Tout Wars Head to Head 2020 Champion, Ariel Cohen

Woah. Going into the last week Ian Kahn was two games ahead of Andrea LaMont and three games ahead of Ariel Cohen.

Perhaps more telling, Kahn was 1540 points scored ahead of LaMont, but only 413 against Cohen. Why am I framing the story this way?

Because at the end of the final week Kahn and Cohen had the same number of wins, but Cohen led by 753 points winning the tie-breaker and the championship.

Ian Kahn was the 2019 Tout H2H champ.

This year was Ariel Cohen’s Tout debut.

Tout Wars Mixed Auction 2020 Champion, Derek VanRiper

On August 23rd Derek VanRiper was 1.5 points behind Bret Sayre in the Tout Mixed Auction standings. One week later, despite having only the second best record on the week, DVR was in first by 15.5 over Eric Karabell. With a month left to go VanRiper was in the driver seat.

Tout Wars NL 2020 Champion, Fred Zinkie!

With a week left in the short season Steve Gardner had a 7.5 point lead over Fred Zinkie, apparently comfortable but in the end not enough to hold off Zinkie in his first Tout Wars NL season.

Gardner’s teams was the worst in the league the final week, while Zinkie posted the second best. That was enough for a two point victory.

Who Is Winning Tout Wars?

After 55 games or so our fantasy baseball seasons are just getting started. A front-runner or three has emerged, but there is still plenty of time for a slow starter to catch up. Still, big jumps in the standings points tend to come less frequently and the game’s long season exerts its muscular force.

Not this year. With five days left to the regular season, and the possibility of a Monday doubleheader between the Cardinals and Tigers, let’s see who is leading in each of the leagues.

TOUT DAILY: We already have a winner: Mike Gianella.

TOUT WARS DRAFT AND HOLD: Brad Johnson has a 7.5 point lead over Michael Florio, with Michael Stein and Craig Mish just behind him.

TOUT WARS HEAD TO HEAD: Ian Kahn, last year’s champ, is just ahead of Andrea LaMont and Ariel Cohen. But Ian is off to a slow start this week.

TOUT WARS MIXED AUCTION: 2014 champ Derek VanRiper leads 2017 champ Jeff Zimmerman by 10.5 points.

TOUT WARS MIXED DRAFT: Scott White, who tied with Tim Mcleod last year, is trying to hold off 2014 champion McLeod, leading today by 2.5 points. Perennial contenders Rudy Gamble and Adam Ronis are in a knot with Tom Kessenich and Perry Van Hook 10-15 points back.

TOUT WARS AL: 2015 champ Chris Liss has run away with it and is 16 points ahead of Glenn Colton/Rick Wolf’s team.

TOUT WARS NL: Two-time champ (2011, 2018) Steve Gardner has an 8 point lead over league newcomer but three-time mixed auction champ Fred Zinkie.

Good luck to all in the final days of this year’s races. If you’d like to follow along with the races click these links: AL | NL | Mixed Auction | Mixed Draft | H2H | Draft and Hold.

We’ll announce the Tout Wars winners as they clinch.

Tout Wars FAAB Report: Week of September 20

Each week, we’ll share the winning bids for the five Tout Wars league using FAAB, along with providing the links so you can see the full report and standings for each league.

American League

JLamb, OakJeff Erickson 135
NMazara, CWSLarry Schechter 25
TLopes, SeaPatrick Davitt 24
EWhite, TexRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 16
MBoyd, DetMike Podhorzer 14
MChavis, BosRyan Bloomfield 8
KHigashioka, NYYLarry Schechter 3
CHeuer, CWSLarry Schechter 1
GCrochet, CWSDoug Dennis 0
WBenjamin, TexPatrick Davitt 0
RLopez, CWSJeff Erickson 0
LRengifo, LAAChris Liss 0
RBrasier, BosRyan Bloomfield 0
JDyson, CWSChris Liss 0
Full report available here

National League

TMatzek, AtlDerek Carty 256
DCarlson, StLTristan H. Cockcroft 83
KWright, AtlLenny Melnick  45
TBarnhart, CinFred Zinkie 32
ASlater, SFFred Zinkie 31
DFowler, StLPhil Hertz 29
GCabrera, StLFred Zinkie 20
JVanMeter, AriBrian Walton 12
SBrault, PitPeter Kreutzer 4
JPeterson, MilPeter Kreutzer 3
DRuf, SFSteve Gardner 1
PGosselin, PhiPeter Kreutzer 1
VGonzalez, LADPhil Hertz 0
AGarrett, CinSteve Gardner 0
NCrismatt, StLGrey Albright 0
GGarcia, SDSteve Gardner 0
Full report available here

