian Entrekin 13
RSuarez, Phi Chris Towers 12
JCandelario, Det Brian Entrekin 12
ADiaz, Cin Brian Entrekin 6
SLangeliers, Oak Jake Ciely 1
LLynn, CWS Andy Behrens 0
ONarvaez, Mil Andy Behrens 0
SEffross, ChC Jake Ciely 0
JProfar, SD Jeff Boggis 0

Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of July 25

The calm before the storm. There will no doubt be some deals consummated this week in time for next Sunday’s July 31 FAB run, but there will be many more announced before Tuesday, but they won’t be available until Sunday, August 7.

If you want to check out the standings, roster and all the moves for any of the leagues, all you need to do is click on the league heading.

American League

Player Team Bid
NPratto, KC Doug Dennis 203
CPinder, Oak Ryan Bloomfield 42
ZJackson, Oak Larry Schechter 42
KCrawford, Bos Jason Collette 24
RMontero, Hou Patrick Davitt 19
YolmSanchez, Bos Jason Collette 17
CSchmidt, NYY Chris Blessing 13
SWatkins, Bal Jeff Erickson 13
CArcher, Min Howard Bender 8
RQuinn, TB Chris Blessing 7
EClement, Cle Howard Bender 4
BZimmer, Tor Ryan Bloomfield 4
JKelly, CWS Joe Sheehan 3
KLee, Hou Jeff Erickson 3
CChang, TB Jeff Erickson 3
JMatijevic, Hou Jeff Erickson 3
DHall, Bal Patrick Davitt 1
CCulberson, Tex Patrick Davitt 0

National League

Player Team Bid
JBleday, Mia Todd Zola 57
NVelazquez, ChC Todd Zola 53
MBrosseau, Mil Wilderman/Prior 14
JDelay, Pit Ian Kahn 13
DVillar, SF Phil Hertz 8
MPapierski, Cin Grey Albright 3
APujols, StL Wilderman/Prior 3
RCano, Atl Grey Albright 3
BFalter, Phi Derek Carty 2
ASampson, ChC Derek Carty 1
SEffross, ChC Peter Kreutzer 0
TGott, Mil Peter Kreutzer 0
AWynns, SF Steve Gardner 0

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
JAdell, LAA CJ Kaltenbach 68
NPratto, KC Justin Mason 37
EPhillips, LAD Scott Swanay 28
DBundy, Min Bret Sayre 23
ZPlesac, Cle Doug Anderson 23
APollock, CWS Derek VanRiper 22
GUrshela, Min Brent Hershey 21
NMazara, SD Doug Anderson 17
BKeller, KC Brent Hershey 13
DMoore, Sea Scott Swanay 13
JQuintana, Pit Bret Sayre 12
SBrown, Oak Tim Heaney 11
KCrawford, Bos Jeff Zimmerman 11
BDalbec, Bos CJ Kaltenbach 8
SEffross, ChC Justin Mason 5
JBleday, Mia Jeff Zimmerman 2
ABaddoo, Det Derek VanRiper 2
EDuran, Tex Scott Engel 2
ZJackson, Oak Scott Engel 2
DPeralta, Ari Justin Mason 1

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid
RSuarez, Phi Charlie Wiegert 62
MKeller, Pit Tim McLeod 34
HDozier, KC Jeff Barton 22
MFranco, Was Jeff Barton 22
LRengifo, LAA Rudy Gamble 17
ASlater, SF Rudy Gamble 12
EDuran, Tex Scott White 4
NPratto, KC Scott White 4
MStassi, LAA Adam Ronis 4
JBrubaker, Pit Adam Ronis 4
SHoward, Tex Shelly Verougstraete 1
JCandelario, Det Perry Van Hook 0

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
NHoerner, ChC Ariel Cohen 48
SWatkins, Bal Andrea LaMont 38
ASampson, ChC Ariel Cohen 32
JDuran, Min Ryan Hallam 31
JMiranda, Min Clay Link 29
RUrias, Bal Andrea LaMont 27
DGerman, NYY Frank Stampfl 27
TEstrada, SF Andrea LaMont 14
NPratto, KC Frank Stampfl 12
APollock, CWS Chris Welsh 10

