Tout Wars Head to Head Auction Goes Live at 10 am ET. Follow it here!

Listen to Jason Collette’s Live Stream here!

The details:

Follow the draft board live by clicking here! Find the H2H tab.

Tout Wars NL Today at 9am. Follow Along Here.

Watch Justin Mason’s live stream here.

The details:

Access the draft board live by clicking here. Check the tabs for NL only.

Watch, Follow, Tout Wars Mixed Auction Today at 2pm

Follow Erik Halterman’s live stream here!

The players! The details!

Follow the Draft Sheet here! Look for the Mixed Auction tab.

SABR’s F.X. Flinn presents the SABR Trophy

At NYC’s Foley’s on March 18th, SABR’s FX Flinn present SABR Trophies to AL Champ Jason Grey and Mixed League Champ Andy Behrens, and shares a bit of roto history, too.