Tout Wars FAAB Report: Week of September 20

Each week, we’ll share the winning bids for the five Tout Wars league using FAAB, along with providing the links so you can see the full report and standings for each league.

American League

JLamb, OakJeff Erickson 135
NMazara, CWSLarry Schechter 25
TLopes, SeaPatrick Davitt 24
EWhite, TexRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 16
MBoyd, DetMike Podhorzer 14
MChavis, BosRyan Bloomfield 8
KHigashioka, NYYLarry Schechter 3
CHeuer, CWSLarry Schechter 1
GCrochet, CWSDoug Dennis 0
WBenjamin, TexPatrick Davitt 0
RLopez, CWSJeff Erickson 0
LRengifo, LAAChris Liss 0
RBrasier, BosRyan Bloomfield 0
JDyson, CWSChris Liss 0
Full report available here

National League

TMatzek, AtlDerek Carty 256
DCarlson, StLTristan H. Cockcroft 83
KWright, AtlLenny Melnick  45
TBarnhart, CinFred Zinkie 32
ASlater, SFFred Zinkie 31
DFowler, StLPhil Hertz 29
GCabrera, StLFred Zinkie 20
JVanMeter, AriBrian Walton 12
SBrault, PitPeter Kreutzer 4
JPeterson, MilPeter Kreutzer 3
DRuf, SFSteve Gardner 1
PGosselin, PhiPeter Kreutzer 1
VGonzalez, LADPhil Hertz 0
AGarrett, CinSteve Gardner 0
NCrismatt, StLGrey Albright 0
GGarcia, SDSteve Gardner 0
Full report available here

Mixed Auction

NLowe, TBJake Ciely 162
JrgLopez, BalJake Ciely 130
KBubic, KCZach Steinhorn 82
KHayes, PitZach Steinhorn 39
JTomlin, AtlDerek VanRiper 35
ADeSclafani, CinTim Heaney 30
JGyorko, MilDerek VanRiper 30
GCooper, MiaScott Swanay 14
KAkin, BalJeff Zimmerman 6
THouck, BosRon Shandler 5
TONeill, StLScott Swanay 3
BCrawford, SFScott Swanay 1
MGarver, MinJeff Zimmerman 1
TNaquin, CleAl Melchior 1
HNeris, PhiJeff Zimmerman 0
Full report available here

Mixed Draft

YHirano, SeaRudy Gamble 178
NLowe, TBAdam Ronis 87
AVoth, WasTim McCullough 82
KAkin, BalTim McCullough 82
RLopez, CWSSeth Trachtman 64
TPham, SDTim McCullough 36
HCastro, DetPerry Van Hook 25
LTorrens, SeaTim McLeod 19
YGomes, WasRudy Gamble 17
AMills, ChCAdam Ronis 13
ZBritton, NYYPerry Van Hook 3
SHuff, TexAdam Ronis 0
Full report available here

Head to Head

KAkin, BalIan Kahn 75
JWalsh, LAAIan Kahn 41
TAnderson, SFAriel Cohen 24
NEovaldi, BosAriel Cohen 16
GCooper, MiaAriel Cohen 16
JNottingham, MilIan Kahn 10
CMoran, PitAriel Cohen 9
RBraun, MilAriel Cohen 5
SBrault, PitAndrea LaMont 1
RRuiz, BalAndrea LaMont 1
JBarria, LAAAndrea LaMont 0
EFedde, WasAndrea LaMont 0
NLowe, TBAndrea LaMont 0
Full report available here

Full report for Draft and Hold League available here.

Tout Wars FAAB Report: Week of September 13

Each week, we’ll share the winning bids for the five Tout Wars league using FAAB, along with providing the links so you can see the full report and standings for each league.