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
MCarpenter, NYY Jeff Boggis 70
NPratto, KC Brian Entrekin 21
KCrawford, Bos Brian Entrekin 21
BRaley, TB Steve Phillips 20
JOdorizzi, Hou Steve Phillips 15
ASlater, SF Brian Entrekin 12
JJunis, SF Brian Entrekin 7
EHaase, Det Brian Entrekin 6
AHicks, NYY Brian Entrekin 6
JBart, SF Jake Ciely 2
RUrias, Bal Jake Ciely 2
IParedes, TB Sara Sanchez 2
BGarrett, Mia Jake Ciely 1

Tout Wars FAB Report: Post Break Edition

The calm before the storm? Bidding was sparse in every league as we come out of the break.

To check the standings, rosters and all the moves, click on the heading above each league.

American League

Player Team Bid
NSolak, Tex Rob Leibowitz 73
EHernandez, Tex Larry Schechter 47
JLeclerc, Tex Doug Dennis 16
VMachin, Oak Larry Schechter 12
JJimenez, Det Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 2
PFairbanks, TB Mike Podhorzer 1
CHamilton, Min Larry Schechter 0

National League

Player Team Bid
JSegura, Phi Steve Gardner 49
JAlvarado, Phi Peter Kreutzer 28
YMercedes, SF Ian Kahn 21
ABarnes, LAD Grey Albright 7
SFairchild, Cin Grey Albright 3
SCishek, Was Phil Hertz 2
CMitchell, Pit Phil Hertz 0

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
JOdorizzi, Hou Zach Steinhorn 78
ASlater, SF Scott Pianowski 44
GHenderson, Bal Bret Sayre 44
RUrias, Bal Scott Engel 32
KFinnegan, Was Tim Heaney 23
DVillar, SF Scott Pianowski 22
SHaggerty, Sea Scott Engel 15
APuk, Oak Scott Pianowski 11
ADiaz, Cin Justin Mason 7
CBethancourt, TB Brent Hershey 5
LRengifo, LAA Jeff Zimmerman 1
JBrubaker, Pit Jeff Zimmerman 1
RStanek, Hou Scott Swanay 0
ANola, SD Bret Sayre 0

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid
MMeyer, Mia Mike Gianella 83
MCarpenter, NYY Mike Gianella 77
AMunoz, Sea Tim McCullough 51
LTaveras, Tex Mike Gianella 44
BGarrett, Mia Shelly Verougstraete 32
EHaase, Det Jeff Barton 31
KWaldichuk, NYY Tim McLeod 27
YDeLosSantos, Pit Tim McLeod 19
ABaddoo, Det Adam Ronis 12
JAdam, TB Scott White 6
BRaley, TB Scott White 4
RUrias, Bal Adam Ronis 4
JBart, SF Mike Gianella 4
JPaxton, Bos Seth Trachtman 3
MMaldonado, Hou Scott White 0
KFinnegan, Was Adam Ronis 0

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
MMeyer, Mia Dan Strafford 95
MCarpenter, NYY Nick Pollack 61
JBrubaker, Pit Ariel Cohen 44
JMcNeil, NYM Ariel Cohen 23
LTaveras, Tex Greg Jewett 18
BGarrett, Mia Greg Jewett 18
BBelt, SF Greg Jewett 15
JBart, SF Nick Pollack 7
MMaldonado, Hou Nick Pollack 7
CKelly, Ari Ariel Cohen 4

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
ERuiz, SD Matt Truss 181
TyAnderson, LAD Sara Sanchez 77
JBerrios, Tor Sara Sanchez 67
AMunoz, Sea Chris Clegg 8
MMeyer, Mia Jake Ciely 8
KCalhoun, Tex Jeff Boggis 2
JBrubaker, Pit Jeff Boggis 1
KFarmer, Cin Jeff Boggis 1
DPeterson, NYM Jeff Boggis 1
SEspinal, Tor Jeff Boggis 1
LTaveras, Tex Andy Behrens 0

Tout Table: Plans for the Break

Every year at this time, we ask the Touts:

Over the All Star break, I’m going to

Alex Fast (Pitcher List, @AlexFast8): Reasses where my team is at. After an extremely hot start, the team has been slumping and hard. How do I pull myself from this hole? Do I attach just one or two categories each week? Or go for a full assault on all the categories I can? Do I need to make some trades?