Mixed Auction

NLowe, TBJake Ciely 162
JrgLopez, BalJake Ciely 130
KBubic, KCZach Steinhorn 82
KHayes, PitZach Steinhorn 39
JTomlin, AtlDerek VanRiper 35
ADeSclafani, CinTim Heaney 30
JGyorko, MilDerek VanRiper 30
GCooper, MiaScott Swanay 14
KAkin, BalJeff Zimmerman 6
THouck, BosRon Shandler 5
TONeill, StLScott Swanay 3
BCrawford, SFScott Swanay 1
MGarver, MinJeff Zimmerman 1
TNaquin, CleAl Melchior 1
HNeris, PhiJeff Zimmerman 0
Full report available here

Mixed Draft

YHirano, SeaRudy Gamble 178
NLowe, TBAdam Ronis 87
AVoth, WasTim McCullough 82
KAkin, BalTim McCullough 82
RLopez, CWSSeth Trachtman 64
TPham, SDTim McCullough 36
HCastro, DetPerry Van Hook 25
LTorrens, SeaTim McLeod 19
YGomes, WasRudy Gamble 17
AMills, ChCAdam Ronis 13
ZBritton, NYYPerry Van Hook 3
SHuff, TexAdam Ronis 0
Full report available here

Head to Head

KAkin, BalIan Kahn 75
JWalsh, LAAIan Kahn 41
TAnderson, SFAriel Cohen 24
NEovaldi, BosAriel Cohen 16
GCooper, MiaAriel Cohen 16
JNottingham, MilIan Kahn 10
CMoran, PitAriel Cohen 9
RBraun, MilAriel Cohen 5
SBrault, PitAndrea LaMont 1
RRuiz, BalAndrea LaMont 1
JBarria, LAAAndrea LaMont 0
EFedde, WasAndrea LaMont 0
NLowe, TBAndrea LaMont 0
Full report available here

Full report for Draft and Hold League available here.

Tout Wars FAAB Report: Week of September 13

Each week, we’ll share the winning bids for the five Tout Wars league using FAAB, along with providing the links so you can see the full report and standings for each league.

American League

MMinor, OakRob Leibowitz 253
DCameron, DetRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 180
JWalsh, LAAMike Podhorzer 163
AKirk, TorPatrick Davitt 89
AVelazquez, BalJason Collette 74
BGarcia, DetRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 56
JBarria, LAALarry Schechter 51
RJeffers, MinMike Gianella 37
VMachin, OakRyan Bloomfield 32
SHuff, TexMike Gianella 10
SApostel, TexRob Leibowitz 3
SBrown, OakPatrick Davitt 3
CArroyo, BosChris Liss 2
JLuplow, CleJeff Erickson 1
TWard, LAADoug Dennis 0
JCurtiss, TBDoug Dennis 0
JWendelken, OakPatrick Davitt 0
Full report available here

National League

TPham, SDGrey Albright 102
JFuentes, ColTodd Zola 77
PSmith, AriPhil Hertz 42
TTaylor, MilSteve Gardner 24
JNottingham, MilTodd Zola 16
AKnapp, PhiBrian Walton 5
RRavelo, StLBrian Walton 5
SCrichton, AriBrian Walton 5
BGarrett, MiaScott Wilderman 2
YGarcia, MiaFred Zinkie 2
NVincent, MiaFred Zinkie 2
TStephenson, CinLenny Melnick  1
LThomas, StLScott Wilderman 1
IDiaz, MiaSteve Gardner 1
Full report available here

Mixed Auction

HBader, StLScott Swanay 158
AlexReyes, StLTim Heaney 66
RDolis, TorAl Melchior 56
JUrena, MiaMichael Rathburn 40
DStewart, BalScott Swanay 38
TAntone, CinBrent Hershey 31
MRojas, MiaRon Shandler 21
BSinger, KCRon Shandler 21
TPham, SDScott Swanay 19
JWalsh, LAAAl Melchior 13
TWatson, SFJeff Zimmerman 2
DPeralta, AriJeff Zimmerman 1
VVelasquez, PhiJeff Zimmerman 1
Full report available here

