Tout Table: To err is human

This week’s question is:

What are some of the mistakes you see made when managing fantasy teams?

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola): The biggest mistake I see is trade analysis. Too often, the focus is on the involved players in a vacuum. The game isn’t played in a vacuum. It’s too bad, batted balls would travel really far, but things like breathing would be tough. Context is everything. Trade evaluation should be roster before versus roster after, with the focus on which offers greater points potential. It’s not my hitter for your pitcher, at least in terms of analysis. The analysis is my roster with the replacement for the hitter I’m losing plus your pitcher, less the one he replaces versus my current roster. Oh yeah, trades aren’t about winning or losing — they’re about both sides benefiting. The add-on to this is too many care only about winning a trade, not helping their team.

Derek VanRiper (Rotowire, @DerekVanRiper): Some idiot in the auction mixed Tout Wars league started Greg Bird over Miguel Andujar in his UT spot this week. In all seriousness though, I think we — all fantasy players, not just Touts — are making too many errors in the lineup setting process. I think it’s easy to get hooked on granular data, or to make what seem like toss-up decisions without a well-reasoned process, and we are probably losing more standings points than we even realize with the decisions we’re making each week.

Paul Sporer (Fangraphs, ESPN Fantasy Sports, @Sporer): Trying to find actionable information from every start definitely plagues the fantasy community. Mediocre pitcher throws a gem — wow, must get him everywhere!!; stud throws a dud — OH NO, IS HE DYING?? — The ebbs and flows of a season will shine a light on fifth starters several times a year and a cast a cloud over aces from time-to-time as well. Don’t assume something is markedly different because a single performance doesn’t match the season or career trend.

Doug Dennis (BaseballHQ, @dougdennis41): Know your league rules! Know how to operate/navigate your league website! These are so basic that it is embarrassing to even mention them. (and yet!) I think the biggest mistake is that owners go on tilt after a particularly bad week and make short-term moves that won’t pan out, long-term. Don’t forget the hot streak against a bad team is far less predictive than rolling projections. Caveat to that: playing time shifts.  If you see a playing time shift, that is going to matter to your counting stats. Finally, the 10-day DL is wreaking havoc with weekly lineups. It is frustrating for everyone, so all I can advise is have a reliable set of sources and stay on it as best you can.

Scott Pianowski (Yahoo! Fantasy Sports, @Scott_Pianowski): Playing afraid. You can’t be paralyzed by fear. You can’t be afraid of being laughed at. If you think a move makes sense, trust yourself. If you never drop a player and later regret it, at some point in the season, you’re playing far too tentatively. Obviously I’m not saying you should do reckless things; don’t drop Paul Goldschmidt for some flavor of the week. But the fantasy owners I view as the biggest threats to win are those who are selectively aggressive. Better to swing and miss than to never swing at all.

Ray Flowers (Fantasy Guru Elite, @BaseballGuys): The biggest mistake I see people making is that they think if they aren’t doing something they aren’t doing anything. There are some folks who seemingly think that the person who makes the most moves a season wins. I receive questions from the same people nearly daily, all season long. They make a deal, and then two days later they are making another. They add a player, usually a rookie, give him a week, and then want to add the next guy called up. They have ADHD. Baseball isn’t a game that should be played in this manner, but many seemingly haven’t figured that out yet.

Lawr Michaels (CreativeSports2, @lawrmichaels): Everything my comrades have noted rings true for me. And, in particular, the impatience of player success often boils down to performance. I remember dumping Sean Doolittle a few years back when he was just back from injury, and not yet re-established as the Oakland closer. He had even been pitching well, but got tattooed one particular Sunday and I needed to drop someone and that bad day from him meant a bad day all around. Dumb emotional response. So, try to abstract yourself from your moves: think about how they should work out, and ideally, what your path might be if things don’t work as anticipated. And, for sure, if your team is working well, it is easy to get complacent. Don’t!

Mike Gianella (Baseball Prospectus, @MikeGianella): Too many fantasy managers swing for the fences with every trade offer. This manifests itself in two ways: 1) People think they have to get a clear “win” on every trade. This approach can work in a weaker league, where you can find at least 3-4 competitors who are perennial bottom feeders. But in a league like Tout, this approach makes little if any sense. 2) Too many offers begin with someone asking for the best or second best player on your roster. Sometimes a blockbuster makes sense, but frequently the best trades are the ones that involve a lesser player or players. The notion of moving Mike Trout for Justin Verlander is fun, but trades like this typically cause too much disruption and are robbing Peter to pay Paul. I find that fantasy managers who only make offers like this do so because they’re not paying close attention and/or are in too many other leagues and haven’t taken the time to look at my team’s roster or needs.

Todd Zola: All saves are not created equal. Relievers WHIP and ERA matter! An elite closer can earn one or two roto-points each in K, WHIP and ERA as compared to an average closer. That grows when comparing to a below-average closer. Of course, this is based on average standings. Your league may not have the same categorical distribution so there are some instances the difference is less than that. However, it can also be more so while it’s contextual, more often than not a better closer helps in more than just saves. Don’t pay for saves is viable, in certain formats. The deeper the league, the less applicable the mantra tends to be. It’s about supply and demand. The deeper the league, the fewer options avail themselves in season with a higher demand for their services. Sometimes, you end up with Bud Norris and look like a genius. Others, you get Tyler Clippard and feel like a fool.

Ron Shandler (, @RonShandler): My biggest bugaboo has already been mentioned, but it’s important enough to repeat: Throwing darts with small sample sizes is maddening. This is not fantasy football.

Larry Schechter (Winning Fantasy Baseball, @LarrySchechter): Giving up on players too soon and jumping on a hot player too soon. Paul Goldschmidt, as an example, is not going to hit .200 all year long, even with the humidor. And Nick Markakis is not going to end the year with a .330 batting average. Everyone has hot and cold streaks, and things will tend to average out unless there is a clear reason to think something has changed, such as playing hurt, etc.

Todd Zola: The balance between patience and aggressiveness play seems to be a common theme. Something to keep in mind is we all come from different backgrounds in terms of formats we play and disseminate info for. The shallower the league, and more frequent the transactions, the more the format lends itself to aggressive play. Note, there’s a difference between aggressive and reckless, but some here likely deem what many consider aggressive to be reckless. The most common league size is 10-team mixed. The majority of these permit daily moves. The advice apropos to this format is much different from a deeper mixed league with weekly moves, let alone AL or NL only. This is the main reason I feel the NFBC first got it right with 15-teams, to be followed by Tout and LABR. Educated churn is a big part of play with reckless abandon being punished. I feel 12-team leagues require taking a few more chances, on what some may consider too small a sample to act. There’s nothing wrong with playing the shallower formats – and there’s nothing wrong with not playing due to the churning nature. However, when we dole out advice, context is everything. There’s no one-size-fits-all dictum.