American League

MMinor, OakRob Leibowitz 253
DCameron, DetRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 180
JWalsh, LAAMike Podhorzer 163
AKirk, TorPatrick Davitt 89
AVelazquez, BalJason Collette 74
BGarcia, DetRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 56
JBarria, LAALarry Schechter 51
RJeffers, MinMike Gianella 37
VMachin, OakRyan Bloomfield 32
SHuff, TexMike Gianella 10
SApostel, TexRob Leibowitz 3
SBrown, OakPatrick Davitt 3
CArroyo, BosChris Liss 2
JLuplow, CleJeff Erickson 1
TWard, LAADoug Dennis 0
JCurtiss, TBDoug Dennis 0
JWendelken, OakPatrick Davitt 0
Full report available here

National League

TPham, SDGrey Albright 102
JFuentes, ColTodd Zola 77
PSmith, AriPhil Hertz 42
TTaylor, MilSteve Gardner 24
JNottingham, MilTodd Zola 16
AKnapp, PhiBrian Walton 5
RRavelo, StLBrian Walton 5
SCrichton, AriBrian Walton 5
BGarrett, MiaScott Wilderman 2
YGarcia, MiaFred Zinkie 2
NVincent, MiaFred Zinkie 2
TStephenson, CinLenny Melnick  1
LThomas, StLScott Wilderman 1
IDiaz, MiaSteve Gardner 1
Full report available here

Mixed Auction

HBader, StLScott Swanay 158
AlexReyes, StLTim Heaney 66
RDolis, TorAl Melchior 56
JUrena, MiaMichael Rathburn 40
DStewart, BalScott Swanay 38
TAntone, CinBrent Hershey 31
MRojas, MiaRon Shandler 21
BSinger, KCRon Shandler 21
TPham, SDScott Swanay 19
JWalsh, LAAAl Melchior 13
TWatson, SFJeff Zimmerman 2
DPeralta, AriJeff Zimmerman 1
VVelasquez, PhiJeff Zimmerman 1
Full report available here

Mixed Draft

JRojas, AriRudy Gamble 147
CMullins, BalRudy Gamble 139
BSinger, KCAdam Ronis 38
SBarlow, KCRay Murphy 32
MMinor, OakRay Murphy 32
SAkiyama, CinRay Murphy 32
LGarcia, HouPerry Van Hook 31
RJeffers, MinPerry Van Hook 21
JWalsh, LAATim McLeod 16
AniSanchez, WasCharlie Wiegert 15
TClarke, AriCharlie Wiegert 15
EOlivares, KCCharlie Wiegert 15
HHarvey, BalTim McLeod 14
WCalhoun, TexScott White 11
KCalhoun, AriScott White 11
KBubic, KCScott White 11
SCrichton, AriScott White 6
TFlowers, AtlD.J. Short 4
JMarmolejos, SeaTim McLeod 4
RGuzman, TexPerry Van Hook 3
AKirk, TorTim McLeod 2
Full report available here

Head to Head

TRogers, MiaAlex Chamberlain 50
JAguilar, MiaAndrea LaMont 23
TFrance, SeaAndrea LaMont 21
LGarcia, HouAndrea LaMont 12
JLester, ChCAriel Cohen 74
HAlberto, BalAriel Cohen 34
ADuvall, AtlAriel Cohen 24
VVelasquez, PhiAriel Cohen 43
JUrquidy, HouAriel Cohen 14
JrgLopez, BalIan Kahn 81
NMargevicius, SeaIan Kahn 78
JBell, PitIan Kahn 21
AKnapp, PhiIan Kahn 2
CTaylor, LADRalph Lifshitz 2
AGimenez, NYMRalph Lifshitz 31
JOviedo, StLRalph Lifshitz 8
DKremer, BalClay Link 45
JCandelario, DetAndrea LaMont 16
JStallings, PitAndrea LaMont 1
RHill, MinAndy Behrens 0
Full report available here

Full report for Draft and Hold League available here.

Tout Wars FAAB Report: Week of September 6

Each week, we’ll share the winning bids for the five Tout Wars league using FAAB, along with providing the links so you can see the full report and standings for each league.

