Join Us for Tout Wars Mixed Draft Tonight! March 5, 2024.

The draft is over but you can still join in. Here’s the order:

1.Seth Trachtman
2. Ryan Bloomfield (and Brian Entrekin) hosted a live stream of the draft on YouTube
3. Adam Ronis
4. D. J. Short
5. Mike Gianella
6. Brian Entrekin
7. Shelly Verougstraete
8. Ray Murphy (and Anthony Aniano, Jason Collette, Todd Zola, and Tim McLeod live stream commentary on the draft on Playback.TV.
9. Dr. Roto
10. Tim McLeod
11. Anthony Aniano
12. Kyle Soppe
13. Garion Thorne
14. Rudy Gamble
15. Scott White

You can follow the draft board at Fantrax. Here’s the link.

SiriusXM will be carrying the draft live on their fantasy sports channel.

And something new this year. Jason Collette will be hosting a Watch Party at It’s free and if you register you’ll have access to the chatroom and video stream, where Jason will comment on selections and chat with touts in the draft room and you. Catch the watch party stream here.

Your Guide to Tout Wars 2023!

Here’s one-stop for the schedule of drafts and auctions, links to the draft boards, and links to How Did I Do links from the Touts:

3/19: Tout Head to Head (2:30 pm ET) Draft Board
Recap: Ariel Cohen (podcast) | Michael Govier | Greg Jewett | Frank Ammirante | Joe Gallina (podcast)

3/19: Tout NL (9 am ET) Draft Board
Recaps: Peter Kreutzer | Steve Gardner | Phil Hertz/Dave Adler | Grey Albright | Eric Halterman

3/18: Tout Mixed Auction (2:30 pm ET) Draft Board
Recaps: Scott Pianowski | Zach Steinhorn | Alex Chamberlain | Scott Swanay | Scott Engel | Scott Chu (podcast) |

3/18: Tout AL (9 am ET) Draft Board
Recaps: Mike Podhorzer | Jeff Erickson | Jason Collette | Rob Leibowitz |

3/6/23: Tout Mixed 15: Draft Board
Recaps: AJ Mass | Rudy Gamble | DJ Short and Shelly Verougstraete | Scott White | Ryan Bloomfield/Ray Murphy/Brian “Bubba” Entrekin Live Stream | Mike Gianella (need free basic subscription) |

2/28/23: Tout Mixed 12: Draft Board
Recaps: Andy Behrens | Jen Piacenti | Chris Towers | Matt Trussell | Tim McCullough | Sara Sanchez/Alex Fast |

2/21/23: Tout Draft and Hold: Draft Board
Recaps: Michael Stein | Brad Johnson (strategy piece) | Mike Alexander |

Also, follow all the March 18-19 festivities live on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio!

Some Writers Write and Some Podcasters Talk About Their Seasons

Here’s where to find them (and if you wrote one tell me where to find it):

Mixed Auction: Zach Steinhorn | Jeff Zimmerman | Justin Mason |

Mixed Draft 15: Mike Gianella |

Mixed Draft 12: Chris Clegg | Matt Truss |

AL: Mike Podhorzer |

NL: Ian Kahn (podcast w Ariel Cohen) |

H2H: Ariel Cohen (podcast w Ian Kahn) |

We Have Winners! Mike Gianella takes Tout Wars Mixed Draft (15)!

At midseason, Mike Gianella had a four-point lead over perennial challenger and frequent champion Adam Ronis. The former Tout NL champion made it hold up (though he was challenged by Rudy Gamble, another perennial challenger and former champ in this league). He tells the story of how in a free post at Baseball Prospectus.

Tout Wars Draft and Hold is over!

Check out the draft board here.

Nando Di Fino talks about his team with Derek VanRiper on their podcast.

Michael Stein’s article about his team.

James Anderson writes about all his industry leagues, including Tout Draft and Hold.

Brad Johnson writes about his draft.

Tout Wars Mixed 15 Draft is Finished!

See the full draft results here. Click tabs for different leagues.

Scott White writes about his draft here.

Rudy Gamble writes about how his draft went here.

Charlie Wiegert’s recap (part 1) is right here. And like the Godfather, it has a part 2 right here.

Mike Gianella’s story of his draft at Baseball Prospectus out from behind the paywall.