Rick Wolf (Fantasy Alarm, @RickWolf1): What mistakes haven’t I made? That is why we wrote down the SMART system. We need to keep ourselves in check on a set of rules. My biggest mistake is always over-valuing middle range starting pitching. When drafting, a player will come up early and I will overbid because I like him and then a better player will go for $2. Generally, I am too aggressive with moves in season. A good pitcher has 3 bad starts in April and I cut him. Then he wins six in a row. Everyone makes mistakes. Be self-compassionate so that you can not make the same mistake yet not second guess yourself the next time. Many times the result is the only thing that is bad. You went through your analysis and it all made sense. That is not a mistake. That is happenstance.

Justin Mason (Friends with Fantasy Benefits, Fangraphs, Fantasy Alarm, @JustinMasonFWFB): The most common mistake I see from people is complacency. Fantasy baseball is a long season and not being diligent in setting your lineups, making pickups, and examining the standings cost people leagues. If you are unable to stay on top of your team(s) then it will undoubtedly cost you from being as good as you can be. Especially as fantasy football preseason begins to ramp up, people inevitably let baseball take a backseat. This can be a good time for diligent baseball owners to make up ground just by staying on top of things.

Patrick Davitt (BaseballHQ, @patrickdavitt): I saw wisdom in every previous post.

Jeff Zimmerman (Fangraphs and Fantrax, @jeffwzimmerman): Know your league rules. I should know as I am one of the biggest violator of this mistake. For example, I participated in Tout Wars for one and half seasons before I knew DL’ed players could be traded in for FAAB dollars. Additionally, I didn’t know injured players could be moved in-and-out of lineup mid-week. I should have known and now make corrections. My recommendation when joining a league, try to go over all the rules and note the most important ones (e.g. minimum innings pitched), especially ones related to the draft or auction. A month or so later, they should be reread again. By this point, an owner will understand 90% of the rules and can concentrate on the few they missed.

Scott Swanay (FantasyBaseballSherpa, @fantasy_sherpa): Overreacting to small sample sizes, for both positive and negative results. On the flip side, remaining attached to/invested in players who you drafted/purchased at the beginning of the season – unless your league has caps on the number of transactions you can make during the course of a week or season, seeking out even marginal upgrades to your roster usually pays off over the course of a season.

Tout Wars FAAB Report: Week of June 11

Welcome to the weekly Tout Wars FAAB report, on its new home right here on the Tout Wars site. Each week, we’ll review the free agent acquisitions from all five leagues, with commentary from a league member, as well as yours truly. We changed the timing of the weekly run to 1 PM ET every Sunday, with the report posted later that afternoon so you’ll have time to digest and apply to your own leagues. In addition, I’ll be joining Lawr Michaels and Justin Mason on the Tout Wars Hour on the FNTSY Network every Sunday at 3:20 PM ET to discuss the results.

You can find the complete list of Tout Warriors here. Everyone starts with 1000 FAAB units, less any penalty incurred by finishing below a designated point in the standings. This is a means of keeping everyone motivated to keep playing all season long. The minimum bid is $0. FAAB units can be traded as well as rebated for players released off the DL.

The report will list all winning bids along with unsuccessful tries and contingencies. This provides the maximum level of information to help gauge interest on the players.

The American and National League only formats are 12-team leagues, as is the new points-based head to head league, The Mixed Auction and Draft each have 15 clubs. All the leagues have four reserves with an unlimited DL, expect the head to head league, which allows six reserves.

The headings above each league are links to publicly accessible sites where you can see standings, roster and a complete review of transactions. The initial auctions and drafts can be found here.



JMFernandez, LAA Seth Trachtman 212 Jason Collette 131 Larry Schechter 113
Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 78 Mike Podhorzer 1
POrlando, KC Larry Schechter 114 Vlad Sedler 12
BHardy, Det Jason Collette 32 Jeff Erickson 25
STravis, Bos Lawr Michaels 13 Vlad Sedler 12
CBassitt, Oak Jason Collette 12
APruitt, TB Jeff Erickson 7 Jason Collette 2
JRondon, CWS Vlad Sedler 6
NFontana, LAA Jason Collette 5
JLoaisiga, NYY Seth Trachtman 2
RStanek, TB Mike Podhorzer 0
DCastillo, TB Mike Podhorzer 0
RGoins, KC Mike Podhorzer 0


MHermosillo, LAA Larry Schechter 31 Vlad Sedler 2
AWynns, Bal Larry Schechter 16
MMorin, Sea Jason Collette 2
TraThompson, CWS Vlad Sedler 1
RTorreyes, NYY Mike Podhorzer 0

Patrick Davitt’s Commentary

The big target of the week in Tout-AL was the Angels’ Jose Fernandez. Seth Trachtman landed the former Cuban star with a bid of 212 (1000 budget), almost a third of his remaining units. Fernandez also drew bids of 131 from Jason Collette, 113 from Larry Schechter, 78 from the Wolf-Colton team, 52 from Schechter in a separate move, and a token bid of 1 from Mike Podhorzer. The Angels called up Fernandez earlier this week after Shohei Ohtani was DLed. The Ohtani injury opens some DH opportunities for sore-footed 1B Albert Pujols, in turn opening some 1B opportunity for Fernandez, a perennial .300 hitter in Cuban baseball, who was OPSing over .900 in Triple-A at the time of his callup.

The other premium player was KC OF Paulo Orlando, bought by Schechter for 114, easily outpacing Vlad Sedler’s bid of 12. And if you need any evidence of how tough AL-only format is, ask yourself if there’s any other context in which Paulo Orlando could be described as a “premium player.” Orlando was recalled when the Royals traded CF Jon Jay to Arizona, and will take Jay’s spot on KC’s 23-dud roster (Mike Moustakas and Whit Merrifield excepted) . He figures to get a lot of Jay’s CF ABs and do little with them.

Despite missing out on Fernandez, Collette did make two successful bids, landing Blaine Hardy for 32, outbidding Erickson’s 25, and scooping Chris Bassitt for 12. Hardy looked sharp in a couple of wins last week, but looked more like, well, Blaine Hardy in a 6-inning, 5-ER stinker at Fenway Park. Bassitt was sent down moments after being rostered by Collette. Erickson spent 7 to score Austin Pruitt, who has a spot in what RotoWorld accurately called “the dystopia that is the Rays’ pitching rotation.”

Other non-zero bids: Lawr Michaels spent 13 on BOS perennial outlier Sam Travis; Trachtman rolled the dice on NYY pitcher Jonathan Loaisiga for 2, Collette snabbed Angels IF callup Nick Fontana for 5, and Sedler threw 6 in the direction of Chicago reliever Hector Rondon, to catch a share of all the saves to be had in the White Sox’ wins.

Zero-bids succeeded in getting TAM reliever/”opener” Ryne Stanek and reliever Diego Castillo, both going to Mike Podhorzer, who also spent nothing to acquire KC IF Ryan Goins, who will give Mike his money’s worth.

A few other players drew bids but didn’t get rostered because they were second or later choices. Most notable among these might be Michael Hermosilla, an Angel in the outfield in LA. He fetched a 31 bid from Schechter and a deuce from Sedler. Schechter also bid 16 on BAL C Austin Wynns as his fourth choice in a string of bids that started with the successful bid on Fernandez.

Patrick Davitt, Doug Dennis, Rob Leibowitz and Chris Liss sat out the week.