American League

JVillar, TorLarry Schechter 608
RRay, TorHoward Bender 527
EOlivares, KCJason Collette 303
TFrance, SeaMike Podhorzer 204
ATejeda, TexMike Gianella 175
JNaylor, CleMike Gianella 175
RStripling, TorRyan Bloomfield 105
DDeShields, CleDoug Dennis 99
PErvin, SeaChris Liss 89
DStewart, BalMike Podhorzer 78
YMunoz, BosRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 76
KAkin, BalRyan Bloomfield 71
DKremer, BalRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 56
NLowe, TBMike Podhorzer 46
LTorrens, SeaJeff Erickson 3
CaJoseph, TorPatrick Davitt 2
MMayers, LAAMike Podhorzer 1
JDiekman, OakChris Liss 1
AMisiewicz, SeaMike Podhorzer 0
Full report available here

National League

MClevinger, SDFred Zinkie 734
KPillar, ColDerek Carty 477
ANola, SDPhil Hertz 443
BGoodwin, CinScott Wilderman 279
KHayes, PitBrian Walton 187
JPeterson, MilSteve Gardner 150
TFrazier, NYMScott Wilderman 124
JChisholm, MiaBrian Walton 52
KGinkel, AriGrey Albright 37
JRojas, AriPeter Kreutzer 25
CMaybin, ChCTristan H. Cockcroft 20
VGonzalez, LADBrian Walton 12
DVogelbach, MilTristan H. Cockcroft 10
AAlzolay, ChCLenny Melnick  2
AGarrett, CinFred Zinkie 2
BSuter, MilPhil Hertz 2
JWoodford, StLPeter Kreutzer 1
WSuero, WasScott Wilderman 0
JMarisnick, NYMFred Zinkie 0
Full report available here

Mixed Auction

GHolland, KCJeff Zimmerman 131
KGinkel, AriDerek VanRiper 110
CMoran, PitRon Shandler 76
YRamirez, SeaTim Heaney 56
TFrance, SeaScott Pianowski 44
ADickerson, SFAl Melchior 34
RArozarena, TBScott Pianowski 31
SAkiyama, CinScott Pianowski 31
KAllard, TexAl Melchior 22
DVarsho, AriDerek VanRiper 20
JBradley, BosBret Sayre 17
LTorrens, SeaAl Melchior 12
FPena, LAAJeff Zimmerman 5
ASimmons, LAAAl Melchior 2
TAlexander, DetBret Sayre 1
TWolters, ColJeff Zimmerman 1
PFairbanks, TBBret Sayre 1
SGreene, AtlBret Sayre 1
Full report available here

Mixed Draft

KGinkel, AriSeth Trachtman 225
DBard, ColAdam Ronis 204
JUrena, MiaCharlie Wiegert 131
RArozarena, TBCharlie Wiegert 56
JHeyward, ChCD.J. Short 50
ADickerson, SFD.J. Short 40
ADiaz, HouRay Murphy 28
WCastro, DetPerry Van Hook 27
TRogers, MiaD.J. Short 25
RDolis, TorAdam Ronis 22
YRamirez, SeaTim McLeod 21
DVarsho, AriRay Murphy 18
TFrance, SeaAdam Ronis 18
DKremer, BalTim McLeod 15
AAquino, CinTim McCullough 12
LNewsome, SeaSeth Trachtman 11
ADuvall, AtlScott White 8
KHayes, PitScott White 8
AGomber, StLPerry Van Hook 6
DBote, ChCTim McCullough 5
DFisher, TorTim McLeod 5
JTrevino, TexD.J. Short 4
JBradley, BosPerry Van Hook 3
DGarcia, NYYAdam Ronis 2
JDunn, SeaTom Kessenich 2
DStewart, BalAdam Ronis 1
GHolland, KCScott White 0
FPena, LAAScott White 0
Full report available here

Head to Head

ZPlesac, CleAndrea LaMont 201
JUpton, LAAIan Kahn 132
MPineda, MinFrank Stampfl 86
LWeaver, AriIan Kahn 83
VReyes, DetNick Pollack 50
TSkubal, DetAlex Chamberlain 50
MWacha, NYMAriel Cohen 48
JHapp, NYYAriel Cohen 34
CBassitt, OakIan Kahn 21
KPillar, ColAriel Cohen 18
JJeffress, ChCAriel Cohen 14
JFleming, TBAlex Chamberlain 10
JBrubaker, PitAlex Chamberlain 10
ARiley, AtlAndrea LaMont 6
LWebb, SFAndrea LaMont 5
MPerez, BosAndrea LaMont 4
DBard, ColClay Link 2
ASlater, SFAlex Chamberlain 1
DVarsho, AriFrank Stampfl 1
MBarnes, BosFrank Stampfl 1
WAdames, TBClay Link 1
KFreeland, ColRalph Lifshitz 1
TWatson, SFAndy Behrens 0
Full report available here

Full report for Draft and Hold League available here.