Doug Dennis (BaseballHQ, @dougdennis41): I am going to compare stats to date with balance of the season projections and see if anything shakes out that I can use in trade discussions. Otherwise, I’mma sleep.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola): Clean my apartment, catch a couple of Cape Cod League games and make a final decision on what I want to do in several keeper/dynasty leagues.

John Laghezza (The Athletic, @MLBMovingAvg): Get as far away from baseball as humanly possible. I’ve been grinding analysis, videos and content nonstop for over ninety days straight. The best thing I can do for my own sanity, as well as my own fantasy game and quality of 2H content is to decompress. Right before I return, I want to remind myself to remain vigilant in my process and pick right back up where I left off.

Patrick Davitt (BaseballHQ, @patrickdavitt): Take in ‘Hamlet’ at the Stratford Festival, go swimming a few times, and w/r/t fantasy, wonder what hit me and start figuring out what trades I can make and start making them.

Derek VanRiper (The Athletic, @DerekVanRiper): Try to spend more time outside, away from my computer. I don’t have an annual ASB tradition related to my teams, but if I do anything project-related, I’ll begin the process of building out my 2023 sheets.

Michael A. Stein (Fantasy Judgment, @FantasyJudgment): I am going to give serious thought to what exactly Edwin Diaz will need to do in order for me to finally believe that he is a closer the Mets can depend on in critical pennant race games down the stretch.

Larry Schechter (Winning Fantasy Baseball, @LarrySchechter): I’m going to work on Fantasy Football prep

Peter Kreutzer (Ask Rotoman, Fantasy Baseball Guide, @kroyte): Pray that deGrom and Tatis make it back onto the field for the rest of the season. I wasn’t able to stay competitive enough without them to have a shot at a complete turnaround, but they could make the rest of the way a lot more fun.

Ron Shandler (, @RonShandler): I’ve got a few buddies coming over to watch the ASG and play Quint-Inning. There are enough players to draft up fantasy squads from the All Star rosters.

Rudy Gamble (Razzball, @RudyGamble): Just relax. It’s taken some work but I’ve found a healthy-ish balance on optimizing my fantasy teams’ success + delivering daily/weekly/ROS projections. Hoping to avoid burnout in 2H as football becomes an increasing portion of my focus.

Dr. Roto (, @DrRoto): Figure out any way I can gain 27 points to catch Jeff Erickson in FSGA.

Howard Bender (Fantasy Alarm, @RotobuzzGuy): Spending the time I would have spent on baseball and turning it towards fotball because….well…that’s what we do.

Steve Gardner (USAToday Fantasy Sports, @SteveAGardner): Make a blockbuster trade with Dr. Roto to get us both closer to thwarting Jeff Erickson’s chances of winning FSGA. Outside of that, I’ll look forward to seeing Shohei Ohtani, Byron Buxton and some of my other favorite players I don’t have rostered anywhere do something spectacular in the ASG — and enjoy not having it hurt my fantasy teams in the process.

Ariel Cohen (CBS Sports, @ATCNY): I’m going to A) Take stock of the value gainers and drainers since draft day. B) Work on some rest of season projections C) Evaluate each fantasy team for possible trades D) Evaluate each team for non-traditional strategies in order to maximize points down the stretch. E) Relax and enjoy the summer!

Mike Podhorzer (Fangraphs, @MikePodhorzer): Pray to the injury Gods that they don’t take any more of my players.

Grey Albright (RazzBall, @razzball): Vancouver, where I will walk around asking if anyone knows Tim McLeod, only to discover everyone in Canada doesn’t know everyone else.

Alex Chamberlain (Rotographs, @DolphHauldhagen): Quickly review ~150 SP blurbs and ~150 RP blurbs, and write new blurbs for those without, like this year’s rookies and breakouts. Being able to reflect on my preseason thoughts on the midseason will allow me to reflect on those thoughts this coming offseason, so there’s kind of an internal dialogue with myself about my player analysis and, invariably, my biases and blind spots.

D.J. Short (NBC Sports Edge, @djshort): Work on a second half content plan for NBC Sports EDGE and also take care of some trade talks I’ve been ignoring in some dynasty leagues. It helps to have a bit of a pause. This is also an ideal time to talk trade in a format such as this with so much focus on prospects from the Futures Game and the draft.