Todd’s Take

Jose Miguel Fernandez was one of Cuba’s best hitters before defecting from Cuba in late 2015. After toiling in the Dodgers system for a couple seasons, he was released last December. The Angels signed him to a minor league deal in January. The 30-year old infielder was crushing Triple-A, slashing .345/.412/.562. With Shohei Ohtani the hitter joining Ohtani the pitcher on the sideline, Fernandez has been picking up starts at first while Albert Pujols assumes the DH role. Obviously, being old for his level in a great hitting venue/league somewhat dampens Fernandez’s numbers but he’s still well worth the pickup.

Paulo Orlando’s early season woes paved the way for Jorge Soler to emerge. Now Orlando is back, replacing the departed Jon Jay in center. To his credit, Orlando went down to Triple-A Omaha and  responded well, slashing .300/.333/.500. He’s not the .792 OPS guy displayed in 2016, but he’s not the .527 version from last season. He’s somewhere in between. Where he settles is a crystal ball answer. That said, playing time is currency, especially in single league formats.



JJay, Ari Scott Wilderman 217 Phil Hertz 178 Mike Gianella 73
Andy Behrens 69 Craig Mish 53
Grey Albright 34 Derek Carty 9
JusMiller, Was Andy Behrens 56 Phil Hertz 0
MStrahm, SD Todd Zola 17 Phil Hertz 7
EFedde, Was Phil Hertz 17 Craig Mish 9
JBlevins, NYM Craig Mish 5
KAllard, Atl Lenny Melnick 2
YHirano, Ari Craig Mish 2 Andy Behrens 0
ZBorenstein, NYM Craig Mish 1
RLopez, SD Scott Wilderman 0
SRodriguez, Pit Derek Carty 0 Phil Hertz 0
FPena, StL Craig Mish 0


RMoronta, SF Todd Zola 7
EGoeddel, LAD Todd Zola 3
MTauchman, Col Phil Hertz 1
WSmith, SF Craig Mish 1
JBarnes, Mil Todd Zola 0
MMayers, StL Todd Zola 0
ABlandio, Cin Derek Carty 0
YRivera, Mia Derek Carty 0
DanJennings, Mil Andy Behrens 0

Todd’s Commentary and Take

Scott Wilderman decided almost four months of Jay is better than waiting around at the trade deadline. The key will be how much playing time he gets once the walking wounded return. Jay will play against all righties until AJ Pollock and Steven Souza Jr. return. After that, it’s unclear since David Peralta already occupies a lefty platoon role.

There’s nothing available in terms of starting pitching. Instead, I opted for Matt Strahm in the event he gets another lengthy effort in a bullpen game. Phil Hertz and Lenny Melnick opted for a couple of minor league arms that could contribute later in the season. Fedde already made a spot start while the Braves have shown they’ll  promote their prospects in a season they’re showing signs of hanging in to the end.



JProfar, Tex Bret Sayre 112 Zach Steinhorn 78 Scott Swanay 34
Scott Engel 2 Al Melchior 0
Jeff Zimmerman 0
JSoria, CWS Scott Engel 81 Al Melchior 62 Scott Pianowski 55
Tim Heaney 46 Zach Steinhorn 42
Scott Swanay 36 Ray Flowers 21
Jeff Zimmerman 0
ACobb, Bal Bret Sayre 71 Derek VanRiper 22 Fred Zinkie 13
HRondon, Hou Tim Heaney 66 Scott Swanay 36 Derek VanRiper 22
Ray Flowers 19 Tim McLeod 6
RGsellman, NYM Scott Engel 46 Tim Heaney 46 Derek VanRiper 37
Jeff Zimmerman 34 Ray Flowers 19
JBauers, TB Tim McLeod 39 Tim Heaney 16 Al Melchior 12
SGaviglio, Tor Scott Swanay 36 Scott Engel 6 Jeff Zimmerman 3
Fred Zinkie 0
BHolt, Bos Scott Swanay 28 Jeff Zimmerman 0
AnSuarez, SF Derek VanRiper 27 Fred Zinkie 26
SWright, Bos Fred Zinkie 26 Scott Pianowski 4 Scott Engel 4
JusMiller, Was Scott Pianowski 25
KMarte, Ari Derek VanRiper 22 Al Melchior 6 Jeff Zimmerman 0
BMcCarthy, Atl Derek VanRiper 22
LBrinson, Mia Ray Flowers 19 Tim Heaney 3
AniSanchez, Atl Fred Zinkie 16 Scott Engel 2
JHicks, StL Scott Pianowski 13 Tim Heaney 0
JKang, Pit Tim Heaney 6
JPirela, SD Jeff Zimmerman 4 Derek VanRiper 7
TKemp, Hou Scott Engel 3
KMcCarthy, KC Tim McLeod 2
DCovey, CWS Al Melchior 1 Derek VanRiper 17 Scott Engel 15
SMiller, Ari Jeff Zimmerman 1 Tim Heaney 36 Derek VanRiper 1
JIglesias, Det Al Melchior 0 Jeff Zimmerman 0
GAllen, Cle Al Melchior 0 Tim Heaney 3


CStratton, SF Bret Sayre 51 Derek VanRiper 17 Fred Zinkie 6
KYates, SD Tim Heaney 46 Scott Swanay 28 Jeff Zimmerman 3
Derek VanRiper 1
PBlackburn, Oak Scott Engel 5
JJay, Ari Tim Heaney 3 Scott Engel 2
DTravis, Tor Derek VanRiper 3 Jeff Zimmerman 0
JMFernandez, LAA Jeff Zimmerman 1
YSanchez, CWS Jeff Zimmerman 1
DCastillo, TB Derek VanRiper 1
DWinkler, Atl Derek VanRiper 1 Tim Heaney 0
CMoran, Pit Tim Heaney 0
PSandoval, SF Tim Heaney 0
SCishek, ChC Tim Heaney 0
DSteckenrider, Mia Jeff Zimmerman 0
JAdam, KC Jeff Zimmerman 0
JWendle, TB Jeff Zimmerman 0
RBleier, Bal Jeff Zimmerman 0
WDifo, Was Jeff Zimmerman 0

Jeff Zimmerman’s Commentary

What started out as a bland FAAB week turned into a trade fest sparked by a Ron Shandler rebuild. Ron has been at or near last place all season. A couple hours before our FAAB ran, he sent out an email putting his entire team on the block and offers must have come pouring in. I know I sent a few So far, he’s traded away Joey Votto, Carlos Gomez, Zack Godley, and Khris Davis in moves with Bret Sayre and Al Melchior. In return, he’s got Joc Pederson, Patrick Corbin, Luis Valbuena, Lance McCullers and C.J. Cron. Ron’s original team had a stars-and-scrubs approach. When a few of his stars turned into scrubs (Votto, Buxton, and DeJong), his offense struggled. He had many spots to fill, so he traded his stars to fill in some roster voids.