Tout Daily Picks: Three Golden Tickets up for grabs

It’s the final week of the second Tuesday period which means the top-two from the period along with the overall Tuesday points leader will be awarded a ticket to the Tout Daily Championship Tournament.

Here are who some of the Touts are hoping get them to the promised land.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Pitcher: Ian Anderson – Ian Anderson is a lower-priced option tonight at only $6,800. He’s averaging 25.1 fantasy points per game and is facing a weak Boston Red Sox lineup.

Hitter: Jose Abreu – Jose Abreu is on a tear. Over the past 2 weeks, Abreu is batting .431 with 11 runs scored, 8 home runs, and 19 RBI. He’s not cheap at $5,500 tonight, but worth paying up for.

Mike Gianella (Baseball Prospectus, @MikeGianella)

Pitcher: Aaron Nola – Outside of a clunker in Atlanta Nola has been a dominant ace all season long. It’s a tough matchup against Washington but sometimes you roll with an ace and hope for the best.

Hitter: Mookie Betts – Betts has a weird reverse platoon differential (he has been better against righties the last two seasons) but Alex Young has been giving up homers against righties at a ridiculous clip. Something has to give, and I’m betting on Betts here.

Charlie Wiegert (CDM Sports, @GFFantasySports)

Pitcher: Framber Valdez – Coming off 7 inning, 11K outing with LAA last Monday, and getting an extra day of rest, against a struggling Ranger team.

Hitter: Trevor Story – Time to have a big day at home vs Gausman, plus a couple other hot hitters; Nunez, Riley and Robert. Sounds like a law firm!

Phil Hertz (BaseballHQ, @prhz50)

Pitcher: Ian Anderson – Price is the determinant here along with hope that he can approach his first game success.

Hitter: Robinson Cano – He’s been red hot all season and goes against Oriole pitching at Camden Yards.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Pitcher: Aaron Nola – Staying with what got me two first place finishes in the first two weeks of this period — ace pitching, figure out the rest

Hitter: Jacob Stallings – Catcher, batting 5th, platoon edge, 2.7K – pretty much a free square. Sign me up!

Tout Wars FAAB Report: Week of August 31

Each week, we’ll share the winning bids for the five Tout Wars league using FAAB, along with providing the links so you can see the full report and standings for each league.

American League

LTaveras, TexPatrick Davitt 715
BDalbec, BosMike Gianella 443
DDunning, CWSJeff Erickson 237
JDyson, CWSDoug Dennis 102
RArozarena, TBRob Leibowitz 76
NMargevicius, SeaRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 76
MPineda, MinRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 76
RGuzman, TexChris Liss 75
JFleming, TBJeff Erickson 67
DGarcia, NYYJason Collette 62
KPlawecki, BosRob Leibowitz 31
JPanik, TorRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 26
JHeim, OakDoug Dennis 22
JHahn, KCMike Gianella 18
LNewsome, SeaRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 16
CHernandez, KCDoug Dennis 8
BOGrady, TBJason Collette 5
MAndujar, NYYDoug Dennis 5
KSmith, TBJason Collette 3
MPerez, TBMike Gianella 1
LRengifo, LAAChris Liss 1
YRamirez, SeaMike Gianella 0
GGreiner, DetPatrick Davitt 0
Full report available here

National League

MMoreland, SDPhil Hertz 734
IAnderson, AtlFred Zinkie 374
TRosenthal, SDTristan H. Cockcroft 342
JAlbMartinez, ChCSteve Gardner 197
JIGarcia, CinPeter Kreutzer 131
TClarke, AriPeter Kreutzer 103
TRogers, MiaPeter Kreutzer 77
JMateo, SDPeter Kreutzer 73
TMilone, AtlBrian Walton 52
JOviedo, StLTristan H. Cockcroft 32
MGivens, ColGrey Albright 27
BHolt, WasGrey Albright 2
CCasali, CinGrey Albright 2
SCoonrod, SFFred Zinkie 2
Full report available here