Jeff Zimmerman (Fangraphs, The Process, @jeffwzimmerman): Try to automate pulling projections from Razzball and have them populate my projection spreadsheet.. And drink beer. And whiskey.

Jeff Erickson (Rotowire, @Jeff_Erickson): … Vegas. I guess I’m also going to have to figure out how to take credit for that FSGA league that Clay Link is kicking butt in.

Adam Ronis (Fantasy Alarm, @AdamRonis): Strategize how I can put my teams in successful positions for the second half.

Toby Guevin (BatFlipCrazy Podcast, @batflipcrazy): I use a few filters to determine who to move in and out, including recent playing time patterns, Razzball weekly/bi-weekly projections, schedule (opponent/numbers of games) and specific team needs (i.e. if I need speed, power, ratios, etc.)

Joe Sheehan (The Joe Sheehan Baseball Newsletter, @joe_sheehan): Sit by a pool, read, and listen to a zillionty fantasy podcasts.

Matt Williams (, @MattWi77iams): The plan is to a break much needed break away from baseball, but that is unlikely to happen because I love this game too much. Hopefully plenty of poolside cold beverages will be involved though.

Glenn Colton (Fantasy Alarm, @GlennColton1): Try to figure out how to make each team better — improve standings of teams that do not have realistic chance, look for out of the box high risk/high reward moves for teams that are still alive but need a major push in the second half, and find ways to solidify lead for those teams winning. Oh, and also use the baseball break to do more fantasy football prep!

Mike Gianella (Baseball Prospectus, @MikeGianella): In Tout, I’ll try to focus on one or two stashes. The short All-Star week and Tout’s rules provide an excellent opportunity to find a difference maker without too much of a stats penalty. I’ll also be looking at opportunities to load up on SP or middle relief streamers because of the short week. In my keeper leagues, this is where I’m either looking to trade away what I have left if I’m not going for it this year or try to find a few more deals to push me over the top if I am in contention. I also try to do something fun with my kids. The break from baseball is nice in its way.

Chris Towers (CBS Fantasy Sports, @CTowersCBS): I have so many teams whose struggles I can’t really make sense of — why is this team with so many good players struggling to hit? So, I’m going to take the time to pause and figure out to what extent my faith in those players might be misguided, or whether I just need to trust the process.

Jason Collette (Rotowire, @jasoncollette): Honestly, anything but baseball. No desire to watch the derby or the ASG and I have an important real job conference next week to keep me occupied. It’s OK to take a break from the daily grind.

Anthony Aniano (Rotoballer, @AAnianoFantasy): Enjoy the All Star Game as well as the Home Run Derby. Otherwise put my self in a chair on the beach while enjoying a drink with a mini-umbrella in it.

Sara Sanchez (, @BCB_Sara): Drink some rosé by the pool while I read something completely unrelated to work or baseball, before I try to figure out how to evaluate the MLB power environment for the second half. I need home runs and RBI’s in Tout Wars and a couple of other leagues. It’s a tricky problem to solve given the ball/humidor situation and while I have some ideas on how to move up in those categories going forward, I know it’s going to be a bit of a guessing game.

Shelly Verougstraete (Dynasty Guru, @ShellyV_643): There are so many household chores I’ve been been putting off. Do you know anyone that wants to paint a couple rooms? Baseball-wise, I’ll look to see if I can pull a couple trades in Tout since my team has been in a major slump the past month or so.

Frank Stampfl (Fantasy Pros, @Roto_Frank): Aruba for my honeymoon

Tim McLeod (, @RunTMcP361 ): I’m going to tell all my Vancouver friends that Grey is in town and that he’s buying the double/doubles! I’m also going to lobby the Mayor of Toronto to see if he’ll present JT Realmuto with a key to the city. Have a good break, folks!

Zach Steinhorn (CreativeSports2, @zachsteinhorn): Try to make a trade. While it’s never a good idea to simply make a trade for the sake of making a trade, the All-Star break is a great time to thoroughly examine your roster and assess strengths and weaknesses. We’re at the point in the season where a key FAAB pickup could help to address a weakness but there might not be enough time remaining for that player to significantly impact the standings. A carefully constructed trade for a high-end player is often a more effective route. The other benefit of trading during the break is that with no games taking place, player market values aren’t constantly changing, so you can be more decisive and avoid a situation where you get cold feet because the pitcher you’re about to trade just threw a shutout.