Mixed Draft

JRojas, AriRudy Gamble 147
CMullins, BalRudy Gamble 139
BSinger, KCAdam Ronis 38
SBarlow, KCRay Murphy 32
MMinor, OakRay Murphy 32
SAkiyama, CinRay Murphy 32
LGarcia, HouPerry Van Hook 31
RJeffers, MinPerry Van Hook 21
JWalsh, LAATim McLeod 16
AniSanchez, WasCharlie Wiegert 15
TClarke, AriCharlie Wiegert 15
EOlivares, KCCharlie Wiegert 15
HHarvey, BalTim McLeod 14
WCalhoun, TexScott White 11
KCalhoun, AriScott White 11
KBubic, KCScott White 11
SCrichton, AriScott White 6
TFlowers, AtlD.J. Short 4
JMarmolejos, SeaTim McLeod 4
RGuzman, TexPerry Van Hook 3
AKirk, TorTim McLeod 2
Full report available here

Head to Head

TRogers, MiaAlex Chamberlain 50
JAguilar, MiaAndrea LaMont 23
TFrance, SeaAndrea LaMont 21
LGarcia, HouAndrea LaMont 12
JLester, ChCAriel Cohen 74
HAlberto, BalAriel Cohen 34
ADuvall, AtlAriel Cohen 24
VVelasquez, PhiAriel Cohen 43
JUrquidy, HouAriel Cohen 14
JrgLopez, BalIan Kahn 81
NMargevicius, SeaIan Kahn 78
JBell, PitIan Kahn 21
AKnapp, PhiIan Kahn 2
CTaylor, LADRalph Lifshitz 2
AGimenez, NYMRalph Lifshitz 31
JOviedo, StLRalph Lifshitz 8
DKremer, BalClay Link 45
JCandelario, DetAndrea LaMont 16
JStallings, PitAndrea LaMont 1
RHill, MinAndy Behrens 0
Full report available here

Full report for Draft and Hold League available here.

Tout Wars FAAB Report: Week of September 6

Each week, we’ll share the winning bids for the five Tout Wars league using FAAB, along with providing the links so you can see the full report and standings for each league.

American League

JVillar, TorLarry Schechter 608
RRay, TorHoward Bender 527
EOlivares, KCJason Collette 303
TFrance, SeaMike Podhorzer 204
ATejeda, TexMike Gianella 175
JNaylor, CleMike Gianella 175
RStripling, TorRyan Bloomfield 105
DDeShields, CleDoug Dennis 99
PErvin, SeaChris Liss 89
DStewart, BalMike Podhorzer 78
YMunoz, BosRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 76
KAkin, BalRyan Bloomfield 71
DKremer, BalRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 56
NLowe, TBMike Podhorzer 46
LTorrens, SeaJeff Erickson 3
CaJoseph, TorPatrick Davitt 2
MMayers, LAAMike Podhorzer 1
JDiekman, OakChris Liss 1
AMisiewicz, SeaMike Podhorzer 0
Full report available here

National League

MClevinger, SDFred Zinkie 734
KPillar, ColDerek Carty 477
ANola, SDPhil Hertz 443
BGoodwin, CinScott Wilderman 279
KHayes, PitBrian Walton 187
JPeterson, MilSteve Gardner 150
TFrazier, NYMScott Wilderman 124
JChisholm, MiaBrian Walton 52
KGinkel, AriGrey Albright 37
JRojas, AriPeter Kreutzer 25
CMaybin, ChCTristan H. Cockcroft 20
VGonzalez, LADBrian Walton 12
DVogelbach, MilTristan H. Cockcroft 10
AAlzolay, ChCLenny Melnick  2
AGarrett, CinFred Zinkie 2
BSuter, MilPhil Hertz 2
JWoodford, StLPeter Kreutzer 1
WSuero, WasScott Wilderman 0
JMarisnick, NYMFred Zinkie 0
Full report available here

Mixed Auction

GHolland, KCJeff Zimmerman 131
KGinkel, AriDerek VanRiper 110
CMoran, PitRon Shandler 76
YRamirez, SeaTim Heaney 56
TFrance, SeaScott Pianowski 44
ADickerson, SFAl Melchior 34
RArozarena, TBScott Pianowski 31
SAkiyama, CinScott Pianowski 31
KAllard, TexAl Melchior 22
DVarsho, AriDerek VanRiper 20
JBradley, BosBret Sayre 17
LTorrens, SeaAl Melchior 12
FPena, LAAJeff Zimmerman 5
ASimmons, LAAAl Melchior 2
TAlexander, DetBret Sayre 1
TWolters, ColJeff Zimmerman 1
PFairbanks, TBBret Sayre 1
SGreene, AtlBret Sayre 1
Full report available here

