LINK HEAVEN: Touts on Their Drafts/Auctions!

All League Auction Results Are Here: Click.

NL: Kreutzer | Albright |

Mixed Auction: Behrens |

AL: Collette |

Draft and Hold (Draft Results): Stein |

Mixed Draft 15 (Draft Results): Thorne | White | Dr. Roto |

Mixed Draft SOLDS (Draft Results): Steinhorn |

Tout Wars NL Today at 9am. Follow Along Here.

Watch Justin Mason’s live stream here.

The details:

Access the draft board live by clicking here. Check the tabs for NL only.

Watch, Follow, Tout Wars Mixed Auction Today at 2pm

Follow Erik Halterman’s live stream here!

The players! The details!

Follow the Draft Sheet here! Look for the Mixed Auction tab.

Tout Wars AL Only Auction, On Now!

Here’s the link for the Justin Mason’s livestream!

Here’s the fact sheet for all the info

Click here to watch the public board.

Tout SOLDS League is Drafting Now!

Fifteen teams, 5×5 with OBP instead of BA, IP instead of Wins, and Saves + Holds instead of Saves.

The draft is being carried live on SiriusXM with Jeff Erickson and Nick Whelan.

Follow John Leghezza’s livestream from inside the draft room.

The draft board is here:

Tout Weekend After Thoughts

There was drafting:

Tout AL

Tout AL

Tout AL

Tout NL

Tout NL

And folks wrote and talked about their auctions (the completed draft sheets are here):

TOUT NL: Kreutzer | Stampfl (on YouTube) | Albright |

TOUT MIXED 15 AUCTION: Behrens | Mason (Podcast with Cohen) | Mason | White | White (on YouTube) | Chu (podcast w/Gallina) | Engel |

TOUT MIXED 15 DRAFT: Verougstraete (Podcast with Sanchez and Short) |

TOUT MIXED 15 DRAFT SOLDS: Sanchez (Podcast with Verougstraete and Towers) | Towers | Towers (on YouTube) | Flowers | Steinhorn |

TOUT AL: Collette |

TOUT H2H: Cohen (Podcast) | Gallina (podcast w/Chu) | Ammirante |


Tout Weekend Is Coming!

The festivities kick off Saturday at 9 AM EDT, with Tout AL.

Doug Dennis will be going for his third consecutive AL title. Will he draft a starter this time?

Tout Wars Mixed Auction follows at 2 PM EDT.

Bret Sayre edged Justin Mason last year. They’re both back ready to rumble this year.

Sunday morning at 9 AM EDT Tout NL gets underway.

Derek Carty won handily last year. Eleven teams have him in their sites.

Sunday morning at 10 AM EDT Tout H2H will start it’s auction.

Greg Jewett beat the sitting champ Frank Stampfl in last year’s finals.

You can follow along with the live Google Sheet, here’s the link. If your auction isn’t showing, check the tabs!

SiriusXM will be covering the AL, Mixed Auc, and NL auctions live.

Jason Collette and Tim McLead will be hosting watch parties for the AL, Mixed Auction, and NL auctions on Playback.TV/toutwars. It’s our TW room for you to chat with Tim and/or Jason, talk about how things are going, and pick minds about his year’s expert drafts. Register at Playback.TV to participate in the chat, or click the link to watch (no signup necessary) and listen.

Matt Deutsch will be hosting Watch Party! for the H2H auction on Sunday morning. Click this link to either add the app to your phone or tablet, or if you already have the app the link will take you to our H2H watch party, where you can answer questions about the auction and its participants, gain points, and perhaps win a prize of fantasy baseball information, including Rotoman’s Fantasy Baseball Guide 2024.

The Tout Weekend Party will be Saturday night, from 8pm to 11pm, at Dave and Busters, at 234 42nd Street on the 3rd floor. This year’s Zen and Now award winner will be announced. There will be a buffet for the touts and guests may order off the menu. There will also be a cash bar.