Tout Daily: Clean Slate

Period 4 begins tonight so the Touts all have a clean slate in the chase for the next three Golden Tickets into the Tout Daily Championship Tournament. Here are a few of the picks.

Ray Murphy (BaseballHQ, @RayHQ)

Pitcher: Kyle Hendricks – Hendricks looks like maybe he’s shaken off the struggles of early 2022, which of course were a carry-over from 2021. 25 K/3 BB over last four starts, with double-digit SwK in each start… suggests he’s got his changeup working again.

Hitter: Darick Hall – The Phils’ slow-pitch softball lineup is always a threat to unleash a flurry of bombs. Hall fits right into the mold, is batting cleanup, and priced nicely at $2700

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Pitcher: Nick Pivetta – Nick Pivetta ($10,300) has allowed 2 earned runs or less in 9 of his last 11 starts.

Hitter: Elvis Andrus – In honor of the new Elvis movie, I like Elvis Andrus tonihgt at only $2,200. I am hoping that Elvis has left the ballpark several times tonight against opposing pitcher, Yusei Kikuchi.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Pitcher: Yusei Kikuchi – The Athletics have been the panacea for many a struggling pitcher

Hitter: Mookie Betts – At 4.4 K, the price is right

Tout Table: Streaming Batters

Pitcher streaming is a popular in-season play, but hitter streaming is also important. As such, the Touts were asked:

How do you go about choosing players to jump in and out of your lineup on a weekly basis?

Scott Engel (Rotoballer, @scotteTheKing): For hitters, in close calls, I will look at recent hot/cold trends, but that can sometimes backfire, so I put the most emphasis on upcoming matchups for the week. For starting pitchers, I will consider matchups, ballparks, recent outings and whether they have two turns plus look at xFIP, strand rate, etc.

Brad Johnson (Patreon/BaseballATeam, @BaseballATeam): I guess I’ll state the obvious and let others react. I look at total games (or expected starts), matchup quality, parks, and any relevant platoons (handedness or GB/FB). I’ll interact that with player quality and use anyone who is obviously in a better spot than the alternatives. For close calls – which honestly aren’t super common – I’ll either do additional analysis or “go with my gut” if I’m in a lazy mood. So much of baseball is RNG that a single decision point on an apparent coin flip isn’t worth much effort.

Doug Dennis (BaseballHQ, @dougdennis41): Top players stay in no matter what. This year (more than usual) I have to go with whoever is healthy/playing and don’t have much of an actual choice. Where I have an actual choice, I go by strength of opponent almost entirely, because of what Brad Johnson said–over hundreds of coin flips, facing the weakest possible opponent will pay out.

Matt Truss (Razzball, @MattTruss): I am a company man, and Razzball has the best tools around for just thing! The weekly planner for starting pitchers is a very valuable tool for this, additionally, the weekly hitter values are awesome. That said, I have a core group of hitters and pitchers that won’t move regardless of the numbers. I have 3 or 4 that may rotate and I look at total games being played, splits and ballpark data in addition to the Razzball tools. Then I always look at the standings to judge my SP/RP mix and where my team needs are.

Michael A. Stein (Fantasy Judgment, @FantasyJudgment): I hardly ever bench star players unless they are in a Semien-like slump or are dealing with injuries not serious enough for an IL stint. Otherwise, I oscillate between more marginal players and tend to look at the number of games players have scheduled, who their opponents are, and what ballparks the games will be played. I try to make decisions for hitters before or in the midst of hot streaks, but sometimes I overthink things rather than go with my gut instinct. Choosing pitchers is more of a crapshoot because there are so few who can be relied upon on a consistent basis. Outside of superstar pitchers, I will opt for starters who are against teams with bad lineups or have games in more pitcher-friendly ballparks.

Patrick Davitt (BaseballHQ, @patrickdavitt): I look at matchups, trying to get hitters in against weak pitchers, and vice versa. I usually use wOBA as the go-to metric. This season, I’ve also been on the lookout for teams with eight games in the week to try to amass PAs from my hitters. I’ll start two-start SPs unless a marginal SP is facing a top offense.

