Crowded Response to Scarcity Issue: Tout Warriors Speak Out

Todd Zola asked the universe of Tout Wars participants to talk about “scarcity,” for this week’s Lord’s Roundtable at KFFL. Many spoke out.

Read Todd’s followup.

Mastersball Knights Joust on Swingman

Lord Zola, he of, convenes an assembly of his knights to discuss the new Tout Wars’ Swingman rule. Joined by Tout LLC member Peter Kreutzer, as visiting wizard, and including Tout LLC knight Lawr Michaels. Read the Grail here.

Do you think Tout Wars’ has a role as an innovator? Or do you think it should follow, not lead, general fantasy baseball trends? There’s room in the comments below to discuss.

Tout Wars Mixed: Game of Inches

Tim Heaney, of, shares the frantic, lamenting thoughts over his mixed Tout Wars squad…

Following a 4-for-31 offensive day, my Tout Wars mixed team needs a jolt as it remains in third place behind my colleague Nicholas Minnix and’s Fred Zinkie.

I’m on my last legs. I brought in, from outside sports nonetheless, Dan Devine, Norman Dale, Eric Taylor, Herb Brooks and others to rile my guys up.

One day. One day until failure or success … regret or reward. Truly a game of inches. Continue reading “Tout Wars Mixed: Game of Inches”

Tout Wars Mixed: An incredibly helpless feeling

Maybe this is punishment for having the bravado to attend a Pearl Jam concert in Vancouver on Sunday night, the eve of the biggest three days of my fantasy baseball life. Just as Eddie Vedder and Co. took the stage at the Pacific Coliseum, the Tout Wars FAAB deadline passed, and my competition for the whole shebang in the mixed league landed the pieces that they believed would carry them past me by the end of Wednesday.

Just because you’re paranoid, don’t mean they won’t pass you.

I’ve been dangling from the first spot in the standings for a good portion of the last several weeks. I feel like a carrot, a brass ring, Ice-T in “Surviving the Game.”

WHIPed, stolen … saved? Continue reading “Tout Wars Mixed: An incredibly helpless feeling”

Tout Mixed: The abnormal, exceptional average

Nicholas Minnix of reports on the Tout Wars Mixed pennant race:

Tout Wars Mixed: Batting AverageI hate Marco Scutaro.

I was ahead of Fred Zinkie in batting average by 0.004 points heading into the baseball regular season’s final full week of games. Marco Freakin’ Scutaro made my stomach turn at the very beginning of it when he collected six hits in eight at-bats in Monday’s twin bill between the Boston Red Sox and Baltimore Orioles. Continue reading “Tout Mixed: The abnormal, exceptional average”