Ron’s strategy is a desperate move and I applaud him for it. His current approach isn’t working so he’s trying to get the pieces to be competitive. All teams should be making similar moves. I know I am. Currently, I have 69.5 of a possible 75 offensive points and have little room to move up. And then there is my pitching with where I’m between 12th and 14th place in Saves, WHIP, and ERA. I’ve been trying to move some hitting for pitching even to the point of offering Mike Trout. I’ve made a small move getting Josh Hader for Cesar Hernandez but if I’m going to make up the 20 points to first place, I’m going to need to make a significant move. At this point in the season, team’s need to come to grips with what they need to win (or finish in the money) and make it happen. Big changes, especially in mixed leagues, aren’t going to happen in last couple months.

As for the waiver wire moves, it was a standard week with owners filling their needs. Scott Engel took a chance on getting a few Saves by picking up both Joakim Soria and Robert Gsellman. Tim Heaney (with Jung-ho Kang) and I (with Andrew Miller) rolled the dice for a future return by accepting a big zero for this week since any new acquisition must be in this week’s starting lineup. While they will take up a spot, it was a chance to roster them and do so on the cheap ($6 for Kang and $1 for Miller). Besides Miller and Kang, owners may want to pick up the Jorge’s, Polanco and Bonifacio, before they return from their suspensions.

Todd’s Commentary and Take

Big thanks to Jeff for volunteering to help out with the Mixed Auction league the rest of the season. Jeff is a great player whose analysis is next level.

Let’s play rank the closers. The contestants are Joakim Soria, Robert Gsellman and Hector Rondon. If all you want are saves, Soria is likely to be the best option, though he’s a trade candidate. Gsellman could be the best pitcher of the trio, but it’s unclear if he’ll be used in the traditional closer role. The Astros continue to show a lack of trust in Giles. I have to believe they’ll be looking to finally solidify the ninth, especially since Charlie Morton is beginning to show cracks in the armor. Rondon isn’t the guy – that person probably isn’t in the organization.



HRondon, Hou Scott White 38 Adam Ronis 24 Tom Kessenich 3
RGsellman, NYM D.J. Short 35 Adam Ronis 12 Tom Kessenich 3
Rudy Gamble 3
DCovey, CWS Greg Ambrosius 21 Tom Kessenich 1
GoHernandez, SF Gene McCaffrey 4 Tom Kessenich 1
JBauers, TB Tom Kessenich 2 Ray Murphy 1
LBrinson, Mia Rudy Gamble 2 Ray Murphy 1
AAltherr, Phi Ray Murphy 1
DGerman, NYY Tom Kessenich 1
MLeake, Sea Tom Kessenich 1


SGaviglio, Tor Greg Ambrosius 11
RGuzman, Tex Tom Kessenich 2
DPalka, CWS Rudy Gamble 2
AniSanchez, Atl Tom Kessenich 1
CMoran, Pit Tom Kessenich 1
TKemp, Hou Tom Kessenich 1
AGordon, KC Gene McCaffrey 0
JPirela, SD Gene McCaffrey 0

Todd’s Commentary and Take

The mixed draft league also focused on closers. To be honest, there hasn’t been as much turnover at the spot this season as previous campaigns, forcing decent bids on those that do emerge. It’s just part and parcel to the saves game. Some want to eliminate it from our game, I’m still torn. Holds aren’t the answer but this is a story for another day.

Dylan Covey is an intriguing pickup. A few weeks ago on one of our Rotowire podcasts, Derek VanRiper pointed out Covey has been working with more velocity. Obviously, not everyone adding a tick or two to their heater becomes a new pitcher, but it gives us a reason to track those who do. Covey could still turn into a pumpkin. However, in today’s game, we need to pay attention and hope we choose wisely.



YMoncada, CWS Jake Ciely 137 Jeff Mans 79 Dr. Roto 12
BHamilton, Cin Jeff Mans 88
BHardy, Det Justin Mason 65 Peter Kreutzer 8
CBuchholz, Ari Justin Mason 55 Jake Ciely 47 Jeff Mans 16
Michael Rathburn 12 Howard Bender 12
Dr. Roto 10 Peter Kreutzer 7
Paul Sporer 1
SGaviglio, Tor Justin Mason 45 Andrea LaMont 18 Peter Kreutzer 14
Jeff Mans 8 Paul Sporer 1
SWright, Bos Justin Mason 45 Paul Sporer 24 Andrea LaMont 22
Peter Kreutzer 14 Michael Rathburn 13
Dr. Roto 10
MMuncy, LAD Michael Rathburn 43 Dr. Roto 24 Howard Bender 18
Andrea LaMont 18 Paul Sporer 11
JPederson, LAD Jeff Mans 31 Andrea LaMont 31 Dr. Roto 10
Michael Rathburn 7 Paul Sporer 6
Howard Bender 6
DDescalso, Ari Jeff Mans 27
JLyles, SD Howard Bender 18 Paul Sporer 2
RGsellman, NYM Jeff Mans 16 Andrea LaMont 3
KMarte, Ari Howard Bender 12
JKipnis, Cle Howard Bender 8 Jeff Mans 27
JVargas, NYM Howard Bender 8
LGohara, Atl Jake Ciely 7
DCovey, CWS Peter Kreutzer 7
RGrichuk, Tor Andrea LaMont 3 Paul Sporer 3
DDietrich, Mia Paul Sporer 3 Jeff Mans 19
RTepera, Tor Andrea LaMont 3
MMaldonado, LAA Jeff Mans 1
APruitt, TB Dr. Roto 1
TRichards, Mia Paul Sporer 1


DFowler, StL Jeff Mans 19
JHeyward, ChC Jeff Mans 19
PBlackburn, Oak Peter Kreutzer 7
JShields, CWS Howard Bender 6 Jeff Mans 1
JPeraza, Cin Jake Ciely 5
DHess, Bal Peter Kreutzer 2
AAltherr, Phi Jeff Mans 2
BSuter, Mil Jeff Mans 2
JJay, Ari Jeff Mans 2
YMunoz, StL Jake Ciely 2
JHicks, StL Paul Sporer 1
JMurphy, Ari Jeff Mans 1
NHundley, SF Jeff Mans 1
RMartin, Tor Jeff Mans 1

Todd’s Take

This could be the first week the H2H league was the busiest. Part is the availability of some potential difference makers like Yoan Moncada and Billy Hamilton, some is owners like Jeff Mans taking stock of his team and filling holes while some is Justin Mason looking to take advantage of the limited two-start options this week by loading up on them.

Tout Daily Wrap-up: Carty grinds his way to the top

Defending Tout Daily champion from Rotogrinders channeled Simple Minds, “Don’t you, forget about me” Tuesday night, crushing the field to take the lead halfway through Period 3 of Tout Daily. Carty’s mind is anything but simple as he’s the gray matter behind his MLB ad DFS projected system, appropriately called “The Bat.”

Second place was a dead heat between podcast host extraordinaires, Derek VanRiper from Rotowire and Patrick Davitt from BaseballHQ. VanRiper and Davitt overlapped with Max Scherzer and Jackie Bradley Jr., the other eight players were unique to each roster, yet still totaled exactly 125.45 points each.