Mike Podhorzer (Fangraphs, @MikePodhorzer): I rarely juggle my hitters, with the tiebreaker coming from number of games in the week. I usually don’t like carrying hitters with positive value on my bench, because it’s a waste, as the hitter only really adds value when injury strikes. For pitchers, a two-start starter is almost always starting. If I still decide to bench him, then I question why I even own him. Then there’s the group that always starts each week, regardless of opponent, unless it’s one start at Coors Field. Finally, opponent’s offense and opposing starting pitcher help me decide which of my lower tier pitchers to start.

Chris Blessing (Baseball HQ, @C_Blessing): Obviously, top hitters are usually in the lineup no matter what. I look at several factors for my non-top guys. I usually roll with favorable matchups, favorable ballparks and expected lineup spot to determine whether I go with one guy over another. For pitching, I’m fairly chalk and don’t like to speculate too much. When I’m between two guys, I rely heavily on opponent strength and my scouting eye as a determining factors in close comparisons.

Mike Sheets (ESPN, @MikeASheets): I don’t swap my hitters too much. Only the fringe guys are occasionally rotated in or out, and those decisions are generally based on upcoming schedule (number of games, opposing pitchers/parks) and sometimes recent performance if it’s a coin flip. As for pitchers, I usually will sit my mid- and low-tier starters against top offenses (TOR, NYY, HOU, etc.). If I have two similar one-start pitchers that I’m deciding between, I’ll usually make that decision based on opponent and park.

Paul Sporer (Fangraphs, ESPN Fantasy Sports, @Sporer): As edges disappear in the information age, streaming hitters still has some untapped value. Looking at venues, pitcher handedness, and recent playing time trends have me churning 2-3 hitters in my lineup in an effort to maximize hitting production. Everyone knows about streaming pitchers, but streaming hitters has some hidden upside in leagues of all sizes!

Vlad Sedler (FTNfantasy, @rotogut): Always the same process assessing matchups, pitcher handedness, ballparks, number of games, lineups slot, recent production.

Scott Swanay (FantasyBaseballSherpa, @fantasy_sherpa): Hitters – I generally don’t make changes from week to week unless I’m undecided between 2 players and one has significantly more games or a much more favorable schedule than the other. For pitchers I decide among marginal options based on their upcoming matchups. At this point in the season I also start to pay more attention to categorical needs than I did the first half of the season.

Tristan H. Cockcroft (ESPN, @SultanofStat): I tend to label certain players on the roster — generally the lower quarter of the lineup and their matchup partners on the bench — matchup types, then make decisions on those players based upon pitching matchups, volume of games, pitcher handedness, ballpark factors and recent performance. If it’s a more proven type, I just roll with ‘em.

Charlie Wiegert (CDM Sports, @GFFantasySports): For hitters, how many games they’ll be playing, and the quality of the pitchers they are facing. Always look to play guys at Coors. Studs stay in no matter what. For pitchers, try to take advantage of two starts, look at opponents and who their going against. I’ll use a two start guy over closer with team having 5 games if I’m not hurting for saves.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis): Yes I do. I wish all leagues allowed for daily roster changes. So many factors that you can take into consideration such as pitching matchups, ballpark dimensions, and always starting hitters in Coors field. I also will start players that are playing in a double header that day. I also take into consideration their ranks over the past 7 days to identify players on my team that are on hot streaks.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola): In full disclosure, this question was instigated by a Twitter thread discussing using hot and cold streaks to stream hitters. There were a few Touts contributing to the discussion, so I thought it would make for a good question. Not many mentioned streaks, suggesting it isn’t part of their process. I agree with that, as streaks may be real, but they are also not predictive as they can snap at any time. That said, hot streaks often beget more playing time (as others have noted). Like my colleagues, I care about the added playing time and not the recent production.

Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of July 4

It’s July 4 weekend. There were some tabbing this as opening day weekend. That seems like half a season ago.

Here are the players the Touts hope will lead them into string final final three months. To check out the standings, rosters and all the moved for each league, just click on the appropriate section header.