Mixed Auction

IAnderson, AtlBrent Hershey 189
TRogers, SFBrent Hershey 110
DCastillo, TBTim Heaney 96
ELongoria, SFBrent Hershey 87
SHaggerty, SeaJeff Zimmerman 79
MMargot, TBBrent Hershey 79
SBarlow, KCBrent Hershey 77
DDunning, CWSTim Heaney 67
TMilone, AtlMichael Rathburn 60
LTaveras, TexScott Engel 51
DWilliams, MilAl Melchior 48
JHapp, NYYDerek VanRiper 44
DGarcia, NYYDerek VanRiper 44
GSoto, DetEric Karabell 36
JFleming, TBEric Karabell 32
NMargevicius, SeaMichael Rathburn 29
BDalbec, BosAl Melchior 22
JHahn, KCScott Pianowski 6
JDiekman, OakRon Shandler 5
CFerguson, LADRon Shandler 5
LTrivino, OakRon Shandler 5
YGomes, WasMichael Rathburn 4
RGuzman, TexScott Engel 4
JGant, StLJeff Zimmerman 2
TBarnhart, CinTim Heaney 0
Full report available here

Mixed Draft

LTaveras, TexRay Murphy 216
RRodriguez, PitRay Murphy 126
GSoto, DetRay Murphy 126
TRogers, SFAnthony Perri 125
IAnderson, AtlPerry Van Hook 123
SHaggerty, SeaAdam Ronis 53
VCaratini, ChCSeth Trachtman 45
RTellez, TorRudy Gamble 38
BDalbec, BosScott White 37
DDunning, CWSRudy Gamble 37
MGivens, ColScott White 37
JLester, ChCPerry Van Hook 27
DHudson, StLTom Kessenich 14
YHirano, SeaPerry Van Hook 13
ROHearn, KCGreg Ambrosius 11
JCandelario, DetPerry Van Hook 7
BMiller, StLScott White 6
CAnderson, TorCharlie Wiegert 5
AlYoung, AriCharlie Wiegert 5
YKikuchi, SeaCharlie Wiegert 5
JStaumont, KCAdam Ronis 4
CCasali, CinPerry Van Hook 3
AKay, TorTim McCullough 2
ABarnes, LADTim McCullough 2
JFleming, TBAdam Ronis 2
DWilliams, MilScott White 0
Full available here

Head to Head

IAnderson, AtlAndy Behrens 541
DGarcia, NYYNick Pollack 150
ZEflin, PhiNick Pollack 125
BBelt, SFIan Kahn 73
DDunning, CWSFrank Stampfl 62
TWilliams, PitAriel Cohen 45
SPiscotty, OakAriel Cohen 44
BMiller, StLIan Kahn 31
DWilliams, MilAlex Chamberlain 28
AKay, TorAriel Cohen 23
JDunn, SeaAJ Mass 20
DSolano, SFAriel Cohen 18
JStaumont, KCAlex Chamberlain 13
TGonsolin, LADFrank Stampfl 13
SLugo, NYMFrank Stampfl 12
KAllard, TexIan Kahn 11
RMountcastle, BalFrank Stampfl 8
EFedde, WasAriel Cohen 8
TButtrey, LAAFrank Stampfl 7
SHaggerty, SeaRalph Lifshitz 6
ELongoria, SFRalph Lifshitz 5
JTrevino, TexIan Kahn 4
GHolland, KCAriel Cohen 4
JJunis, KCRalph Lifshitz 3
GSoto, DetClay Link 2
JHernandez, TexClay Link 2
JStallings, PitFrank Stampfl 2
Full report available here

Full report for Draft and Hold League available here.

Tout Daily Picks

Time is running out to capture a ticket to the Tout Daily Finals. It’s the second week of Period 2 of the Tuesday contest. Here’s who some of the Touts are counting on to score big points.