Carty’s impressive 151.65 score was spurred by Max Scherzer’s 41 point effort. Jason Vargas only contributed 11.65 points, however his low salary allowed Carty to pay up for outfielders, where he crushed it with Khris Davis and J.D. Martinez, along with Andrew Benintendi. Check out Derek’s complete lineup below.

Following Carty in the quest for the three Golden Tickets on the line this period are VanRiper and USAToday’s Steve Gardner. Just 2.85 points separate the Dereks, with several still within shouting distance.

Todd Zola, Clay Link and Rick Wolf continue to hold down the top three overall points spots, with the overall leader after 20 weeks earning a wild card entry into the Tout Daily Survivor Finals.

Check out where your favorite Tout stands on the Leaderboard. Be sure to check out our weekly content:

  • Sunday: Tout Wars FAAB Report
  • Monday: ToutTable
  • Tuesday: Tout Daily Picks
  • Wednesday: Tout Daily Wrap-up

Here’s the week-winning lineup:


Tout Daily Picks: Mad Max Makes the Cut

It’s the second week of the third period of Tout Daily with a very intriguing slate. There’s pitching choices at every price range. Here’s where the Touts are looking in quest of the Golden Ticket into the Survivor Tournament finals.

Lawr Michaels (CreativeSports2, @lawrmichaels)

Max Scherzer: Thanks to the Maeda meltdown, I am in a hole, so the Scherzer/Corey Kluber dynamic duo is where I am looking to grab pitching points, meaning a bargain basement cluster of hitters. So be it.

Danny Valencia: Valencia is a personal fave on the low end and a guy who is just heating up (.333-0-2 his last 10 games, raising his season average to .287). Valencia, facing Jason Vargas (8.53 ERA, 1.86 WHIP) is begging for attention.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Max Scherzer: I have little room for error the next 3 weeks after the pitching implosion from Maeda last week. All in on both Max Scherzer ($13,300) and Corey Kluber ($12,600) tonight.

Jason Heyward: Heyward’s batting eye has significantly increased over the past 10 games. His salary is decent at only $3,200.

Gene McCaffrey (Wise Guy Baseball, @WiseGuyGene)

Joe Musgrove: A difficult slate, with many good SP options, but Joe Musgrove is a fine #2

Michael Conforto: Michael Conforto is a good bet to pop one at a cheap price.

Brian Walton (CreativeSports2, @B_Walton)

Max Scherzer: The big dog in Scherzer has to be atop everyone’s list tonight.

JD Martinez: I like the BoSox against Artie Lewicki of the Tigers in his second career start. Assuming J.D. Martinez’ back is OK, I look for the outfielder and his mates to have a big night.

Derek VanRiper (Rotowire, @DerekVanRiper)

Kyle Hendricks: Hendricks should fit as a cheaper SP1 or as a strong SP2 with a home matchup against the Phillies (below average against RHP, plenty of Ks).

Matt Carpenter: Jose Urena isn’t terrible, but he still doesn’t miss at ton of bats, and Carpenter is hitting .316/.381/.592 (.973) OPS over the last 19 games entering play Tuesday night.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Joe Musgrove: TOUGH slate. Great choices up top, but not much bang for the buck. I’m looking for a partner for Scherzer — leaning Musgrove, with Newcomb in the mix.

Trey Mancini: For the record, I’ve done fine with my pitching picks in the column but my hitting is like the Zola jinx. That said, leadoff vs. Vargas at 3.3K? Sign me up.

ToutTable: Dueling Outfielders

This week’s ToutTable features four sets of outfielders, all performing at similar levels through this point of the season.

Which from each pair of top-40 outfielders to date do you want for the rest of the season: Michael Brantley or Nick Markakis? Mitch Haniger or Odubel Herrera? Shin-Soo Choo or Matt Kemp? Toescar Hernandez or Mallex Smith?

Doug Dennis (BaseballHQ, @dougdennis41): Brantley v. Markakis is strictly a health question as Brantley is offensively superior. As risk averse as I often am, I’d still go Brantley because he is projected to be vastly superior for the balance of the year–for example, a .354 wOBA over Markakis’s .324 per Steamer ROS.

Haniger versus Odubel Herrera is much much closer, with Haniger getting the slight offensive nod. But I’d go Herrera. His playing time seems more certain, he has an incremental steals advantage (per projections) and that outweighs the tiny offensive advantage that Haniger has. But this one is within rounding error and I wouldn’t fight back too much against folks going with Haniger.

Kemp v. Choo.  I have long long long been a Kemp buyer and he is performing for LA. But ROS, I’d still want Choo’s OBP and offensive superiority to Kemp’s bursts. Also, I don’t trust Kemp’s health as much, or his PT as a Dodger as much ROS.

Teoscar v. Mallex.  Both are not great OB guys.  Mallex is steals which *might* end up worth more. I don’t have a PT crystal ball for either guy. Depends completely on how badly I need steals, but I’ll pretend I don’t and go with the better offensive guy and that is Teoscar. But even that isn’t all that great.

Mike Podhorzer (Fangraphs, @MikePodhorzer): Brantley vs Markakis – at age 34, we know what Markakis is and even a stronger offensive year from him lacks excitement, whereas we know what Brantley can do when healthy, it’s just been that health that’s been elusive. He’s clearly a far superior option for as long as he remains off the DL.

Haniger vs Herrera – I prefer the upside of Haniger due to the power advantage and the occasional steal (he actually has one more steal than Herrera), plus his RBI+R total is likely to be greater.

Choo vs Kemp – Kemp won’t maintain a .400+ BABIP and that’s what has been driving his performance so far. Choo is doing what he always does and that’s as good as or better than a fortunate Kemp. Choo is the pick.

Rudy Gamble (Razzball, @RudyGamble): I thought I’d take our Razzball Trade Analyzer on a test drive to see on this one to see if I disagreed. I will use 15-team mixed $ value since that’s the Tout Mixed format. Here it goes. 1) Brantley ($22) over Markakis ($7). No-brainer. Brantley a little better in every way even with a slight injury discount b/c of his history. 2) Odubel ($13) over Haniger ($11). Much closer and could see deciding based on team balance. In vacuum, taking Odubel’s AVG + SB advantages over Haniger’s HRs, 3) Choo ($9) over Kemp (-$6). Maybe my system is too bearish on Kemp’s playing time. Still, I’m taking Choo without a doubt. 4) Teoscar ($4.90) over Mallex ($4.70). Wow, almost identical. I am taking Teoscar unless my team is absolutely desperate for speed as Teoscar comes with a heaping helping of upside.

Ray Flowers (Fantasy Guru Elite, @BaseballGuys): (1) Brantley. His body could wear down, and the power stroke will slow, but Markakis hasn’t really been an all-star caliber hitter in a decade. (2) I’ll favor Herrera. A bit more speed as well as a likely average gain. Also feel better about the health factor. (3) I’ll go with Kemp, but tough since he could pull up lame at any moment, and because logic dictates he has further to drop than Choo. (4) Smith for the speed. Hernandez hits it hard, but I could see him losing playing time due to his poor work of late.

