What were they thinking? Listen to them, read them:
Mixed Draft 12 (Draft board): Entrekin/Fast (podcast) | Flowers | Towers | Behrens | Fast (podcast) | Melchior ($) | Entrekin |
Mixed Draft 15 (Draft board): White | Short | Gamble | Verougstraete | Van Hook | Wiegert |
Draft and Hold (Draft Board): Williams/Anderson (podcast) | Sheets | Hegglund | Hegglund/Gianella (podcast) |
AL (Draft Board): Erickson | Liss | Bloomfield | Podhorzer | Gianella | Gianella/Hegglund (podcast) |
Mixed Auction 15 (Draft Board): Karabell | Swanay | Steinhorn | Sayre |
NL (Draft Board): Kreutzer | Albright | Zinkie | Cockroft/Zola |
Head to Head (Draft Board):