American League

Player Team Bid
JVillar, LAA Larry Schechter 317
GJax, Min Doug Dennis 41
CMcCormick, Hou Joe Sheehan 39
SNeuse, Oak Rob Leibowitz 38
ZGreinke, KC Howard Bender 32
GHill, Det Larry Schechter 28
SBolt, Oak Mike Podhorzer 28
SHaggerty, Sea Mike Podhorzer 22
RRefsnyder, Bos Jeff Erickson 17
MStefanic, LAA Mike Podhorzer 12
JSuarez, LAA Joe Sheehan 9
JSears, NYY Joe Sheehan 8
MDubon, Hou Patrick Davitt 4
JBeeks, TB Patrick Davitt 2
JArauz, Bal Chris Blessing 1
BBurke, Tex Rob Leibowitz 0

National League

Player Team Bid
DHall, Phi Tristan H. Cockcroft 151
BWilson, Pit Todd Zola 23
FAlvarez, NYM Ian Kahn 14
YDeLosSantos, Pit Grey Albright 7
ABellatti, Phi Brian Walton 6
ZThompson, StL Phil Hertz 6
NCrook, ChC Ian Kahn 5
VCaratini, Mil Grey Albright 3
GPerdomo, Ari Derek Carty 3
NCrismatt, SD Peter Kreutzer 0
JLamb, LAD Peter Kreutzer 0
HPark, Pit Peter Kreutzer 0

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
WSmith, Atl Zach Steinhorn 167
DHall, Phi Alex Chamberlain 135
KHendricks, ChC Scott Pianowski 44
DFloro, Mia Scott Swanay 38
ZPlesac, Cle Scott Swanay 34
JVillar, LAA Derek VanRiper 22
LTaveras, Tex Brent Hershey 13
EHaase, Det Scott Pianowski 11
KCalhoun, Tex Scott Pianowski 11
HRamirez, TB Derek VanRiper 11
YKikuchi, Tor Derek VanRiper 11
JSteele, ChC Scott Pianowski 6
DVogelbach, Pit Scott Engel 6
BGraterol, LAD Justin Mason 3
CKuhl, Col Jeff Zimmerman 2
ERosario, Atl Justin Mason 1

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid
AMinter, Atl Charlie Wiegert 88
DHall, Phi Ray Murphy 74
JVillar, LAA Rudy Gamble 69
WSmith, Atl Adam Ronis 48
AWood, SF Seth Trachtman 45
SKwan, Cle Rudy Gamble 14
HKim, SD Shelly Verougstraete 12
BAnderson, Mia Perry Van Hook 11
FBautista, Bal Tim McLeod 8
GHill, Det Tim McLeod 8
PEspino, Was Perry Van Hook 7
NSenzel, Cin Rudy Gamble 7
MHaniger, Sea Scott White 6
ROrtega, ChC Adam Ronis 4
JSchreiber, Bos Perry Van Hook 4
BHand, Phi Scott White 3
JHarrison, CWS Tim McLeod 2

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
VPasquantino, KC Greg Jewett 69
JDuran, Bos Greg Jewett 27
JDuran, Min Clay Link 24
KCalhoun, Tex Ariel Cohen 23
DKremer, Bal Ariel Cohen 23
CArcher, Min Ariel Cohen 22
JYepez, StL Andrea LaMont 21
SEspinal, Tor Ariel Cohen 13
JSuwinski, Pit Andrea LaMont 8
SBarlow, KC Andrea LaMont 5
MWhite, LAD Paul Sporer 4

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
CAbrams, SD Chris Clegg 5
JMeyers, Hou Chris Clegg 13
PSewald, Sea Jennifer Piacenti 47
SKwan, Cle Jennifer Piacenti 31
CRaleigh, Sea Chris Towers 11
DHall, Phi Jake Ciely 7
YKikuchi, Tor Matt Truss 27
NSenzel, Cin Matt Truss 22
OGonzalez, Cle Jennifer Piacenti 23
NGordon, Min Brian Entrekin 7
MWhite, LAD Brian Entrekin 13
JCueto, CWS Brian Entrekin 4
SBrown, Oak Brian Entrekin 4

Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of June 27

Injuries continue to mount. Here is how the Touts hope to replace them.