Al Melchior (FNTSY Radio, @almelchiorbb): No question that I want Teoscar over Mallex. They rank similarly in Roto value as of now, but whereas Mallex looks pretty close to his ceiling, Teoscar could be performing much better. He’s top 5 in barrel rate and exit velocity on flies and liners and has a reasonable strikeout rate (22.3 percent), yet he’s batting just .247. I’m not surprised his xAvg is .269, and xStats says he should have three additional homers, too. His actual .259 Iso is more than legit.

Jeff Zimmerman (Fangraphs and Fantrax, @jeffwzimmerman): Brantley and it’s not even close for me. Brantley has more raw talent and historically better seasons. Even though he has a major injury history, I’ll always take the upside with hitters. Mitch Haniger or Odubel Herrera? This one is tough but in a vacuum, I like Herrera with the speed and nice home park. If my team really needed power, I lean Haniger. Shin-Soo Choo or Matt Kemp? As good as Choo has been this year, the Mariners always find a way to sit him. I’ll take Kemp unless I was in desperate need of OBP. Toescar Hernandez or Mallex Smith? This decision is straight up a power versus speed decision at this point in the season. Both have fantasy value but may have shaky playing time issues.

Phil Hertz (BaseballHQ, @prhz50): Markakis – don’t trust Brantley’s health; Odubel – better overall game; Kemp – I think being back in LA will keep him going all year; Teoscar – better upside methinks

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola): Brantley for higher upside, Markakis for steady production. I know, it’s a cop out. Brantley is really surprising me, more with power then health since he’s over the shoulder woes. Haniger’s batting average with runners on is abnormally high, but the rest is in line with skills, I’ll take him. Kemp’s a great story, but a BABIP north of .400 isn’t happening much longer. Give me Choo in what should be an improving Rangers lineup. Here’s another hedge – I think both Hernandez and Smith can keep up their current level, so it comes down to needs.

Tout Wars FAAB Report: Week of June 4

Welcome to the weekly Tout Wars FAAB report, on its new home right here on the Tout Wars site. Each week, we’ll review the free agent acquisitions from all five leagues, with commentary from a league member, as well as yours truly. We changed the timing of the weekly run to 1 PM ET every Sunday, with the report posted later that afternoon so you’ll have time to digest and apply to your own leagues. In addition, I’ll be joining Lawr Michaels and Justin Mason on the Tout Wars Hour on the FNTSY Network every Sunday at 3:20 PM ET to discuss the results.

You can find the complete list of Tout Warriors here. Everyone starts with 1000 FAAB units, less any penalty incurred by finishing below a designated point in the standings. This is a means of keeping everyone motivated to keep playing all season long. The minimum bid is $0. FAAB units can be traded as well as rebated for players released off the DL.

The report will list all winning bids along with unsuccessful tries and contingencies. This provides the maximum level of information to help gauge interest on the players.

The American and National League only formats are 12-team leagues, as is the new points-based head to head league, The Mixed Auction and Draft each have 15 clubs. All the leagues have four reserves with an unlimited DL, expect the head to head league, which allows six reserves.

The headings above each league are links to publicly accessible sites where you can see standings, roster and a complete review of transactions. The initial auctions and drafts can be found here.



FMontas, Oak Lawr Michaels 237 Vlad Sedler 79 Jeff Erickson 77
Jason Collette 60 Chris Liss 54
Rob Leibowitz 33 Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 2
RRodriguez, Det Chris Liss 193 Seth Trachtman 25
RLaMarre, Min Chris Liss 44 Seth Trachtman 20
MSkole, CWS Jason Collette 31 Chris Liss 29 Seth Trachtman 0
LGiolito, CWS Vlad Sedler 12
TFederowicz, Hou Rob Leibowitz 0
JSucre, TB Seth Trachtman 0 Rob Leibowitz 0
JAlvarez, LAA Seth Trachtman 0
LTrivino, Oak Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 0
SWright, Bos Chris Liss 0
CBYoung, LAA Seth Trachtman 0 Chris Liss 0


BHardy, Det Vlad Sedler 12
ACole, NYY Vlad Sedler 7
RElias, Sea Vlad Sedler 3
RoPerez, Cle Seth Trachtman 0 Rob Leibowitz 0
AAlmonte, KC Seth Trachtman 0 Chris Liss 0
JBriceno, LAA Seth Trachtman 0
JChavez, Tex Seth Trachtman 0
TraThompson, CWS Seth Trachtman 0
KCowart, LAA Chris Liss 0

Todd’s Take

Despite exhibiting decent control on the farm, when Montas pitches from an MLB mound, the walks have piled up – until this season. It’s only two starts, but with the dearth of available starters and Montas’ favorable home park and sneakily productive offense, two starts was enough for over half the league to place a bid on the A’s 25-year old righty. Trust me, getting more than half of a league to agree on anything is a chore. Lawr Michaels read the room correctly in terms of interest so an aggressive bid is understandable. Perhaps it’s rationalization, but whenever I overbid on a player, my Pavlovian response is my bid was proper, everyone else underbid.

The next two players were batters, both now on the roster of Chris Liss. Ronny Rodriguez is a stealth pick-up, not only because the Tigers have eight games this week, but also due to his slashing .318/.341/.540 for Triple-A Toledo. The rebuilding Tigers have nothing to lose by giving Rodriguez a long look, having  spent the first two months watching Dixon Machado. Rodriguez is exactly the type of player you want to go after if you aren’t going to have the hammer at the July 31 trade deadline. Ryan LaMarre is a journeyman fly-chaser, currently getting the majority of the playing time while Byron Buxton’s toe heals. Liss has Buxton, helping to explain the aggressive bid.

The under-the-radar pick-up goes to Seth Trachtman with veteran Chris Young. Kole Calhoun and his .374 OPS are on the DL, clearing some extra playing time for Young.



BValera, LAD Todd Zola 43 Mike Gianella 0
HRamirez, FA Andy Behrens 26
MLorenzen, Cin Todd Zola 17
DRodriguez, SF Todd Zola 13
DSantana, LAD Grey Albright 11
DCozens, Phi Andy Behrens 4 Tristan H. Cockcroft 4
ESogard, Mil Mike Gianella 4 Todd Zola 33
VArano, Phi Lenny Melnick 2
GHolland, StL Lenny Melnick 2
CCasali, Cin Andy Behrens 1 Steve Gardner 0 Scott Wilderman 0
ADean, Mia Craig Mish 1
SCishek, ChC Andy Behrens 0 Grey Albright 2
LGuillorme, NYM Derek Carty 0 Mike Gianella 0
EDiaz, Pit Scott Wilderman 0 Steve Gardner 0
ACimber, SD Scott Wilderman 0 Todd Zola 13
JVargas, NYM Derek Carty 0


YRivera, Mia Todd Zola 17
JBarnes, Mil Todd Zola 13
JCastillo, SD Todd Zola 13
JusMiller, Was Todd Zola 13
MStrahm, SD Todd Zola 13
PSewald, NYM Todd Zola 13
RRosario, ChC Todd Zola 13
TWilliams, Mil Todd Zola 13
ESantana, Pit Todd Zola 7
SRodriguez, Pit Mike Gianella 4 Andy Behrens 1
ABlandio, Cin Mike Gianella 2
BRodgers, Col Andy Behrens 1
JMathis, Ari Andy Behrens 1
ASanchez, Was Mike Gianella 0
JLobaton, NYM Andy Behrens 0
JValentin, Phi Mike Gianella 0
MAlbers, Mil Lenny Melnick 0
MSzczur, SD Andy Behrens 0
SKieboom, Was Andy Behrens 0
YHirano, Ari Andy Behrens 0

Todd’s Commentary and Take

I submitted the high bid this week, looking to upgrade the anemic Daniel Castro. There’s nothing special about Valera other than I need at bats and he’s playing a little, forcing Logan Forsythe to the bench.