Charlie Wiegert (CDM Sports, @GFFantasySports)

Pitcher: Cueto Paddack – The obvious choice is Cole and Bieber, but I’m hoping to save a few$ with these two and get close to the same results

Hitter: Abreu Cruz – Hope they stay hot, taking Joey Bart hoping for a dinger

Phil Hertz (BaseballHQ, @prhz50)

Pitcher: German Marquez –

Hitter: Jacob Cronenworth – I’ll keep starting the rookie until he cools off.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Pitcher: Shane Bieber – I’m not looking to save any money on pitching this contest. I tried to save some money with Aaron Nola and that was no bueno with negative points. I’ve got Bieber fever tonight at $10,800.

Hitter: Fernando Tatis Jr. – Tatis is not cheap tonight at $5,500 but he has the potential to put up big numbers tonight against left-handed pitcher, Gonzalez.

Anthony Aniano (Rotoballer, @AAnianoFantasy)

Pitcher: Lucas Giolito – He has 20 or more fantasy points in 3 of 5 starts and faces a Pittsburgh team that only averages 3.4 runs per game on the road

Hitter: Aaron Judge – Judge returns from the DL tonight to face Ian Anderson who is making his MLB debut. I’m betting on the Judge tonight against the 22 year old.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Pitcher: Lucas Giolito – Back in the groove

Hitter: Leody Taveras – Paying for pitching so need a semi-free square somewhere. Batting leadoff against Manaea, so I should have five chances to be disappointed

Rick Wolf (Fantasy Alarm, @RickWolf1)

Pitcher: Shane Bieber – Shane has become one of the most dominant pitchers in the majors averaging more than 11Ks a game start. In four of his six starts, he let up zero earned runs. It is the long ball that got him in the other two and he will have to keep[ away from Kepler, Cruz and Rosario. Look for 10+ Ks, 2 ER and 7 IP.

Hitter: Jose Abreu – Too obvious? He is en fuego with 7 straight games of more than 15 DK points. His power stroke is there. Investing tonight!

Jeff Erickson (Rotowire, @Jeff_Erickson)

Pitcher: Chris Paddack – Debated who to pair with Cole tonight – originally was on Woodruff over Paddack, but I needed to use the extra $400 for hitting.

Hitter: Trevor Story – I’m going back to the well with Story, who keeps raking against the Diamondbacks regardless of the venue.

Tout Wars FAAB Report: Week of August 24

Each week, we’ll share the winning bids for the five Tout Wars league using FAAB, along with providing the links so you can see the full report and standings for each league.

American League

TMcKenzie, CleRob Leibowitz 378
SHaggerty, SeaLarry Schechter 350
IParedes, DetJeff Erickson 183
LCessa, NYYPatrick Davitt 99
SHeineman, TexMike Podhorzer 96
TJones, HouRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 56
TanScott, BalMike Gianella 50
JCisnero, DetMike Gianella 50
AVelazquez, BalMike Podhorzer 48
JBonifacio, DetMike Podhorzer 48
TMilone, BalRyan Bloomfield 47
JTrevino, TexJeff Erickson 37
JCurtiss, TBMike Gianella 25
CGallagher, KCRyan Bloomfield 24
RJeffers, MinMike Gianella 23
PFairbanks, TBJason Collette 14
JMerryweather, TorJason Collette 13
IVargas, MinRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 11
BTaylor, ClePatrick Davitt 9
AScrubb, HouChris Liss 9
JRodriguez, TexJeff Erickson 7
DAltavilla, SeaChris Liss 3
TMcFarland, OakHoward Bender 2
ALoup, TBLarry Schechter 2
ZGodley, BosRick Wolf/Glenn Colton 2
MFreeman, ClePatrick Davitt 0
PMaton, ClePatrick Davitt 0
SEspinal, TorRob Leibowitz 0
BBishop, SeaDoug Dennis 0
Full report available here

