We Have Winners! Doug Dennis Wins Tout Wars AL in 2022!

It no doubt came as a relief to Doug Dennis to win Tout Wars AL this year with no starting pitchers. Taking advantage of the Tout rules not specifying minimum innings, Dennis dumped out of Wins and Strikeouts and won his league easily. He scored every point possible in the eight categories he played, minus one in WHIP.

Dennis took much the same approach in 2021 and finished 1oth.

Doubt Wars Sign Up! Last Call!

We’ve extended the deadline to get teams in until noon on April 7th, shortly before the real games begin. Sign up now using the form here. Or email askrotoman@gmail.com with your name, the email address you’re registered with at onroto.com and which Doubt leagues (AL, NL, Mixed) you would like to play in.

Two Days, Four Auctions! Tout Wars Weekend is complete.

Check out the Draft Sheets here:

Tout Wars AL (Draft Sheet: Click here)

Mike Podhorzer writes about his auction.

Jason Collette on his auction.

Ryan Bloomfield’s review of his AL team is here.

Patrick Davitt and Doug Dennis talked at length about Tout AL and Doug’s weird strategy on the BaseballHQ Radio pod.

Patrick Davitt pivots to his own team at baseballhq.com ($)

Tout Wars Mixed Auction (Draft Sheet: Click here).

Alex Chamberlain’s recap.

Eric Karabell wrote about the auction for ESPN+($).

Scott Pianowski’s piece is here.

Scott Engel on his draft is here.

Zach Steinhorn’s draft review can be found here.

Scott Swanay’s team review is here.

Tout Wars NL (Draft Sheet: Click here)

Tristan Cockcroft wrote about his auction for ESPN+($).

Grey Albright hates his team enough to like it.

Tout Wars Head to Head (Draft Sheet: Click here)

Dan Strafford’s pod is here.

Ariel Cohen and Chris Welsh talk about the auction on The Beat the Shift podcast.

Todd Zola and Clay Link talk about Clay’s auction.

The more traditional spreadsheets are linked to in the sidebar later now.

Tout Wars Weekend is Coming! Here’s how to follow all the drafts.

For the third year in a row the Touts are gathering for a virtual Tout Weekend. No party at Foleys, no hanging out at the Stewart Hotel and SiriusXM talking baseball with friends. No intense, fast-paced in-person auctions led by savvy auctioneers pushing the pace ever forward.

For the third year in a row the Touts will be gathering in a draft room at Fantrax, some of them connected on a Zoom call, putting their teams together from the four corners of the US, from Florida to Hawaii, from Maine to the Columbia Valley. Here’s how you can follow along (note that the moderator will need to admit you to the public Zoom Rooms, which might take a moment):

Tout Wars AL (Saturday March 19, 2022 10 AM ET)

Radio broadcast on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports
Public Zoom Room can be accessed at 896 5031 8894, hosted by Tim McLeod and Eric Cross.
Draft Sheet: Click here

Tout Wars Mixed Auction (Saturday March 19, 2022 4 PM ET)

Radio broadcast on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports (The Lawr Michaels Zen and Now Award winner will be announced on SiriusXM in the 15 minute block before the auction starts)
Public Zoom Room can be accessed at 864 7710 5666, hosted by Clay Link.
Draft Sheet: Click here

Tout Wars NL (Sunday March 20, 2022 10 AM ET)

Radio broadcast on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports
Public Zoom Room can be accessed at 895 0366 4657, hosted by Derek VanRiper.
Draft Sheet: Click here

Tout Wars Head to Head (Sunday March 20, 2022 4 PM ET)

Radio broadcast on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports
Public Zoom Room can be accessed at 853 3504 2173, hosted by Adam Howe and Shelly Verougstraete.
Draft Sheet: Click here

Tout Wars Mixed Draft 15 is Coming Up Soon!

You can follow it by Zoom, hosted by Jason Collette, at Zoom room 897 6009 8139. No password is required.

The draft is being covered by Colton and Wolfman on SiriusXM Fantasy Sports, though I hear the Wolfman isn’t in tonight. I’m sure Glenn will have an able co-host.

The link to the public draft room on Fantrax is here. You can see the actual draft order there.

Draft order is based on teams that finished better last year getting their choice of picks. The order of picking this year was:

Adam Ronis (1000) 2015, 2016, 2021 Mix 15 Champion
DJ Short (1000)
Shelly Verougstraete (1000)
Tim McLeod (1000) 2014 Mix 15 Champion
Tim McCullough (1000)
Seth Trachtman (1000) 2016 AL Champion
Charlie Wiegert (1000)
Ray Murphy (1000) 2019 Mix 15 Champion
Rudy Gamble (1000) 2018, 2017 Mix 15 Champion
Scott White (1000) 2020 Mix 15 Champion
Michael Beller (920)
Anthony Perri (870)
Mike Gianella (700) 2015 NL Champion, Xfer from Tout AL
Perry Van Hook (680))
AJ Mass (1000) Return to Tout

Teams that finish in the lower half of the standings one year face a FAAB penalty the next. The numbers in parens are that team’s FAAB for 2022. The penalties follow teams even if they change leagues.