No Schadenfreude Here!

Brian Walton has such a giant lead in NL Tout that it is hard not to be upset that he’s lost Albert Pujols to a fractured forearm for a month. Too bad! I feel really badly that his great season has been tarnished, and I really really hope he’s able to hold onto his lead.

USA Today’s Steve Gardner, another Tout NL competitor, feels badly for Brian, too, though he doesn’t come right out and say it.

Championship for a Commissioner

Fred Zinkie, of, was Tout AL commissioner last year. And what does he do in the postseason?

Fred Zinkie gets a bath
Fred Zinkie meets Gatorade

Lead the Holy Trinity Titans to Toronto’s Metro Bowl championship! Congrats, Fred!

Wall Street Journal: Lawyer is Fantasy Expert, too

Glenn Colton and his partner, Rick Wolf, have had great success in LABR, and good success in Tout Wars. The Wall Street Journal noticed that Glenn is also a lawyer.

Classic Tout NL Trades

Lenny Melnick and Paul Greco traded Hunter Pence to Brian Walton today, for Tim Hudson and Jairo Garcia, in a classic hitting for pitching swap.

While Scott Pianowski dealt Manny Ramirez to Larry Schechter for Nyjer Morgan in a classic power for speed deal, in a rare deal between the first and second place teams.

Tout NL Trade: Zola and Hertz

The picture is of Ike Davis, because Phil Hertz opened a slot on his active roster for Davis on April 26 by trading Marlins first baseman Gaby Sanchez and Arizona outfielder Chris Young to Todd Zola for a pair of Ryans: Cubs pitcher Dempster and Pirates outfielder Church.

“And with that, Phil Hertz begins the Ike Davis era,” said Larry Schechter.

“I prefer to look at it as the end of the Micah Hoffpauir era myself :(” said Todd Zola.

Announcing the SABR Trophy

SABR logoTout Wars is pleased to announce the Society of American Baseball Research’s sponsorship of the SABR Trophy, with a presentation by SABR Board member F.X. Flinn of trophies to the three 2009 Tout Wars champions before Friday’s Tout Wars AL Draft.

Tout Wars and SABR hope this inaugurates a long association of championship-caliber play and an expanding appreciation and understanding of the game of baseball.

Read SABR’s press release.

The Tout Mixed Lineup is Set!

This year’s 15 man league:

2010 Tout Wars MIXED LEAGUE

The draft starts at 9am on March 28th. We’ll be blogging live from Citi Field. Follow it here!