National League

BWorkman, PhiBrian Walton 734
SSanchez, MiaTristan H. Cockcroft 285
JSanchez, MiaTristan H. Cockcroft 105
MBeaty, LADPeter Kreutzer 63
TCahill, SFTodd Zola 33
AMorejon, SDPeter Kreutzer 33
LTorrens, SDJustin Mason 14
CStammen, SDGrey Albright 12
HMejia, MiaScott Wilderman 12
KCron, AriJustin Mason 12
MPayton, CinBrian Walton 11
NWalker, PhiTodd Zola 7
TAntone, CinFred Zinkie 2
TMatzek, AtlPeter Kreutzer 0
Full report available here

Mixed Auction

EPagan, SDBret Sayre 213
TMcKenzie, CleDerek VanRiper 177
JBart, SFBrent Hershey 147
RMountcastle, BalBrent Hershey 131
MBarnes, BosJake Ciely 98
TSkubal, DetDerek VanRiper 77
BMiller, StLDerek VanRiper 69
JProfar, SDBrent Hershey 67
BReynolds, PitScott Engel 48
LWebb, SFScott Swanay 45
CMullins, BalJeff Zimmerman 42
TAnderson, SFAl Melchior 42
DHudson, StLZach Steinhorn 39
KPillar, BosZach Steinhorn 33
DBard, ColEric Karabell 31
FGalvis, CinAl Melchior 27
MPerez, BosBret Sayre 26
CSisco, BalDerek VanRiper 22
JTrevino, TexScott Engel 22
MagSierra, MiaAl Melchior 22
JBeeks, TBAl Melchior 22
AAvila, MinAl Melchior 21
JNaylor, SDScott Engel 20
AMorejon, SDRon Shandler 19
BreAnderson, MilJeff Zimmerman 18
DFowler, StLZach Steinhorn 12
CAnderson, TorJeff Zimmerman 12
MZunino, TBTim Heaney 11
RTellez, TorJeff Zimmerman 11
AFrazier, PitScott Swanay 5
RRodriguez, PitJeff Zimmerman 2
TAntone, CinScott Swanay 0
BCrawford, SFJeff Zimmerman 0
AHedges, SDTim Heaney 0
Full report available here

Mixed Draft

EPagan, SDRay Murphy 265
TMcKenzie, CleAnthony Perri 245
SSanchez, MiaGreg Ambrosius 129
JBart, SFScott White 117
TSkubal, DetAdam Ronis 88
RTapia, ColTom Kessenich 87
JUpton, LAAAnthony Perri 76
MBarnes, BosAnthony Perri 75
JMcGee, LADTom Kessenich 73
MMoreland, BosD.J. Short 70
BreAnderson, MilCharlie Wiegert 62
CMullins, BalAdam Ronis 58
CPache, AtlScott White 37
SHilliard, ColD.J. Short 35
NMazara, CWSRay Murphy 24
MRojas, MiaGreg Ambrosius 19
AHedges, SDGreg Ambrosius 17
JRomano, TorTim McLeod 12
CSisco, BalAdam Ronis 9
ESogard, MilRudy Gamble 6
JJeffress, ChCTom Kessenich 4
LGarcia, WasAdam Ronis 4
RQuinn, PhiTim McCullough 3
SBrault, PitTim McCullough 2
MPerez, BosTom Kessenich 1
DMendick, CWSTim McLeod 1
JReddick, HouTom Kessenich 1
SBarlow, KCTom Kessenich 1
CRoe, TBTim McCullough 0
MShoemaker, TorScott White 0
DBard, ColScott White 0
JStallings, PitTim McLeod 0
Full available here

