Tout Mixed Auction chat and draft board links here.

Follow the draft grid here. The reserve rounds are on this Google Sheet.

SiriusXM is covering it on Channel 619.

And what follows is a transcript of the chat with Jason Collette.

[Mar 14, 2:50 PM] JasonCollette: I think it’s all set — back in my hotel now
[Mar 14, 3:02 PM] JasonCollette: Joel……are you ready?
[Mar 14, 3:03 PM] JasonCollette: I SAID, ARE YOU READY????!!!!!!!
[Mar 14, 3:04 PM] DVR: LOL
[Mar 14, 3:04 PM] DVR: I got my five minutes of backwards walking in, I’m ready!
[Mar 14, 3:05 PM] rotoman: Doesn’t look like Joel’s ready!
[Mar 14, 3:05 PM] JasonCollette: Peter — do I need admin access or anything or just chat in here?
[Mar 14, 3:05 PM] DVR: Counting on you, Joel!
[Mar 14, 3:05 PM] rotoman: You can just chat and that works fine for chatting.
[Mar 14, 3:06 PM] JasonCollette: but what if I want to block DVR?
[Mar 14, 3:06 PM] JasonCollette: I mean, that guy annoys me
[Mar 14, 3:06 PM] JasonCollette: wait – is this not private? Shit
[Mar 14, 3:06 PM] JasonCollette: 🙂

Continue reading “Tout Mixed Auction chat and draft board links here.”

End Of Season Round Ups: The Touts Describe What Happened

TOUT MIXED AUCTION: Sayre | Hershey | Flowers | Steinhorn | Zimmerman | Melchior |

TOUT AL: Davitt |

TOUT NL: Hertz |

BaseballHQ did a five part series featuring Brent Hershey, Patrick Davitt, and Phil Hertz in the final weeks of their respective (Mixed Auc, AL, NL). Read them here. Part one | two | three | four | five.

TOUT MIXED DRAFT: White | Short |

Who Is Winning Tout Mixed Auction, Midseason 2019 Edition

At the end of May Bret Sayre had a slim, slim lead over Eric Karabell in Tout Mixed Auction. Bret went on to win the June standings and hold onto a slim lead over Scott Swanay and a handful of teams.

June 2019 standings.

The big story here is the disaster of a month Karabell had, and Tim Heaney had a strong enough month to climb into the hunt.

Midseason 2019 standings.

Tim has a ways to go, but this race will be worth watching.

Tim Heaney Wins Tout Wars Mixed Auction in 2018!

Tim Heaney is a Tout Wars champion.

How does he feel about that? Let’s let him say:

Tim Heaney, From His Bathtub [click to watch]
Tim won the season handily, topping perennial contender Fred Zinkie by 23 points. He took the lead in late May for good, made a few trades during the season, but the Draft Roster Standings suggest that his winning team was put together on auction day.

His big draft day buys were Javier Baez ($6), Eddie Rosario ($3), Blake Snell and Miles Mikolas ($6 each). That left plenty of budget for extravagances like JD Martinez and Madison Bumgarner, and a championship.

How To Cross A Border: Extreme Vetting Edition

Tim McLeod is on his way to New York City for his first in-person Tout Wars auction. Tim did win Tout Mixed Draft a while back.

He posted a story about crossing the border from his native Canada into New York State today on Facebook.

The price of Francisco Mejia just went up $3.


Coming Up! Tout Weekend 2018

Tout Weekend is fast approaching. This year teams competing in the four Tout Wars auction leagues will need the luck of the Irish, as all four auctions are taking place on March 17. Yes, St. Patrick’s Day.

The location is Richmond County Bank Ballpark, home of the Staten Island Yankees. In the home dressing and exercise rooms, particularly.

The schedule:

Tout Wars Party: Friday March 16, 2018. 7pm at Foleys NY, at 18 West 33rd Street. Come one, come all.

Tout Mixed Auction: Saturday March 17, 2018. 9am at RCBB. Auctioneer: Jeff Erickson

Tout NL: Saturday March 17, 2018. 10am at RCBB. Auctioneer: Brian Feldman

Tout AL: Saturday March 17, 2018. 3pm at RCBB. Auctioneer: Joe Pisapia

Tout H2H: Saturday March 17, 2018. 4pm at RCBB. Auctioneer: Todd Zola

SiriusXM Fantasy Sports will be carrying live coverage of the four auctions, which can also be followed live on the auction spreadsheet (link to come), and Twitter (@toutwars).

The event will be open to a limited number of guests. If you’re interested in attending, let a Tout know. Only people on the guest list will be admitted to the park. There will be food and drinks available for purchase by guests.

Thanks to the Yankees for inviting us, and Andrea LaMont and Lenny Melnick for working out the details.

Who Is Winning Tout Wars? Mixed Auction Edition

The current standings, on the morning of August 28th:

Jeff Zimmerman, last year’s Head to Head winner, has been in first place pretty much all season, and has a commanding lead. Who is winning Tout AL? Jeff Zimmerman is.

But Zimmerman’s dominance came in the first half. Since the All Star break Ron Shandler’s team has been a little better than Zimmerman’s.

A quick survey of the current standings shows that if everything broke incredibly well for Shandler, he could potentially add 16 points, and would pass Zimmerman in a few categories. That would put him just a few points behind.

It’s a long shot, for sure, but this isn’t over yet, at least not completely.

See the league’s rosters and standings here.