Tout Wars Mixed 15 Draft is Finished!

See the full draft results here. Click tabs for different leagues.

Scott White writes about his draft here.

Rudy Gamble writes about how his draft went here.

Charlie Wiegert’s recap (part 1) is right here. And like the Godfather, it has a part 2 right here.

Mike Gianella’s story of his draft at Baseball Prospectus out from behind the paywall.

Tout Wars 2021: Here Are Your Champions

The season is in the bag, and surprisingly no playoff games to enliven our Monday. Here’s a quick rundown of the 2021 winners:

AL: Glenn Colton and Rick Wolf win their third Tout AL title.

NL: Fred Zinkie wins his second consecutive Tout NL title, and fifth Tout title overall.

Mixed Auction: Jeff Zimmerman wins his second Tout Mixed Auction title, and third Tout title overall.

H2H: Frank Stampfl wins his first Tout title.

Mixed Draft 12: Alex Fast win the first ever Tout Mixed Draft 12 title.

Mixed Draft 15: Adam Ronis wins his third Mixed Draft 15 championship.

Draft and Hold: Alan Harrison and Matt Williams share the glory, the first ever tied-after-the-tiebreaker co-championship.

Tout Daily: Ryan Bloomfield topped this year’s field. (Teams gained entry to the finals by winning each week, which is why Carty has so many entries. He won multiple weeks.)

Tout Head 2 Head Coverage is Here, Chat and Draft Board

Follow the draft board here. The reserve rounds will be here.

No radio coverage of this one, but the transcript of the Derek VanRiper chat below.

[Mar 15, 2:45 PM] DerekVanRiper: Hello!
[Mar 15, 2:45 PM] DerekVanRiper: I had to prep some chicken for quinoa chicken soup…exciting times here at home in Madison.
[Mar 15, 2:50 PM] KingerThePW: What time is this draft supposed to start?
[Mar 15, 2:51 PM] DerekVanRiper: 3p ET
[Mar 15, 2:54 PM] DerekVanRiper: Very curious to see how the league adjusts to the scoring settings for today.
[Mar 15, 2:54 PM] rotoman: Hi Derek, I just gave you magical moderator powers, in case you need them.
[Mar 15, 2:54 PM] DerekVanRiper: Thanks, Peter!
[Mar 15, 2:54 PM] Chamberlain: it looks like fantrax successfully imported the scoring settings, or else the similarities are but a pleasant coincidence
[Mar 15, 2:55 PM] rotoman: You may see me here later, but I’m zonked from hearing the auction call some 280 times in the last five hours.
[Mar 15, 2:55 PM] DerekVanRiper: Totally understandable
[Mar 15, 2:56 PM] Guest7477: Very interested to see how a delayed season would affect pitcher adps
[Mar 15, 2:56 PM] rotoman: You heard it about 330 times yesterday afternoon. How did you stand it?
[Mar 15, 2:56 PM] DerekVanRiper: I played music over it during the Mixed Auction
[Mar 15, 2:57 PM] DerekVanRiper: I think the going once/going twice/sold audio in every auction room can lag a little anyway, so it doesn’t help me much.
[Mar 15, 2:57 PM] rotoman: The big thing with the pitchers is the guys injured now regain their standing, depending on when you expect the games to resume.
[Mar 15, 2:57 PM] rotoman: Very wise, Derek.
[Mar 15, 2:57 PM] Guest7477: i just wonder if the end pitch count for most big arms will be like 160 ip instead of 210+

Continue reading “Tout Head 2 Head Coverage is Here, Chat and Draft Board”


A link to the Draft and Hold standings is now in the Tout Data section of the right sidebar at Click the Draft and Hold link and you’ll be taken to the standings for the league (and a lot more about it) at

And take a moment to congratulate Mike Sheets, who has a formidable lead over Matt Modica and Ariel Cohen. Sorry for the delay fellas.

Who Is Winning Tout Wars Mixed Draft, Midseason 2019 Edition

At the end of May, the question was whether anyone could catch perpetual Tout Mixed Draft leader Rudy Gamble, but a disastrous month for Rudy didn’t knock him from the top spot but it made the question more of a question.

June 2019 standings

Ray Murphy’s machine of a team kept purring, and unsurprisingly Adam Ronis stepped forward. The result is Rudy still in charge, but the threats are closer.

Midseason 2019 standings

All the categories are tight, all the contenders are mixing it up across the board. Give Rudy props for hanging in there, but we have ourselves a race.

Who Is Winning Tout Mixed Auction, Midseason 2019 Edition

At the end of May Bret Sayre had a slim, slim lead over Eric Karabell in Tout Mixed Auction. Bret went on to win the June standings and hold onto a slim lead over Scott Swanay and a handful of teams.

June 2019 standings.

The big story here is the disaster of a month Karabell had, and Tim Heaney had a strong enough month to climb into the hunt.

Midseason 2019 standings.

Tim has a ways to go, but this race will be worth watching.

Who Is Winning Tout Head to Head 2019, Midseason Edition

A month ago, Clay Link was cruising along, winning 80 percent of his games, looking back at the high-achieving (but not that high) likes of Jake Ciely, Ian Kahn and Ryan Bloomfield.

H2H June 2, 2019 standings.

Since then, Link has cruised along with an .800 win percentage while Kahn and Ciely have fallen back.

H2H midseason 2019 standings

No worries, however. The top six teams make the September finals, with the top two getting a first-week bye.

Who Is Winning Tout Draft & Hold 2019, Midseason Edition

At the end of May the Tout Draft & Hold race was Mike Sheets and everyone else, though there was still time for other to catch up.

June 2nd Draft & Hold standings.

A month later, however, and Sheets is adding military corners. Sheets is tightening, the race isn’t.

Draft & Hold Midseason Standings.

There is still plenty of time for one of the three challengers, or more, to make a move, and Sheets himself has small leads across the categories, so nothing is settled. Not yet.