Tout Wars Weekend is Coming! Here’s how to follow all the drafts.

For the third year in a row the Touts are gathering for a virtual Tout Weekend. No party at Foleys, no hanging out at the Stewart Hotel and SiriusXM talking baseball with friends. No intense, fast-paced in-person auctions led by savvy auctioneers pushing the pace ever forward.

For the third year in a row the Touts will be gathering in a draft room at Fantrax, some of them connected on a Zoom call, putting their teams together from the four corners of the US, from Florida to Hawaii, from Maine to the Columbia Valley. Here’s how you can follow along (note that the moderator will need to admit you to the public Zoom Rooms, which might take a moment):

Tout Wars AL (Saturday March 19, 2022 10 AM ET)

Radio broadcast on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports
Public Zoom Room can be accessed at 896 5031 8894, hosted by Tim McLeod and Eric Cross.
Draft Sheet: Click here

Tout Wars Mixed Auction (Saturday March 19, 2022 4 PM ET)

Radio broadcast on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports (The Lawr Michaels Zen and Now Award winner will be announced on SiriusXM in the 15 minute block before the auction starts)
Public Zoom Room can be accessed at 864 7710 5666, hosted by Clay Link.
Draft Sheet: Click here

Tout Wars NL (Sunday March 20, 2022 10 AM ET)

Radio broadcast on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports
Public Zoom Room can be accessed at 895 0366 4657, hosted by Derek VanRiper.
Draft Sheet: Click here

Tout Wars Head to Head (Sunday March 20, 2022 4 PM ET)

Radio broadcast on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports
Public Zoom Room can be accessed at 853 3504 2173, hosted by Adam Howe and Shelly Verougstraete.
Draft Sheet: Click here

Tout Wars Draft and Hold is over!

Check out the draft board here.

Nando Di Fino talks about his team with Derek VanRiper on their podcast.

Michael Stein’s article about his team.

James Anderson writes about all his industry leagues, including Tout Draft and Hold.

Brad Johnson writes about his draft.

Tout Wars Mixed 15 Draft is Finished!

See the full draft results here. Click tabs for different leagues.

Scott White writes about his draft here.

Rudy Gamble writes about how his draft went here.

Charlie Wiegert’s recap (part 1) is right here. And like the Godfather, it has a part 2 right here.

Mike Gianella’s story of his draft at Baseball Prospectus out from behind the paywall.

Tout Wars Mixed Draft 15 is Coming Up Soon!

You can follow it by Zoom, hosted by Jason Collette, at Zoom room 897 6009 8139. No password is required.

The draft is being covered by Colton and Wolfman on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports, though I hear the Wolfman isn’t in tonight. I’m sure Glenn will have an able co-host.

The link to the public draft room on Fantrax is here. You can see the actual draft order there.

Draft order is based on teams that finished better last year getting their choice of picks. The order of picking this year was:

Adam Ronis (1000) 2015, 2016, 2021 Mix 15 Champion
DJ Short (1000)
Shelly Verougstraete (1000)
Tim McLeod (1000) 2014 Mix 15 Champion
Tim McCullough (1000)
Seth Trachtman (1000) 2016 AL Champion
Charlie Wiegert (1000)
Ray Murphy (1000) 2019 Mix 15 Champion
Rudy Gamble (1000) 2018, 2017 Mix 15 Champion
Scott White (1000) 2020 Mix 15 Champion
Michael Beller (920)
Anthony Perri (870)
Mike Gianella (700) 2015 NL Champion, Xfer from Tout AL
Perry Van Hook (680))
AJ Mass (1000) Return to Tout

Teams that finish in the lower half of the standings one year face a FAAB penalty the next. The numbers in parens are that team’s FAAB for 2022. The penalties follow teams even if they change leagues.

Tout Wars Mixed 12 Draft is Done.

The Mixed 12 Draft Board is here.

Chris Towers has written about the draft.

Brian Entrekin has written about it, too.

Jen Piacenti writes about her Mixed 12 draft.

Read Chris Clegg’s draft recap here.

Read Matt Trussell’s write up here.

Andy Behrens wrote about drafting no starting pitching!

Mike Alexander has his recap here.

The Draft and Hold draft is over. Check out all the Tout rosters here.

Tout Wars Mixed 12 Draft Starts at Noon Today.

Tune in at SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio for Todd Zola’s and Jeff Erickson’s commentary on the Rotowire Show.

And join Tim McLeod for a chat on Zoom by joining room 835 5818 2948.

The Mixed 12 Draft Board is here.

The Draft and Hold Draft Board is here.

Note, that you have to click Reload on these pages to see the latest picks.

This Year’s Touts!

With one exception, this year’s Tout Wars leagues are filled. See who’s playing who on the Touts 2022 page.

This year’s Tout Wars Draft and Hold league kicks off on March 1st. We’ll have a link to monitor the slow draft once we begin.

Tout Wars Draft 12 league also kicks off on March 1st, starting at noon, covered by the Rotowire show with Jeff Erickson and Todd Zola on SiriusXM fantasy sports radio.

Tout Wars Draft 15 league will take place on March 8 at 8pm, covered by Colton and the Wolfman on SiriusXM.

This year’s live auctions, on Tout Wars weekend, will be remote again, alas. They take place on March 19 (AL at 10am, Mixed Auction at 3pm) and 20 (NL at 10am and H2H at 3pm). More details the week before Tout Weekend.

Some other announcements:

Head to Head will again play by CBS Sports H2H Points scoring system, as selected by 2021 winner Frank Stampfl. Unsurprising if you know who Frank works for.

To address the mess of major league free agents because of the lockout, who may or may not have signed by draft day in the AL-only and NL-only leagues, the Touts in those leagues may roster anyone on a major league roster of their respective league, as usual. But in 2022, while they may also draft free agents, any free agents who then go on to sign in the other league may be kept active accumulating stats even as they play. In prior years those players would have had to be released. While the extra talent is going to dilute the draft day pool if the labor issues aren’t solved soon, allowing the stats of the talent acquired to accumulate seemed the fairest way to deal with the issue for all involved.

Finally, this year Tout Wars is acknowledging that for a variety of reasons, some temporary and some permanent, some Touts need partners. We’re now accepting proposals from Touts in some cases, if there is a good reason and both partners meet Tout Wars’ eligibility standards. In the future you’re likely to see more partnered teams than just Colton and the Wolfman in Tout AL. Once we go back to live events, however, with the grandfathered exception of the Colton/Wolf team, only one of the partners will be allowed to sit at the table during the auction.

The Touts: In their own write (or radio, or podcast)

Each year we publish links to the Touts writings and ruminations about what happened in the season that just ended. Here they are for 2021:

Draft and Hold: Michael Stein |

NL: Fred Zinkie | Phil Hertz |

Mixed Auction: Zach Steinhorn |

Head to Head: Frank Stampfl |