Andy Behrens from Yahoo! took advantage of a rules proviso allowing bidding on anyone not on the 40-man roster of the American League, making a player for free agent Hanley Ramirez. Most feel Ramirez will land in the AL, but perhaps the Rockies will turn to a Ryan McMahon/Ramirez platoon at first. Andy needs to keep Ramirez active this week, getting his stats if he signs in the NL. If he signs in the AL, Ramirez is an immediate drop. It’s a chance worth taking if rules allow.

I made a trade this week, dealing one of my three closers, Brandon Morrow, for the under-producing Gregory Polanco. I lost David Dahl, so Polanco ostensibly replaces him. I still have Brad Boxberger and Arodys Vizcaino and desperately need starting pitching with Taijuan Walker out for the season and Robbie Ray and Kyle Davies both out. The current plan is to rack up a few more saves, then put them both on the market, perhaps dealing both to the same team so they can make a real move in the category. The risk is one, or both losing their job, more of a concern with Vizcaino than Boxberger.



NWilliams, Phi Bret Sayre 67 Tim Heaney 46 Derek VanRiper 33
Al Melchior 23 Fred Zinkie 7
Zach Steinhorn 3
YMunoz, StL Bret Sayre 63 Fred Zinkie 23
DDescalso, Ari Al Melchior 55 Bret Sayre 45 Derek VanRiper 22
Scott Engel 5
HBader, StL Scott Engel 55 Zach Steinhorn 18 Al Melchior 13
Fred Zinkie 7
BHardy, Det Al Melchior 41 Scott Engel 12
FMontas, Oak Tim McLeod 37 Brent Hershey 31 Fred Zinkie 22
Scott Engel 22 Jeff Zimmerman 14
Derek VanRiper 3
TMahle, Cin Brent Hershey 32
JJones, Det Al Melchior 23
MMontgomery, ChC Scott Engel 22 Derek VanRiper 22
GoHernandez, SF Fred Zinkie 21
JField, TB Zach Steinhorn 18 Al Melchior 23
KCrick, Pit Jeff Zimmerman 4 Al Melchior 0
CBuchholz, Ari Scott Engel 4 Scott Engel 3 Fred Zinkie 2
Tim McLeod 1
JJimenez, Det Al Melchior 0 Tim McLeod 3 Fred Zinkie 0
CMcHugh, Hou Fred Zinkie 0
JKelly, Bos Fred Zinkie 0


GAllen, Cle Al Melchior 13
JJay, KC Al Melchior 13
SPiscotty, Oak Zach Steinhorn 13 Al Melchior 13
TKemp, Hou Al Melchior 13
RGsellman, NYM Scott Engel 7 Scott Engel 4 Tim McLeod 2
DCozens, Phi Scott Engel 5
KMarte, Ari Bret Sayre 5
JPirela, SD Jeff Zimmerman 4
BGamel, Sea Zach Steinhorn 3
RGrossman, Min Zach Steinhorn 3
DSteckenrider, Mia Scott Engel 2
JJeffress, Mil Scott Engel 0
JLeclerc, Tex Al Melchior 0
KYates, SD Fred Zinkie 0
MAndriese, TB Fred Zinkie 0
MBarnes, Bos Fred Zinkie 0
PTucker, Atl Al Melchior 0
SGaviglio, Tor Al Melchior 0
TScott, Bal Al Melchior 0

Jeff Zimmerman’s Commentary

The overall available waiver options were weak this week. Usually, just two player types cause heavy bidding, new closers and unexpected rookie call-ups, and neither happened this week. Additionally, the available two-start pitchers’ group was headlined by Frankie Montas who went to Tim McLeod for just $37. The highest bid was $67 by Bret Sayre for Nick Williams. Last week, four players went over $67.

One player who has caught my attention, especially in deeper leagues, is the Cardinals Yairo Munoz. The 23-year-old infielder was hitting .287/.330/.436 with 11 home runs in Triple-A. He’s continued the hot streak and is clobbering MLB’s juice ball for a .296/.345/.444 triple slash helped by a .412 BABIP. Owners aren’t buying him for his AVG/OBP, even though it helps, but for his power and speed (22 stolen bases last year). It’ll be interesting to see how his playing adjusts once Paul DeJong returns from the DL.

My only addition was the Pirates setup man Kyle Crick. I’m the Felipe Vazquez owner and can’t afford to lose a Save source since I’m down at 13th place in the category. My other two Save options, Hunter Strickland and Ryan Tepera, don’t have their roles secured. Crick is insurance if Vazquez continues to struggle.

Todd’s Take

Felipe Vazquez presents a conundrum for his fantasy managers. A week ago, he left a game with soreness, going so far as to say he heard a pop. Vazquez then pitched Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The first two appearances went fine, with Vazquez snaring a save in the second. The last outing was a disaster, prompting a mad rush to pick up Edgar Santana and Kyle Crick, with Crick being the preferred option. Of course, Vazquez has been given a vote of confidence by management. If this were just a blip, I’d be less concerned but I’m not convinced there isn’t an injury in play.



JJimenez, Det Gene McCaffrey 173
RTepera, Tor Ray Murphy 98
ARosario, NYM Ray Murphy 32 Adam Ronis 8 D.J. Short 5
MMuncy, LAD D.J. Short 25 Perry Van Hook 11 Charlie Wiegert 7
Adam Ronis 3
IKinerFalefa, Tex Anthony Perri 23
FMontas, Oak Anthony Perri 23 Tim McCullough 22 Charlie Wiegert 14
Tom Kessenich 7
JUrena, Mia Perry Van Hook 17
YMunoz, StL Adam Ronis 17 Charlie Wiegert 7
MMontgomery, ChC Jeff Boggis 16 Tim McCullough 16 Tom Kessenich 7
Scott White 0
DDietrich, Mia Charlie Wiegert 14 Perry Van Hook 7
JMurphy, Ari Adam Ronis 13
SPiscotty, Oak Ray Murphy 12
NEovaldi, TB Charlie Wiegert 12 Tim McCullough 12 Anthony Perri 9
BHolt, Bos Perry Van Hook 7
WAdames, TB Scott White 6
BKeller, KC Tom Kessenich 5
CBuchholz, Ari Charlie Wiegert 5 Tim McCullough 1
JSoria, CWS Perry Van Hook 2
BMcCarthy, Atl Greg Ambrosius 2 Charlie Wiegert 3