Head to Head

TMcKenzie, CleRyan Hallam 136
CMize, DetPaul Sporer 121
JCronenworth, SDIan Kahn 108
JBart, SFRyan Hallam 73
SSanchez, MiaClay Link 67
RRay, AriRyan Hallam 66
MBoyd, DetAndrea LaMont 65
BreAnderson, MilAriel Cohen 44
MCarpenter, StLRyan Hallam 44
CFrazier, NYYRyan Hallam 32
ABohm, PhiFrank Stampfl 32
MFranco, KCAriel Cohen 23
MMoreland, BosAndrea LaMont 22
HRobles, LAAAndrea LaMont 22
JSheffield, SeaFrank Stampfl 22
EPagan, SDAriel Cohen 18
CAnderson, TorAndrea LaMont 14
NAhmed, AriAriel Cohen 8
LGurriel, TorPaul Sporer 8
TRoark, TorIan Kahn 8
JHapp, NYYFrank Stampfl 7
TWilliams, SeaFrank Stampfl 7
JProfar, SDIan Kahn 5
AlYoung, AriRalph Lifshitz 4
YGomes, WasPaul Sporer 3
VCaratini, ChCAlex Chamberlain 3
CSisco, BalFrank Stampfl 2
ESogard, MilAndy Behrens 2
DHolland, PitRalph Lifshitz 1
Full report available here

Full report for Draft and Hold League available here.

Tout Daily Picks: Yu Better Believe It

We start with a clean slate as both the Tuesday and Friday initial three-week periods are complete. Tonight begins another chance at Golden Tickets into the Tout Daily Championship. Here’s who a few of the Touts are relying on to get them there.

Steve Gardner (USAToday Fantasy Sports, @SteveAGardner)

Pitcher: Nate Pearson – Coming off his worst outing in three MLB starts, it’s time for Pearson to show his true talent against an overachieving Orioles lineup.

Hitter: Luis Garcia – I don’t really like ANY of the second basemen today, so I’ll go cheap with the Nats rookie who just hit his first MLB homer last night. That’s two rookie picks on one slate!

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Pitcher: Carlos Carrasco – He’s averaged over 7 K’s per outing this season, so you have to like his chances tonight at Pittsburgh. At $9,900, he’s not cheap, but there are a lot of other pitchers I would not touch tonight.

Hitter: Max Kepler – Kepler’s batting average is nothing to brag about at .231, but he hit his 6th home run last night and I love his $4,700 salary tonight.

Derek Carty (RotoGrinders, @DerekCarty)

Pitcher: Yu Darvish – Darvish will be the chalk, no doubt, but there’s no need to get cute in cash games. He’s added velocity this year and is using his fastball less (almost always a good thing for a pitcher), and today he gets 10+ mph winds blowing in in Wrigley, which is the equivalent of like 30+ mph anywhere else. Pay up and move on with your life.

Hitter: Rhys Hoskins – The impression is that Hoskins is having a bad year, and now he’s $4,900 on DK. But his K% is down, BB% is up, and his Statcast numbers are all in line or better than previous years. His xwOBA is near .400. Give him a big park upgrade into Fenway and a weak opposing pitcher in Godley, and you have a very strong play.

Phil Hertz (BaseballHQ, @prhz50)

Pitcher: Kenta Maeda – I’ve always liked Maeda and he’s pitching well and at home. I’ll stick with him

Hitter: Juan Soto – Yeah, he’s expensive, but I like his match-up and he’s got a 1.618 OPS over his last 10 games.

Ray Murphy (BaseballHQ, @RayHQ)

Pitcher: Carlos Carrasco – Seems like a pretty clear top 3 of Darvish, Carrasco, Maeda. I’m skipping Maeda, for no particularly good reason. Carrasco’s matchup is too good to fade IMO.

Hitter: Randall Grichuk – Underpriced at 3700, batting 2nd against Wade Leblanc. Yes please.

Charlie wiegert (CDM Sports, @GFFantasySports)

Pitcher: Masahiro Tanaka – Like the price and he’s pitching well…can go deep into game, get 7+ k’s

Hitter: Robinson Cano – Cano has been hot and I’ve got three White Sox hitters going against Tiger rookie.

Anthony Aniano (Rotoballer, @AAnianoFantasy)

Pitcher: Yu Darvish – The obvious play tonight as the most expensive pitcher on the board. He faces a Cardinal team averaging less than 4 runs per game

Hitter: Dom Smith – $4300 for the Mets best hitter. He has 15 or more fantasy points in 5 of his last 6 games

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Pitcher: Yu Darvish – Going back to the style when I used to actually be sort of good at this – pay for pitching and figure out the rest

Hitter: Randal Grichuk – Grichuk dialed in, but more importantly enjoys a great matchup in Camden Yards