Mixed Draft

KGinkel, AriSeth Trachtman 225
DBard, ColAdam Ronis 204
JUrena, MiaCharlie Wiegert 131
RArozarena, TBCharlie Wiegert 56
JHeyward, ChCD.J. Short 50
ADickerson, SFD.J. Short 40
ADiaz, HouRay Murphy 28
WCastro, DetPerry Van Hook 27
TRogers, MiaD.J. Short 25
RDolis, TorAdam Ronis 22
YRamirez, SeaTim McLeod 21
DVarsho, AriRay Murphy 18
TFrance, SeaAdam Ronis 18
DKremer, BalTim McLeod 15
AAquino, CinTim McCullough 12
LNewsome, SeaSeth Trachtman 11
ADuvall, AtlScott White 8
KHayes, PitScott White 8
AGomber, StLPerry Van Hook 6
DBote, ChCTim McCullough 5
DFisher, TorTim McLeod 5
JTrevino, TexD.J. Short 4
JBradley, BosPerry Van Hook 3
DGarcia, NYYAdam Ronis 2
JDunn, SeaTom Kessenich 2
DStewart, BalAdam Ronis 1
GHolland, KCScott White 0
FPena, LAAScott White 0
Full report available here

Head to Head

ZPlesac, CleAndrea LaMont 201
JUpton, LAAIan Kahn 132
MPineda, MinFrank Stampfl 86
LWeaver, AriIan Kahn 83
VReyes, DetNick Pollack 50
TSkubal, DetAlex Chamberlain 50
MWacha, NYMAriel Cohen 48
JHapp, NYYAriel Cohen 34
CBassitt, OakIan Kahn 21
KPillar, ColAriel Cohen 18
JJeffress, ChCAriel Cohen 14
JFleming, TBAlex Chamberlain 10
JBrubaker, PitAlex Chamberlain 10
ARiley, AtlAndrea LaMont 6
LWebb, SFAndrea LaMont 5
MPerez, BosAndrea LaMont 4
DBard, ColClay Link 2
ASlater, SFAlex Chamberlain 1
DVarsho, AriFrank Stampfl 1
MBarnes, BosFrank Stampfl 1
WAdames, TBClay Link 1
KFreeland, ColRalph Lifshitz 1
TWatson, SFAndy Behrens 0
Full report available here

Full report for Draft and Hold League available here.

Tout Daily Picks: Three Golden Tickets up for grabs

It’s the final week of the second Tuesday period which means the top-two from the period along with the overall Tuesday points leader will be awarded a ticket to the Tout Daily Championship Tournament.

Here are who some of the Touts are hoping get them to the promised land.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Pitcher: Ian Anderson – Ian Anderson is a lower-priced option tonight at only $6,800. He’s averaging 25.1 fantasy points per game and is facing a weak Boston Red Sox lineup.

Hitter: Jose Abreu – Jose Abreu is on a tear. Over the past 2 weeks, Abreu is batting .431 with 11 runs scored, 8 home runs, and 19 RBI. He’s not cheap at $5,500 tonight, but worth paying up for.

Mike Gianella (Baseball Prospectus, @MikeGianella)

Pitcher: Aaron Nola – Outside of a clunker in Atlanta Nola has been a dominant ace all season long. It’s a tough matchup against Washington but sometimes you roll with an ace and hope for the best.

Hitter: Mookie Betts – Betts has a weird reverse platoon differential (he has been better against righties the last two seasons) but Alex Young has been giving up homers against righties at a ridiculous clip. Something has to give, and I’m betting on Betts here.

Charlie Wiegert (CDM Sports, @GFFantasySports)

Pitcher: Framber Valdez – Coming off 7 inning, 11K outing with LAA last Monday, and getting an extra day of rest, against a struggling Ranger team.

Hitter: Trevor Story – Time to have a big day at home vs Gausman, plus a couple other hot hitters; Nunez, Riley and Robert. Sounds like a law firm!

Phil Hertz (BaseballHQ, @prhz50)

Pitcher: Ian Anderson – Price is the determinant here along with hope that he can approach his first game success.

Hitter: Robinson Cano – He’s been red hot all season and goes against Oriole pitching at Camden Yards.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Pitcher: Aaron Nola – Staying with what got me two first place finishes in the first two weeks of this period — ace pitching, figure out the rest

Hitter: Jacob Stallings – Catcher, batting 5th, platoon edge, 2.7K – pretty much a free square. Sign me up!