HBader, StL D.J. Short 25 Adam Ronis 8
JPirela, SD Anthony Perri 12
CMoran, Pit Charlie Wiegert 7
MLeake, Sea Charlie Wiegert 7 Perry Van Hook 2
BHardy, Det Charlie Wiegert 5
CStratton, SF Charlie Wiegert 5
DHess, Bal Charlie Wiegert 5
JHammel, KC Charlie Wiegert 5
DGerman, NYY Charlie Wiegert 3
JAlfaro, Phi Adam Ronis 3
KMarte, Ari Anthony Perri 2 Scott White 0
SLugo, NYM Perry Van Hook 2
JField, TB Charlie Wiegert 1
JShields, CWS Tom Kessenich 1
AGarrett, Cin Scott White 0

Perry Van Hooks’ Commentary

While others spent far more for new closers du jour – Joe Jimenez, DET for $173 to Gene McCaffrey, and $98 for Ryan Tepera, TOR by Ray Murphy, my low budget option, Joakim Soria, CWS may get as many saves for $2. My objective was to add depth this week with low budget choices. IF Brock Holt gets half of the Pedroia at bats at second base, that will have been $7 well spent. And while I admit there were sexier pitchers to add this week, at least Jose Urena, MIA for $17 gets me two starts (hopefully).

Todd’s Take

Last season, it was Chris Taylor. This time around, there’s no way Max Muncy is for real, right? Maybe, but it looks like the Dodgers are intent on seeing if they’ve found gold twice. Muncy and Taylor are different type players with Taylor being more toolsy and Muncy having good plate skills with some latent power. The Dodgers have been playing Cody Bellinger in center, clearing first for Muncy. There’s no guarantee Muncy sticks, but that’s what we said about Taylor last season.



VGuerreroJr, Tor Clay Link 83
IKinsler, LAA Paul Sporer 77 Howard Bender 12
KMorales, Tor Justin Mason 37
NEovaldi, TB Justin Mason 33 Dr. Roto 14 Peter Kreutzer 13
Michael Rathburn 6
NWilliams, Phi Dr. Roto 33
HStrickland, SF Justin Mason 17
NTropeano, LAA Dr. Roto 14 Justin Mason 11 Howard Bender 8
Peter Kreutzer 0
AnSuarez, SF Clay Link 13
MFiers, Det Peter Kreutzer 13
FMontas, Oak Howard Bender 12 Dr. Roto 14 Michael Rathburn 6
Peter Kreutzer 3
GParra, Col Michael Rathburn 8
BAnderson, Mia Howard Bender 8
JUrena, Mia Justin Mason 8 Michael Rathburn 5 Peter Kreutzer 0
MMontgomery, ChC Michael Rathburn 7
DMesoraco, NYM Stephania Bell 7
JLyles, SD Peter Kreutzer 7 Justin Mason 0
BKeller, KC Michael Rathburn 5
WLeBlanc, Sea Peter Kreutzer 5
ADeSclafani, Cin Michael Rathburn 4
MStassi, Hou Michael Rathburn 3


MMuncy, LAD Justin Mason 37
GAllen, Cle Dr. Roto 12
DPomeranz, Bos Justin Mason 7
SRomano, Cin Justin Mason 7
BSuter, Mil Dr. Roto 4
SGaviglio, Tor Peter Kreutzer 3
MEstrada, Tor Michael Rathburn 3
FRodney, Min Clay Link 2 Justin Mason 0
LValbuena, LAA Justin Mason 2
DDietrich, Mia Howard Bender 2
LMaile, Tor Stephania Bell 1
CMoran, Pit Justin Mason 1
DWinkler, Atl Justin Mason 1
ZBritton, Bal Howard Bender 1
NJones, CWS Clay Link 1
BMiller, TB Justin Mason 0
JDDavis, Hou Justin Mason 0
PSandoval, SF Justin Mason 0

Todd’s Take

Rotowire’s Clay Link is hoping the Jays give the fans what they want and call up Vlad Jr. It’s a risk, especially since Clay is in first, but he must have the confidence be can compete this week down a roster spot. Justin Mason, his opponent this period is aware and hopes to take advantage. It should be an interesting cat and mouse game this week.

Don’t look now but early season disappointment Ian Kinsler is on a heater, posting a 1.324 OPS the past week, featuring three homers. On a personal note, I’d like to apologize to my niece for suggesting she drop Kinsler last weekend. My Uncle of the Year status is in serious jeopardy.

Tout Daily Wrap: A Wise Guy Once Said

Period 3 of Tout Daily kicked off Tuesday night with Gene McCaffrey from Wiseguy Baseball narrowly folding off a late surge from Mike Gianella from Baseball Prospectus. Bret Sayre, also from BP came in third.

McCaffrey’s winning lineup was lead by Kyle Gibson, a sage pick no one else used. Gene also deployed a mini-stack on both sides of Coors Field with Evan Longoria’s two-homer night the difference.

McCaffrey, Gianella and Sayre have the early lead for the next trio of Golden Tickets, awarded to the top scorers of each of the five Tout Daily Periods. A wild card ticket is awarded to the overall points leader, currently Todd Zola. See where your favorite Tout stands on the Leaderboard.

Here’s Gene’s entire squad:

Tout Daily Picks: Ross and Duffy lead the way

It’s the first week of a brand new Put Daily Period, the third of five. That means everyone has a clean slate and is tied for first. Here’s a few players we’re looking at to get this period off strongly.

Lawr Michaels (CreativeSports2, @lawrmichaels)

Kenta Maeda: Maeda has upped his K per nine to 11.7 and faces the Phillies, who have the third-worst strikeout rate in the majors facing right-handers.

Brandon Nimmo: The Mets outfielder comes off a week where he hit .276 with three homers and faces the eminently hittable Anibal Sanchez (1.324 career WHIP).

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Tyson Ross: Tyson Ross has pitched a quality start (QS) in 4 out of his last 5 games. He’s really inducing a lot of strikes this month and is a solid alternative at $9,200.

Alex Bregman: In his last 10 games, Bregman has hit safely in all but 1 game. His salary of $4,000 has dropped by $200 this week. I’ll take his discounted price tonight.

Ray Murphy (BaseballHQ, @RayHQ)

Tyson Ross: He’s been pitching well in general, but especially at home… and faces the Marlins at Petco tonight.

Jose Altuve: Altuve’s hot, the weather in NY is hot, and this might be your last chance all year to play Altuve for under 5k. (He’s 4900 tonight.)

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Danny Duffy: I usually go for the top pitchers, especially the first week of the period, but Duffy is showing signs of getting on track and the Twins are mediocre vs. LHP with a 25% strikeout rate. This may be a trap, but at 4K, it feels like a free square.

Andrew Benintendi: I also don’t usually stack in Tout Daily, at least I don’t force one, but saving with Duffy, Benintendi and JD Martinez against Estrada and his 1.96 HR/9 screams “play me”.

Clay Link (Rotowire, @claywlink)

Danny Duffy: Echo everything Todd said…seems almost too obvious but I can’t pass him up at that price.

Ryan McMahon: With Duffy as my SP2 and McMahon at $2,700 at Coors, I was able to load up the rest of my lineup with high-end talent.