LINKS: The Tout Draft Wrapup

Here are some of the writings by Tout Warriors about their teams:

Live From New York, It’s Perry Van Hook’s Mixed Draft Recap at

Eric Mack’s Mixed Draft Recap.

Eric Karabell’s mixed league draft recap is available to ESPN Insiders.

JP Kastner’s mixed league team and his analysis of his team.

Jason Collette’s AL League Team, and the story behind it.

Derek Carty writes about his mixed league team. He also write about the players he has on multiple teams in multiple leagues this year.

Steve Gardner writes about the players he has on at least a couple of his teams this year, including Tout Mixed.

Dave Gonos explains about his Tout mixed pitchers and hitters.

Scott Pianowski writes about his NL Tout Team.

Andy Behrens’ Tout mixed team pushed limits. You go Andy!.

Cory Schwartz writes about his NL Tout team.

Rob Leibowitz writes about his Tout AL team

Tout rookie Mike Gianella writes about his Tout NL team.

Who do you think will win? Polls Closed!

Last year’s polls didn’t select any winners. Readers thought ESPN would sweep Tout Wars in 2009, voting for Eric Karabell, Nate Ravitz and Matthew Berry.

Instead, took two of three leagues (Lawr Michaels and Brian Walton), with Rotowire’s Chris Liss winning the mixed.

Now you can vote for those who you thought drafted the best teams in 2010. Vote for Mixed in this post, and the AL and NL leagues in the sidebar.

UPDATE! This Year’s Winners, the Poll Says:

AL: Matt Berry 37%, Jason Grey 14%, Mike Siano 8%
NL: Nate Ravitz 23%, Tristan Cockcroft 19%, Chris Liss 10%
MIX: Eric Mack 25%, Eric Karabell 22%, Seth Trachtman 12%

Tout Wars NL Live Blog and Draft Results… Read ’em here

To follow the Tout NL auction’s live blog, Click Here.

Follow the live spreadsheet, by clicking here.

Tout Wars Mixed Live Blog and Spreadsheet

To follow the Tout Wars Mixed Auction via live blog,Click Here.

You can follow the live spreadsheet, by clicking here.

AL Tout Live Blog, the transcript is here.

The Tout AL draft is done. Here’s a transcript of the live blog, with some photos of your favorite touts. Click Here

The draft spreadsheet is here.

I happened to read Jason Collette’s excellent live blog of last year’s NL draft while putting together this year’s liveBlogs. Draw whatever conclusion you like, an awful lot of the game we play is counter intuitive. This is well worth reading as you get committed to this year’s players.

The Tout Wars Winners Predicted

By the Fantasy Sherpa

There was a man sitting in the back of the room during both drafts. He was quiet, didn’t eat any of the reserved cookies, and had a computer (as did most everyone else. It turns out he’s the Fantasy Sherpa (who knew?), and he has calculated the draft stadings based on his projections.

For the NL results, click here. Tristan Cockcroft had a good draft, which the Sherpa accurately reports, but it awards the prize to Nate Ravitz.

For the AL results, click here. He’s got Jason Grey finishing first, with Steve Moyer right behind. You can’t argue with that.

As a player, the value in the Sherpa’s exercise is outside corroboration of some elements of the fight. For me, it is the excess in wins that I (hope to) have, and an indication of the impact of the big bonus another regular player or two would bring me. Leagues are very rarely won on draft day, the saying goes, but they can be lost there.

Now it’s time to play.