To check out the full standings, rosters and moves for each league, just click on the league header.

American League

Player Team Bid
GSheets, CWS Chris Blessing 133
BPhillips, TB Howard Bender 132
TNevin, Bal Howard Bender 132
JSmith, Tex Chris Blessing 91
AMunoz, Sea Doug Dennis 49
DMacKinnon, LAA Jason Collette 32
CGallagher, KC Jason Collette 26
KPadlo, Sea Ryan Bloomfield 23
JHeasley, KC Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 19
DKremer, Bal Chris Blessing 15
LSosa, CWS Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 10
DAcevedo, Oak Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 9
KSuzuki, LAA Patrick Davitt 0
MBush, Tex Rob Leibowitz 0
ESwanson, Sea Patrick Davitt 0
JKelly, CWS Rob Leibowitz 0

National League

Player Team Bid
DBote, ChC Todd Zola 67
BMadris, Pit Ian Kahn 54
MWhite, LAD Ian Kahn 54
JTetreault, Was Phil Hertz 7
TraThompson, LAD Derek Carty 3
AOttavino, NYM Peter Kreutzer 0
BBoxberger, Mil Peter Kreutzer 0
PReyes, Mil Phil Hertz 0

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
IParedes, TB Tim Heaney 146
CPoche, TB Derek VanRiper 57
JMeyers, Hou Scott Engel 46
CAbrams, SD Scott Swanay 38
HStrickland, Cin Tim Heaney 36
RMontero, Hou Zach Steinhorn 23
JLowe, TB Derek VanRiper 11
JQuintana, Pit Brent Hershey 7
SBrown, Oak Scott Engel 7
LTrivino, Oak Scott Engel 7
EAlvarez, LAD CJ Kaltenbach 6
MStassi, LAA Alex Chamberlain 4
EFedde, Was CJ Kaltenbach 3
MLorenzen, LAA Jeff Zimmerman 3
ABohm, Phi Jeff Zimmerman 3
TTrammell, Sea CJ Kaltenbach 3
MVierling, Phi Jeff Zimmerman 3
JHeasley, KC CJ Kaltenbach 2
ERuiz, SD Justin Mason 1
JUpton, Sea CJ Kaltenbach 1

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid
JLowe, TB Seth Trachtman 256
IParedes, TB Perry Van Hook 47
BMadris, Pit Perry Van Hook 47
TTrammell, Sea Shelly Verougstraete 37
JHeasley, KC Tim McCullough 32
DKremer, Bal Shelly Verougstraete 32
BBrieske, Det Tim McCullough 28
HCastro, Det Jeff Barton 19
JTrevino, NYY Jeff Barton 18
KBubic, KC Perry Van Hook 13
EFedde, Was Perry Van Hook 13
RRefsnyder, Bos Perry Van Hook 11
MWhite, LAD Rudy Gamble 8
OOrtega, LAA Perry Van Hook 7
ANola, SD Tim McCullough 5
JSmith, Tex Scott White 4
ASampson, ChC AJ Mass 1
KHendricks, ChC Mike Gianella 1
LTrivino, Oak Adam Ronis 0

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
IParedes, TB Clay Link 41
MMelendez, KC Dan Strafford 25
EFedde, Was Ariel Cohen 23
WFlores, SF Ryan Hallam 23
ELongoria, SF Greg Jewett 18
ANola, SD Ryan Hallam 16
JrgLopez, Bal Frank Stampfl 14
JProfar, SD Frank Stampfl 13
CBiggio, Tor Nick Pollack 13
ElDiaz, Col Nick Pollack 11
KBubic, KC Nick Pollack 11
JPeterson, Mil Geoff Pontes 10

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
DMoore, Sea Matt Truss 21
MKepler, Min Matt Truss 21
JSuwinski, Pit Jeff Boggis 12
IParedes, TB Jeff Boggis 12
JDuran, Bos Andy Behrens 11
KBubic, KC Matt Truss 11
JSchreiber, Bos Matt Truss 6
MFulmer, Det Chris Clegg 5
CBiggio, Tor Chris Clegg 4
TTaylor, Mil Jeff Boggis 2
JAlfaro, SD Chris Clegg 1
JHeasley, KC Jake Ciely 1
OArcia, Atl Jake Ciely 1